“Life Remodeled” [v148]

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NEXT THURSDAY night, JUNE 2nd, you are INVITED to the premiere
viewing of the “LIFE REMODELED: EPISODE ONE” ‘Reality TV’ show
(like “Extreme Makeover,” we built a house in ONE WEEK—
but there’s much, much more to this story—come find out!).

EMAGINE theater in Canton (on Ford Road, just east of 275).

Showings are at 6P and 8P.

Tickets are only $1  (so, ‘spring’ for a friend or two!)

Come out to support this “MOVEMENT” to ‘resurrect’ Detroit—
one community at a time!

More info: http://liferemodeled.com

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JUNE 2011


I’ve got to believe that many of you have done some kind of home “remodeling” in your lives—whether it be just be painting your bedroom (I had a black-light reflective wall once), or adding on an entire addition—it takes a bit of planning, the right amount of expertise, and a ‘stick-to-it-ive-ness’ to see the project to completion.

Last month I mentioned a project I am associated with called “Life Remodeled”—the ‘brain-child’ of “Ekklesia Church (“Ek-LAY-see-uh”), which started only a few years ago (in 2008)
http://www.ekklesiadetroit.com/ ].

They came up with an idea that they term is a “new kind of Reality TV show”—though it’s far more than just a show—they say it’s a “MOVEMENT.”

After about a year of planning and preparation, the ‘building’ portion of the project started the day after Easter (25 APR 11) thru the end of that week (1 MAY 11). Over 450 volunteers completed the building of a brand new house in Westland, Michigan IN JUST ONE WEEK! It was then given away to a struggling family (a single mother with 4 girls) by “Ekklesia Church” and the City of Westland, Michigan (including, of course, the donations of thousands of other people and organizations!).

However, this is where “Life Remodeled” ‘parts company’ from a ‘Reality Show’ like “Extreme Makeover”—it’s much, much more than just building a house—it’s about REMODELING LIVES.

In addition to the house, a ‘team’ of professionals have also volunteered their time to teach this family important financial principles, provide all of the family members free counseling, spiritual guidance, and equipping them with other life skills [They will continue to help the members of this family with whatever needs they have—for as long as they need them!].

Intended to be the first of many ‘episodes’ of this ‘Reality TV’ show, this premiere episode will document the ‘journey’ of everything that has happen related to this project and the family, for over the past few months.

It is a ‘heartwarming’ story—with many ‘ups and downs’ presented (just like life)—and shows how this family grew closer to each other, how this affected their surrounding community, and how the FREE ‘GIFT’ they have received was not because of what they had done, but because of the ‘compassion’ they were afforded by many CARING people.

[FYI: For a bit of ‘background’ on the project, view their site:
http://liferemodeled.com/  AND follow this “movement” by
“LIKING” their Facebook Page:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-Remodeled/151195761594614 ].

Even though this project was ‘focused’ on just one family, many people mentioned to me while I was on site (and since) that THEY were ‘remodeled’ by the experience—and were going to focus on strengthening their relationships with friends, family, and God.Just like these people have found, as I get older (and hopefully gaining more ‘wisdom’), I realize that we all are in the PROCESS of being ‘REMODELED’—the important thing is ‘where’ we put our focus on getting the proper ‘DIRECTION’.

Let me suggest that the God of the Bible, our “Creator,” would be the One that would know what’s the best for us—and if you have surrendered your life to His Son, Jesus, you are in the ‘process’ of being make more and more into the likeness of Christ [2 Corinthians 3:18]. This makes one a “new creature”—not ‘perfect’, but the ‘grubs’ in our ‘yard’ will continue to being cleaned out. We’re still people who sin, living in a sinful world, who struggle to obey God, and do what is right.

But the good news is, we are God’s ‘project’, not a ‘makeover’ we try to ‘grind out’ ourselves. True, it requires our participation, but becoming more and more ‘holy’ starts, continues, and ends with the power of God.

So, just like the contractors did before they built the “Life Remodeled” home, the kind of ‘foundation’ you build on really matters. The Bible says that it’s the “foolish builder” that builds on sand, since when the ‘storms’ come (and they will!), it will fall with a “great crash”—but it a “wise builder” who build on the rock, since it will stand against the ‘storms’.

[See a short video of the work on the ‘solid’ “L.R.” foundation here (in an April snowstorm!):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=71wi4BWgPK8 ].

The Bible also mentions that, “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” [Psalm 127:1a]. Again, just as was done with the “Life Remodeled” house, there were construction ‘plans’ to guide the contractors on how to properly build it—and that’s what God wants to ‘impart’ to you!

Again, just as is was for the Strong family that received the house as a ‘free gift’ was not because of what they had done—God wants to afford you the same kind of FREE ‘GIFT’ of ‘compassion’ to help you in your ‘PROCESS’ to successfully complete this life as He has intended for you (FYI: You get to live in a “mansion” that He has prepared for you!).

If you have not yet done so, let me encourage you to investigate how Jesus can help you ‘REMODEL’ your life, and give you the assurance of eternal life with Him!

[Excerpts from: Dr. James MacDonald; Keith Rohrer; LifeRemodeled.com]
[P.S.: If you would like to investigate further about what the Bible has to say about how to GROW CLOSER to God in the here and now, visit the following link:

[FYI: “Life Remodeled” is registered Nonprofit corporation, and all donations are tax-deductible. http://liferemodeled.com/ ].



If you have a ‘neat’ story or some thoughts about an issue or current event that you would like me to try to respond to, I would be glad to give it a try…so, send them to me at:mbesh@comcast.net


One of the more popular television shows in the past few years has been a program called Extreme Makeover. The show’s “hook” revolves around the belief that people will actually feel different if they can only look different.

I was skeptical at first, but I have to admit the physical transformations that take place are nothing short of miraculous! Through tummy tucks, eye lifts, dental surgery, and a seemingly endless variety of implants, the physical attributes of the patients change in dramatic fashion. They emerge from their former physical selves as though they were beautiful monarchs shedding the imprisoning confines of an ugly chrysalis.

As stunning as these changes are though, I am still of the belief that these people are pretty much the same on the inside as they were before they became so drastically different on the outside. Can that be true even after thousands of dollars spent, dozens of surgeries performed, and hours of physical pain endured? Oh, these people might have a little more confidence, and they may even get a little egotistical, but when it’s all over, the studio lights dim, and the cheering crowd goes home, I believe that they are still, well…themselves!

God’s word is clear that unless we have an extreme spiritual makeover that we will retain the same feelings, desires and habits that we have always wrestled with. We still struggle with self worth, and often wonder to ourselves, “Is this all that life has to offer?”

The fact is, we can make over everything in our lives, but if we don’t allow God to do an extreme spiritual makeover we’ll still be just as miserable as we always were. We can get a new car, a new house, a new job, or even a new spouse, but unless we get to the root of where all happiness comes from we’re going to be right back where we started.

More than a makeover: God’s prescription for true happiness doesn’t involve tummy tucks, facelifts, or maxillofacial surgery. His prescription for a better life is nothing short of an entire heart transplant!

“I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed” (Ezekiel 36:26).

What God promises here is an extreme spiritual makeover that will bring true happiness, peace, and yes, even joy into our lives. And the best news is that we don’t have to make an appointment to have a consultation with the Great Physician. The doctor is always in!
[Michael Temple]

Of all the reality shows on TV today, my favorite is Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. In this show a family is whisked away from their home for a week while a crew of designers and carpenters remodel their once ordinary home into a state of the art showplace. The family chosen is generally has a special need. One episode featured a family of nine children who lost both their parents in the span of two weeks. Another episode featured a family of four expecting triplets. Generally by the end of the show, the family has a wonderful new home and I’ve gone through at least a box of Kleenex.

As Christians, we too are special-need recipients of a wonderful makeover. In II Corinthians 5:17, Paul writes, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” We’re not the same as we used to be. We’ve been born again. Just as the design team on the show tears down walls and builds them back up in a new way, so God tears down the walls we’ve built in our lives and remakes us in his image. While the house is gutted to its bare minimum, the carpenters work with the existing structure of the house instead of razing it to its foundation. God also doesn’t scrap us and start over. In Revelation 21:5, the risen Christ proclaims, “I am making everything new!” Notice he says he makes everything new, not new everything. God could easily and justifiably toss us aside and just start over again fresh, but Christ’s main business is redemption, redeeming us for something greater in him than we ever could have imagined before.

In Jeremiah 18, God directs Jeremiah to go to a potter’s house. Jeremiah watches as the potter works at his wheel and becomes displeased with the vessel he’s working on. So being the creator, he smashes the clay back into a lump and starts over. Did you notice that he doesn’t get new clay? He takes the clay he has and makes something better. When we trust our clay into God’s hands, we too are formed into something much better than we are.

The family on the show could easily turn down the makeover. They could decide that they just don’t trust this team of strangers to completely wreck their house and start over. How do they know how it will turn out? What shape will their house be in when they get home? Shouldn’t we just leave well enough alone? Who are these people and why are they waking me up at 6:00 a.m. with a bullhorn?

Too often we turn down our makeovers from God. We’re not too sure about this new stuff. What I’ve got now may not be great, but at least it’s familiar. Sometimes, we let God make some changes, but not all of them. We don’t want to go too far with this whole change thing. Change is scary. The trick is trust.

So much of our Christian life is about trust. Do we trust God to save us? Do we trust God to direct our lives? Do we trust God to remake us into something different and wonderful? Are you ready for your Extreme Spiritual Makeover?
[Sandra Perry]

As I lay in bed today, resting, I turned on the ‘telly’ to see Ty Pennington, transform the life, of yet another family in need. His ability to construct a home, into something totally extreme is amazing to watch unfold in only seven days.  It is so inspiring to see how communities and volunteer’s from across the country, unite, to bring hope to those who have been distraught with medical, financial, or emotional tragedies. To think, that there are so many individuals, willing to give up seven days of their life, to help someone else…this is truly EXTREME.

We all seem to find our lives so incredibly busy with work, family, and social activities, that we barely have time to care for the needs of our own loved ones. Shouldn’t each of us desire the motivation that is required to commit ourselves, to a total transformation in the life of a total stranger?

But, somewhere along the way, we believe that there will be someone else who will step in, and give of themselves, to make this a reality of extreme proportions. The fact remains, that if we all felt that way…these projects would never get accomplished. We all seem to want to put that burden, on the backs of others. I think our mentality is similar to those who want to believe, that their lives will never be touched by cancer, untimely death, divorce, or the loss of a child. To ALL OTHER people…WE are the percentages that will live to see those tragedies come to pass. Our bodies are just the fleshly house to our heart and soul. We must be willing sacrifice our time and devotion, to give to the needs of others. This will strengthen our bodies, mind and souls to bring glory to You, God, one selfless act at a time.

To partake in the vision, that must join framers, sheet rock installers, painters, designers, cleaning crews, and a multitude of other volunteers together to make this dream a reality, they must have full cooperation and commitment without fail. It is heartwarming to see so many, work with enthusiasm to make miracles happen for another, yet receive absolutely no financial compensation, or glory, for their hard work. I realize that the television personalities that star on this series are rewarded with monetary gain, but there are hundreds, of behind-the-scenes men and women who are just there to help a family who is at their breaking point. I commend each and every one of them for their devotion to making dreams come true.

I am curious though, as to how much could be accomplished in the same amount of time, with individuals willing to travel and give of themselves physically and financially, to the greatest cause that affects our entire world. God, we need an Extreme Makeover-Spiritual Edition. Your love and the words of the scripture have the ability to transform lives for an eternal purpose, not just a temporary home. While four walls that protect us from the elements are essential to every human being, we must acknowledge that we house the heart and soul that requires protection from sin and the snares that can bring us into the darkness that separates us from You, Christ.

I pray, that perhaps each one of us, will be inspired to have a Spiritual Awakening that catches on across American, then spreads to each and every continent on the planet. We have the capabilities to reach into the farther most regions of earth. This simply was not possible just decades ago. We can communicate and share the gospel with those who are destined to be spiritually homeless, unless we care enough to make extreme changes, to save each of them. Having a makeover of substantial proportions can transform the lives of an extreme population living without You, Christ. If we are to visualize, how much a physical dwelling place, can mean to one family…then must be diligent in striving to find all possibly means to reach those who require a change of heart. To find those who are willing to build a life based on the principle faith that firmly cements our lives together with the spirit of Christ.

A broken heart, just as a broken-down home, needs to be demolished. It needs a fresh start on solid ground with all the proper materials to begin again. The shingles and gutters that are decaying with sin, need to be hauled away.  We can shed the guilt, shame and heartache that are the support beams of Satan’s influence. Then we can rebuilt on the solid rock foundation that IS Jesus Christ.

The show allows the families to go on a luxury vacation, and finally relax, knowing that when they return home, their worries are just distant memories. This same concept is true for those who are imprisoned by the bondage that sin takes in their lives. By receiving the message of God’s grace and forgiveness, they can receive the luxury that comes with finally casting all their cares upon You, Lord. There is no place on earth, not even Disney World, that will bring the happiness and peace that only a spiritual makeover can provide.

Thank You, Lord, for making me understand that we all have a tremendous job to do. We are volunteer’s every single day of the week. We can truly make a life changing alteration in the spiritual life of someone who is otherwise, destined for a lifetime of darkness and despair. You are the creator, the designer, the framer, and especially–the clean up crew to each Extreme Makeover: Spiritual Edition. You weren’t afraid to live life in a fleshly form, and be put to death for us. You designed us to walk in freedom and live a life of extreme miracles.

They may shout…”Move that Bus”…But, I will shout “Move that Mountain”! For with faith, the size of a mustard seed- we can change our lives, and the lives of the Spiritually challenged everywhere…by our desires of an EXTREME MAKEOVER- SPIRITUAL EDITION.

I guess there’s just one more thing left to say…Welcome home God’s family…Welcome home!
[Gina Ware]

As fallen humans, we often feel like we’re missing something, that we’re not good enough. The world offers its answers in the form of cosmetic solutions—a new car, a new house or an improved physical feature. But God has a better picture of who you can be and it’s one that can’t be bought at any price.

Take your students on a discovery of the conflict between the new life and the old sinful nature in God’s Extreme Makeover, a 4-part sermon series given by Doug Fields. While our culture tells us to change our outside, God points to the Fruit of the Spirit and tells us He will change us from the inside.

The 4 lessons are:
Being Attractive Without Having To Look Good — Overview (Picture, Problem, & Plan)
Being Attractive Without Having To Look Good — Peace
Being Attractive Without Having To Look Good — Patience
Being Attractive Without Having To Look Good — Self-control

This series is one that will have immediate resonance with your students and will most likely be one your senior pastor will probably try to ‘borrow’ while you’re not looking, so keep an eye on it. Considered one of Doug Fields’ best series, God’s Extreme Makeover is available now at a low cost to help you save time and money.

[http://www.simplyyouthministry.com/resources-sermons-god-s-extreme-makeover.html ]

“Understand that while home improvement projects can increase the value and comfort of your home, most projects are not necessary. Remembering that your project may be a ‘want’ and not a ‘need’ can help you to enjoy your home sweet remodeled home.”
[Cate Williams]


Hope you enjoyed some of these insights—share them with your friends and colleagues—so we can have a larger ‘pool’ to receive from, and more to share with!  Also, remember to include your name as the “source,” if some of this wisdom is of your doing—I would like to give credit where credit is due!

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
[Matthew 7:24-27].


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If you would like to make a comment on this subject,
or read previous “Thoughts,” visit the “Deep Thoughts” blog:



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Disclaimer: All the above jokes & inspirations are obtained from various sources and copyright are used when known. Other than our name and headers, we do not own the copyright to any of the materials sent to this list. We just want to spread the ministry of God’s love and cheerfulness throughout the world.

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2 Responses to ““Life Remodeled” [v148]”

  1. Still ‘Transforming’ | LIFE'S DEEP THOUGHTS Says:

    […] “Life Remodeled”: https://markbesh.wordpress.com/life-remodeled-v148/ […]


  2. Continually ‘Transforming’ | LIFE'S DEEP THOUGHTS Says:

    […] “Life Remodeled”: https://markbesh.wordpress.com/life-remodeled-v148/ […]


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