‘Home’ At Last!!! [v290]

APRIL 2023

After traveling to a place that you might consider “heaven on earth” why, after some time, do you start to think that “There’s no place like home”? So, will there ever be a time when these two feelings describe the same ‘place’? That going ‘Home’ will be Heaven ‘ON’ Earth?

As I mentioned last month, this month’s post will be a ‘continuation’ of what I presented in it. The final comment I made said that God will—after the “Millennium”—renew both the Heavens and Earth and create a city called the “New Jerusalem” which will be Heaven ‘ON’ the Earth—the perfect eternal dwelling place of all believers FOREVER!

[ VIDEO: “Revelation 21-22” (Set to Matt Gilman’s “New Jerusalem” song):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soB6ke6ydnA&t=195s ]

At the point I have the above video starting at, the lyrics of Matt Gilman’s song say:

“I looked and saw a city descending down from Heaven, yeah
Prepared just like a bride for the Son of Man.
There’s a day of gladness, it’s written on His heart,
And He is longing for the day when we will never be apart.”

The current Heavens and Earth have long been subject to the ‘Curse’ because of mankind’s sin. All creation “has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth” (Romans 8:22) as it awaits the fulfillment of God’s plan and “the children of God to be revealed” (Romans 8:19). Heaven and Earth will pass away (Mark 13:31), and they will be replaced by the New Heavens and the New Earth. At that time, God says, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5), and in the new creation, sin will be eradicated, and “there shall be no more curse” (Revelation 22:3).

The New Earth will be free from sin, evil, sickness, suffering, and death. It will be similar to our current earth but without the curse of sin. It will be Earth as God ORIGINALLY ‘INTENDED’ it to be. ‘Eden’ will be restored!

A major feature of the New Earth will be the New Jerusalem. John calls it “the Holy City coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband” [ Revelation 21:2 ]. This glorious City, with its streets of gold and pearly gates, is situated on a new, glorious, ‘restored’ Earth. The Tree of Life—which was in the Garden of Eden—will also be there (Revelation 22:2). This City represents the final state of redeemed mankind, forever in fellowship with God: “God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God… His servants will serve Him. They will see his face” [ Revelation 21:3; 22:3-4 ].

The lyrics to Matt’s song continues with:

“Behold the tabernacle of God will be with man,
And He will be our God, and we will be His people.
And the bride, she will marry the Lamb,
But until that day, I’m longing for the New Jerusalem.”

I second and ‘expand’ Matt’s sentiment in his song: I am ‘LONGING’ for the New Heavens, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem! ARE YOU?

[ NOTE: An ‘official’ lyrics video of Matt Gilman’s “New Jerusalem” song is in the “Songs” section below. ]














– ‘Reversal’ Of The Curse
– ‘Restoration’ Of All Things
– ‘Removal’ Of The Seas






[ Believer’s Lifetime Timeline Chart ]

<<< SUMMARY >>>

The following is a collection of ‘snippets’ from the post that aims to give you the overall ‘jest’ of this post.
[ 10-15 Minute Read ].

As I mentioned in last month’s post, when people are asked what “heaven on earth” means to them, they respond with a ‘place’ that is beautiful, visually striking, calming, and peaceful. The most used definition was “A very pleasurable or enjoyable place or situation.”

Some of the synonyms I found used were: Paradise, Utopia, Euphoria, Bliss, Elation, Delight, Happiness, Joyousness, Jubilation, Rhapsody, Glee, Intoxication, Cloud Nine, Wonderland, Nirvana, Shangri-La, Arcadia, Garden of Eden, The Promised Land.

When asked what places they think actually ‘fulfill’ those descriptions, there were many suggestions, since it is not hard to find ‘natural’ beauty on this massive planet.
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So, to determine what destinations were described as “paradise,” “heaven on earth,” “most beautiful places on earth,” or “the must-see destinations before you die,” I scoured the Internet for some “Top” lists. I came up with 67 (my age) locations that were mentioned time and time again. Then, I went through that list and created my “Top 10” list, and they are listed alphabetically below. [ Note: I did put each of the locations that, historically, have been called/officially ‘recognized’ as “heaven on earth” (“Hispaniola,” Kashmir, Seychelles, and Switzerland)—so I only could pick six for myself! Excruciating! ]
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Now, as I mentioned in last month’s post, in 1516, English humanist Sir Thomas More published a book titled “Utopia,” which compared social and economic conditions in Europe with those of an ideal society on an imaginary island located off the coast of the Americas. More wanted to imply that the perfect conditions on his fictional island could never really exist, so he called it “Utopia,” a name he created by combining the Greek words ou (“not, no”) and topos (“place”). The earliest generic use of utopia was for an imaginary and indefinitely remote place. The current use of utopia, referring to an ideal place or society, was inspired by More’s description of Utopia’s perfection.

So, when people are asked about “heaven on earth,” many (usually older) remember the 1933 novel written by James Hilton titled “Lost Horizon” (which was turned into a hit Hollywood movie in 1937). In it, he described a mythical land he called “Shangri-La,” a fictional account of the legendary Tibetan paradise “Shambala” (or Shambhala”). [ Hilton changed the name of his paradise to “Shangri-La.” ] The ancient Tibetan Buddhist myth of the spiritual kingdom of Shambala is said to exist somewhere between the Himalayas Mountains and the Gobi Desert and is thought, by some, to have informed Hilton’s description of his fictional Shangri-La.

Hilton describes Shangri-La as a mystical, harmonious valley that has become synonymous with any earthly paradise, particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia—a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world. In this paradise, people live for hundreds of years and age very slowly. In addition, the cultural treasures and wisdom of the world are stored there, in anticipation of a future of peace on Earth. Lost Horizon caught the popular imagination, and Shangri-La entered the lexicon as a term for “Utopia.” These days, Utopia is usually defined as an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect—everything works and everyone is happy.
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The wisdom of the world tells us that if we make pleasure the main aim of life it would bring us heavenly joy. Yet people who are given a life of fun, excitement, and pleasure have always, in the end, been disappointed that they do not get the lasting happiness they crave. The seeming happiness of hedonists is like a flash of lightning—it is gone in a moment. Such people pander to every whim of their hearts, yet never get satisfaction from them. They hanker after every luxury under the sky. Many wear themselves out in a selfish and often ruthless pursuit of wealth and power that would afford them a life of ease. Sadly, they often lose their peace and become miserable even amid plenty. They fret over the slightest of difficulties and get embittered by commonplace misfortunes. Such a shallow philosophy of life does not provide anyone with the inner resources to deal with the troubles and sorrows of earthly life. They become disillusioned with life in general, and it seems hollow and meaningless.

The thing is, it seems that this utopian feeling is implanted ‘inside’ humanity. It is built ‘into’ us, perhaps even at a genetic level. We long for what the first man and woman once enjoyed—a perfect and beautiful earth, with free and untainted relationships with God, each other, animals, and the environment. Every attempt at human progress has been an attempt to overcome what was lost in the Garden of Eden.

Meanwhile, we all long to return to “Paradise”—a perfect world, with everyone being blissfully happy and living a peaceful life. Most people, indeed, wish for ‘paradise’ here on earth but, as I mentioned, do not know ‘where’ to find it or ‘how’ to create it.

HOWEVER, the Bible does tell of a ‘place’ where everything WILL BE perfect and everyone WILL BE happy. It is called “Heaven.”

When the last breath is taken, when the last heartbeat is complete, when the eyes see their last image in the physical realm, the spiritual eyes are opened, and the beautiful existence of God’s kingdom begins to be realized. The spirit body continues when the physical body dies. As we drop off this earthly clothing, angels are standing by in their magnificence to escort the believer into the place. The Lord has created for them.

However, this “Paradise” is not our ‘final’ destination, but it is a glorious place to be. It is an eternal place that will be our ‘temporary’ residence, while we wait to return with the Lord to meet the rest of the body of Christ in the air and be reunited with our earthly bodies.
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Scripture contains many descriptions of heaven. Some of them are cast in apocalyptic language filled with symbolism and mystery. Apocalyptic symbolism in scripture always means that something of great consequence is under discussion. Don’t make the error of thinking symbolic language means the thing described is unreal. The Bible asserts that haven’t is a real place. The descriptions of heaven, even the most apocalyptic ones, described a real place.

One of the most dramatic descriptions of Heaven in all of Scripture comes from the prophet Ezekiel. Though we can’t fully understand all that Ezekiel described, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he attempted to describe what he saw: blazing light reflected off polished jewels and colored wheels of light mingling with angelic beings(the “living beings”). Around the throne of the eternal, glorious God, he saw a flashing, sparkling, spinning rainbow of brilliance.

So, how do we interpret such a mysterious language? Well, although it is impossible to interpret the specifics definitively, we can understand that Ezekiel’s aim was to put the glory of Heaven on display. The wheels that moved in concert, the flashing lightning, the sparkling jewels, and the brilliant light, all tell of God’s glory!

So, although Ezekiel’s picture of him and maybe beyond our ability to fathom, we can certainly grasp the main idea: Heaven is a realm of inexpressible glory!

Ezekiel ended his vision of heaven with a description of the throne and the inexplicable glory that emanates from it. The apostle John begins by describing that same throne. Repeatedly, he mentions the throne, which is the hub of all Heaven and the focal point of God’s presence. From the throne, God emanates all the glory of Heaven.

When a believer dies, they enter into what theologians call the “intermediate state,” a transitional period between our past lives on Earth in our future resurrection to life on the New Earth. Usually, when most people refer to “Heaven,“ they mean the place that believers go to right after they die. When one tells their children, “Grandma’s in Heaven now,” they are referring to this ‘intermediate’ Heaven.

By definition, an intermediate state or location is “temporary.” Life in the heaven where we go to when we die—where were will dwell prior to our bodily resurrection—is “better by far” than living here on earth, under the curse of sin and away from the direct presence of God (Philippians 1:23).

Still, the intermediate Heaven is NOT our ‘FINAL’ DESTINATION. Though it is a wonderful place, the intermediate Heaven is not the place we are made for—the place God promises to fashion for His ‘children’ to live in forever.

God’s children are destined for life as resurrected beings on a resurrected earth. Believers must not lose sight of their true destination. If they do, they will be confused and disoriented, thinking about where, and in what form, they will spend eternity.

The present, intermediate, Heaven is in the angelic realm, distinctly separate from the Earth. By contrast, the ‘eternal’ Heaven will be ‘ON’ EARTH, with the dwelling place of God being the dwelling place of humanity:
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The old gospel song, “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through,” is a kind of a ‘half-truth’. We may go into “Heaven” (Intermediate) via death, but eventually, we will end up back on a ‘RESTORED’ Earth to live eternally.

Earth has been damaged by our sin (Genesis 3:17). Therefore, the earth as it is now (under the “Curse”) is not our ‘home’. The world, as it WAS—and as it WILL BE—is our home.

We have never known a world without sin, suffering, and death. Yet, we yearn for such a life in such a world. Again, God put it ‘in’ us to desire it so. When we see a roaring waterfall, beautiful flowers, a wild animal in its native habitat, or the joy in the eyes of our pets when they see us, we sense that this world is—or at least it was meant to be—our ‘home’.

We are ‘pilgrims’ in this life, not because our home will never be on earth, but because our eternal home is not currently on earth. It was, and it will be, but it is not now. The Eden we all long for WILL return!

[ FYI: For more details about “no place like home,” view this previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/theres-no-place-like-home-v288/ ]

The Millennium is the time that comes after Jesus’ Second Coming. It is the transition between the old Earth and the New Earth. The Millennium will be a ‘foretaste’ of the New Heaven and a New Earth—a precursor of the eternal state. It will be different than life as we know it today, but it will still fall short of the absolute perfection of the New Heaven, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem.

The Bible tells us that Jesus will return triumphantly to the earth, split the Mount of Olives in half, march through the Eastern Gate, and sit on David’s throne in Jerusalem. He will then start His rule of the world for 1,000 years in a mediatorial Messianic Kingdom on Earth.
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The nature of the millennium is arguably the most controversial subject in the study of biblical future, but most of the views can be summarized to three major perspectives: Post-millennialism, A-millennialism, and Pre-millennialism.
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So then, why even have a millennium at all? Well, there are a few obvious purposes for the millennium. Let me give you for of them.
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So, even though it will not be a perfect ‘Utopia’, there are many wonderful ‘positives’ that will happen during the Millennium.
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God has never given up on His original creation. Somehow we have managed to overlook the entire Bible with the vocabulary that makes this point clear: Reconcile; Redeem; Restore; Recover; Return; Renew; Regenerate; and Resurrect. Each of these biblical words begins with the “re-“ prefix, suggesting a return to an original condition that was ruined or lost. God always seeks to ‘restore’ His original creation.
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Despite vestiges of beauty and joy, something on this earth is terribly wrong. Not only God’s creatures but even inanimate objects seem to ‘feel’ it. However, there is hope! Reformer Martin Luther put it this way: “Our Lord has written the promise of the Resurrection not in the books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.” So, even the creation hopes for, even anticipates, the New Heavens and the New Earth:
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As I mentioned, right now, Heaven is where God now dwells and where believers go at the moment of their death, and the future Heaven will be where believers will spend all eternity. As pastor John MacArthur put it:
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It is an incredible thing to ponder that one day Heaven and Earth will no longer be separate realms—as they are now—but will be ‘merged’. The New Earth will be utterly sinless, bathed and imbued in the light and splendor of God and unobscured by evil of any kind! How glorious the New Heaven and a New Earth will be!

Even on our present earth, there are parts of the world that are considered “heaven on earth”—absolutely gorgeous, with virtually perfect weather and allowing one to truly enjoy the beauty of nature.

[ FYI: Take a look at last month’s post to see the top 67 places that people say are “heaven on earth,” and then the Top 10 places I choose for that list:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].
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Seven hundred years before the Apostle John arrived ‘on the scene’—who wrote the Book of Revelation—the prophet Isaiah described the city of Jerusalem, as it will be during the Millennium (Isaiah 65:17-19; Isaiah 66:22-23). Isaiah was ‘told’ by the Spirit of God that there is a glorious future for God’s people, which includes a New Heaven, a New Earth, and a new capital—the New Jerusalem. Incredible!

So, when will all of this ‘purification’ happen? Well, notice the order of events in the Book of Revelation:

– The Rapture of the Church
– The Great Tribulation
– The Battle of Armageddon
– The Second Coming of Christ
– The Millennial Kingdom
– The Great White Throne Judgment

So, after this final event in human history has concluded, the ‘curtain’ will fall on time and eternity will begin!
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God’s plan of the ages is “To bring all things in Heaven and on Earth together under one head, even Christ” [ Ephesians 1:10 ]. This verse corresponds precisely to the culmination of history that we see enacted in Revelation 21, the ‘merging’ together of the once separate ‘realms’ of Heaven and Earth, fully under Jesus’ Lordship.

The hymn “This Is My Father’s World” (by Maltbie D. Babcock) expresses this truth in its final words: “Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and Heav’n be one.” Just as God and mankind are reconciled by Jesus’ atonement on the Cross, so too will be the dwelling place of God to be ‘WITH’ mankind—on Earth! There will be one universe, with all things in Heaven and on Earth ‘melded’ together under one ‘head’, Jesus (Revelation 21:3).

Right now, Heaven is God’s home, and Earth is our home. Jesus, as the God-man, forever links God and mankind, and thereby forever links Heaven and Earth (Ephesians 1:10). God’s plan is that there will no longer be a ‘chasm’ between the spiritual and physical worlds. There will be no divided loyalties or divided realms. There will be one cosmos, one universe, united under Jesus, forever. This is the unstoppable plan of God. THIS is where history is headed!

An incredible thing to ponder that one day Heaven and Earth will no longer be separate realms, as they are now, but will be ‘merged’. “Heaven” will then encompass the New Heavens and the New Earth. The New Jerusalem will be the eternal dwelling place of ALL the believers for all ages!

Sometimes when we look at this world’s breathtaking beauty—experiencing a gorgeous place–and we feel a twinge of disappointment. Why? Well, because we know we are going to leave this place behind when we die.

We might say, in consolation, something like “This world is not my home.” However, if we are honest, we may be thinking, “But I sure wish it was.”

What we really want is to live forever in a world with all the beauty and none of the ugliness—a world without sin, death, and all the personal and relational problems and disappointments we endure during our lives. Well, people who have their ‘citizenship’ in Heaven (believers), will see MUCH familiarity between this Earth to the New Earth!
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This world–including all of its natural wonders, culture, and people–gives us a ‘foretaste’ and a glimpse of the next world, only they all will be PERFECT!

Every joy on earth is an inkling, a ‘whisper’ of a greater joy to come. All of the 67 places I mentioned in last month’s post that were described as “heaven on earth” are just rough ‘sketches’ of what will be on the New Earth. The New Earth will be a place of sensory delight, breathtaking beauty, satisfying relationships, and personal joy!

So, if a deteriorating Earth is so stunning, what will it look like when it is made new, restored to the ‘original’? Well, Earth’s beauty will just gain even deeper beauty, since it will be ‘redeemed’ and perfect.
C. S. Lewis so aptly said that, “In the truest sense, Christian pilgrims have the best of both worlds. We have joy whenever this world reminds us of the next, and we take solace whenever it does not.”

In one of Lewis’s books in the “Narnia” series—“The Last Battle”—he portrays the girl Lucy as she mourns the loss of Narnia, a great world created by Aslan, a beloved world that she assumed had been forever destroyed. Jewel, the unicorn mourns too, calling his beloved Narnia, “The only world I’ve ever known.”

Although Lucy and her family and friends are on the threshold of Aslan country (Heaven), she still looks back at Narnia and feels a profound loss. However, as she gets deeper into Aslan’s country, she notices something totally unexpected. What happens next, reflects Lewis’ interpretation (reasonably biblical) of the New Earth:
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The biblical doctrine of the New Earth implies something startling: If we want to know what the ultimate Heaven—our eternal ‘Home’—will look like, the best place to start is by looking around us right now (as C. S. Lewis envisioned at the end Narnia series). We should not close our eyes and try to imagine the unimaginable. We should just open our eyes because the present earth is as much a valid ‘reference point’ for envisioning the New Earth as our present bodies are a compelling ‘guide’ for envisioning our new bodies (like Jesus’ resurrection body).

After all, we are living in the ‘remembrance’ (built ‘into’ humans) of a perfect world (Garden of Eden) and the remembrance of perfect humanity (Adam and Eve before the “Fall”). We should not be ‘concerned’ that the New Earth will have anything to do with what is wrong with this one. Can we not imagine what Earth would be like unhindered by ‘sin’, ‘disease’, and ‘death’? Can we not envision natural beauty untainted by ‘degradation’ (The Second Law of Thermodynamics)?

The idea of the New Earth, as a physical place, is the invention of a transcendent God who made physical human beings to live on a physical earth and who then becomes a man Himself (Jesus) to live on that same earth. He did this so He might redeem mankind and the earth, and to forever enjoy the company of humanity in a world He made ‘ESPECIALLY’ for them!

So, when this ‘new’ creation is finished, and God will have ‘purified’ and ‘renovated’ it—being the same Earth and the same Heaven—it will be made ‘fresh’ and new. All the things of sin will be gone! All the evidence of death and the signs of disease will all be gone! What, then, will the world be like?
– ‘Reversal’ Of The Curse
– ‘Restoration’ Of All Things
– ‘Removal’ Of The Seas

So, the New Heavens and the New Earth will come when the first Heaven and the first Earth have “passed away.” The Greek word translated “new” is “kainos,” which means “ New in nature, or something that has been refurbished or improved.” This stresses that the New Earth that God will create will not just be new—as opposed to old—it will also be ‘different’.

In Revelation, 21:1, the Greek word used for the New Heaven, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem is also “kainos.” So, they are not a different Heaven, a different Earth, and a different heavenly Jerusalem, but they have all ‘been restored’, ‘refurbished’, and ‘upgraded’ to brand-new condition.

The Apostle Paul also uses the same Greek word twice in 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” The word also denotes a change in ‘quality’. The New Heavens and New Earth, like a believer’s newness in Christ, will be glorified, free from sin’s curse, and will be eternal.

Now, the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what the New Earth will look like, but we have reason to believe that it will be, in many respects, familiar. The city of Jerusalem will be there—albeit a New Jerusalem—which has streets, walls, and gates. The Apostle John also mentions a high mountain, water, a stream, and trees. Best of all, it is populated with the people of God—real, ‘physical’ people whom we will know and with whom we will have eternal fellowship! That’s going to be REALLY cool!

The New Earth’s natural wonders will presumably be more spectacular than those we know now. We can expect more magnificent mountains, more beautiful lakes, and more beautiful flowers than those on this earth today. When we see the New Earth, we will look back at the present Earth and conclude, creatively speaking, that God was just ‘warming up’ and getting started on creating our eternal home (i.e. C. S. Lewis’ “Shadowlands”).

So, just as a ‘thought starter’, take a look at God’s ‘track record’ in creating natural wonders in this universe. On Mars, the volcano Olympus Mons rises 79,000 feet, nearly three times higher than Mount Everest. The base of this volcano is 370 miles across and would cover the entire state of Nebraska. The “Valles Marineris” is a vast canyon that stretches one-sixth of the way around Mars—2,800 miles long, 370 miles wide, and 4.5 miles deep. Hundreds of our Grand Canyon could fit inside it. I’m thinking that we will all be STUNNED by the awesomeness of God’s renewed creation!
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The Bible promises that have and will be a realm of perfect bliss. Tears, pain, sorrow, and crying will have no place whatsoever in the New Heavens and the New Earth. It will be a place where God’s people will dwell together with Him eternally, utterly free from all the effects of sin and evil! Woo-hoo!

The New Heaven and New Earth will be “where righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13). Isaiah says that “the former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind” [ Isaiah 65:17 ]. Eden WILL BE ‘restored’.

In the New Heavens and New Earth, Scripture says, there are seven things notable for their absence—things that are “no more”:
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The Apostle John portrays, in picturesque language, the beauty of the eternal Kingdom and the blessings that will be ours:

“Then I saw ‘a New Heaven and a New Earth,’ for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband”
[ Revelation 21:1-2 ].

Here we FINALLY will experience ‘UTOPIA’ BECOMING A REALITY! But, unlike man-made utopian communities that fail when they succumb to human nature, the Kingdom of God will last forever—because it is ‘Divinely’ crafted and maintained. It will not, and cannot fail—for a perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful God will have created it—as He did originally!

In the verse above, our attention is drawn to a City identified as the New Jerusalem, which replaces the Jerusalem of old. Since this will be our home for eternity, let’s take a closer look at the city, to help encourage us to ‘stay the path’, ‘keep our eyes on the goal’, and ‘finish the race’, well!

Scripture describes Heaven as both a “country” in the “City.” The term city is not merely a figure of speech but a literal geographical location—just like it is here on Earth today. After all, where do we expect physically resurrected people to live if not in a physical environment? The City at the center of the future Heaven is called the New Jerusalem. [ The photo in the Introduction above tries to imagine what it might look like. ]

Author Randy Alcorn makes this interesting observation regarding what the real city might be like:

“Everyone knows what a city is—a place with buildings, streets, and residences occupied by people and subject to a common government. Cities have inhabitants, visitors, bustling activity, cultural events, and gatherings involving music, arts, education, religion, entertainment, and athletics. If the capital city of the New Earth doesn’t have the defining characteristics of the city, it would seem misleading for Scripture to repeatedly call it a city.”
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The Bible says that the length, width, and height were each 12,000 furlongs. In the original manuscripts, the word translated as “furlong” was the Greek word “stadia.” So, 12,000 stadia is about 1,380 miles (However, most ‘round up’ to 1,500 miles). The size of the city is so massive that if it were to be placed over North America, it would measure approximately the distance from Canada to Mexico and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rockies. That is a ‘first level’ surface area of 2,250,000 square miles.

For comparison, the New Jerusalem will be more than 15,000 times bigger than London! (only 621 square miles). It will be 20 times bigger than all of New Zealand, 10 times bigger than Germany, 10 times bigger than France, and 40 times bigger than all of England! It will be also the size of the entire country of India, north to south, east to west, but will cover almost 2X more area since it is a square! It will be an enormous ‘continent’ all by itself!
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[ New Jerusalem – First Floor Size – On North America ]
[ New Jerusalem – First Floor Size – In Middle East ]
[ New Jerusalem – Showing the ‘cube’ rising into the stratosphere, sitting on the Earth ]

By choosing the most precious metal known in his day, the Apostle John conveys the sense that the New Jerusalem is beautiful beyond compare, like a highly buffed piece of pure gold. It dazzles like the finest jewels made exclusively for the richest people in the world. In other words, it is a first-class place all the way!

The New Jerusalem comes out of Heaven, so these are not jewels mined from Earth’s ground. Rather, John uses the most cherished earthly materials as He tries to approximate the heavenly reality he is being shown. John chooses these particular stones for their brilliance and variety of colors in a feeble effort to describe the most beautiful city eyes that have ever been held. The task was virtually impossible for him. Regardless of what you imagine the New Jerusalem will be like, it will be far, far, far, FAR, more stunning!
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So, let’s try to picture this. This great City, which is foursquare and will descend from Heaven, will be built upon a 12-layer foundation, each layer of a different stone: Jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, ruby, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, turquoise, jacinth, and amethyst—in a variety of radiant hues. These will be the most massive and beautiful stones in the entire universe, and forms a picture of unbelievable, indescribable, and unsurpassed beauty that we will experience for eternity!

[ The Twelve Foundation Stones of the New Jerusalem ]

If you have ever been to a precious stones festival, or if you have browsed any good jewelry store that displays some of the stones under Halogen lights, you will know the depth of the colors and the splendor of their beauty. Now imagine the stones being massive enough to serve as foundations for the city that is 1,500 miles in every direction! INCREDIBLE!

In popular imagination, the “pearly gates” are often considered as the entrance into Heaven (the “Intermediate” Heaven the believer goes to now after they die), HOWEVER, the Apostle John tells us that the gates belong to the city of New Jerusalem. Also, contrary to the popular idea that the pearly gates bar heaven’s entrance, the Bible says the gates of pearl will always be open: they “will never be shut by day, and “Nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life” [ Revelation 21:27 ].

The promise of entry to the New Jerusalem is both beautiful and daunting. The idea of such a City is wonderful to think about—a place where nothing false or unclean or harmful will ever be able to enter—and the pearly gates will be a ‘dazzling’ sight!
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The walls of the City are described as “great and high,” and are an obvious symbol of exclusion of all that is unworthy to enter the city. Though innumerable believers will enjoy its glory, there is the chilling reminder that only the redeemed may enter.

While not every detail about these walls is provided, some aspects are clear—the walls will display the greatness of God with the enormous size of the walls being approximately 240 feet high (Revelation 21:15-21).
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The Apostle John mentions that the “central street” is made of pure gold, and is translucent. Now, as you may know, pure gold (24-karat gold) is opaque, not transparent. Yet, that is what comes to John’s mind when he sees the streets in his vision. The streets must have a golden hue, and when you look down, they are crystal clear.

Now, just remember, we will be walking around in our ‘glorified’ bodies, and we can probably assume that our eyesight will be enhanced so that we can see things as we have never seen them before.

The “river of the water of life” has intrigued Bible interpreters since the first century. The Apostle John said of this, “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of this great street of the city” [ Revelation 22:1 ].

Perhaps one of the best explanations is that this pure river of life, though it may be a real and material river, is nevertheless also symbolic of the abundance of spiritual life that will characterize those who are living in the eternal city. The stream seems to symbolize the perpetual outflow of spiritual blessing to all the redeemed of all ages, now basking in the full glow of eternal life.

Another thing this might imply is that, in the Garden of Eden, a similar river and water from the ground sustained life (Genesis 2:6-14). Since it is also located in the ‘heart’ of the City, the water of life is readily available to all. The foliage of the New Jerusalem will be lush and green because of the life-giving properties of its water.

This is probably the same River mentioned in Psalm 46:4: “There is a river who streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the most high.” This will be the most beautiful river ever created in time or eternity.

The Apostle John then talks about the “Tree of Life.” It is interesting to observe that the last time we read of the Tree of Life, was in Genesis 3, in the Garden of Eden. That was when Paradise was ‘lost’. Now, however, in the New Jerusalem, Paradise is restored and we again witnessed a Tree of Life in the glorious eternal state—that it was always intended to be.

Now, the trees are said to be for “the healing of the nations.” Notice that the verse refers to “each tree.” The Greek term indicates a plurality of trees, such as one might find in an orchard.

Also, notice that the phrase speaks of the leaves being used for the healing of the nations. But, what does this mean? Will there actually be a need for healing, as if somehow things are not perfect in the eternal state?

Well, no, and theologian John F. Walvoord provides a bit of helpful insight about this:
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[ The New Jerusalem – Concept of the street of gold, river, and trees ]

What is of great significance is the statement that “The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is the lamp” [ Revelation 21:23 ]. This is in keeping with Isaiah’s prophecy: “The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moonshine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory” [ Isaiah 60:19 ].

So, there will be no light posts, no lanterns, no floodlights, or flashlights and table lamps in the New Jerusalem. A strange presence of brilliant light will emanate throughout the City from the throne of God, and from Jesus. The brilliance of the light will come forth from Jesus and will fill the city with radiance. Were not for our new glorified eyesight, we would be instantly blinded (or even ‘fried’ to a crisp!). However, it will not hurt our eyes at all. In fact, our new eyes will be perfectly made for such a light. I can’t even imagine it, but I sure do anticipate it!

The Apostle John mentions that the Throne had the appearance of Jasper and Carnelian. Jasper is a translucent crystalline quartz of differing colors, especially with shades of green. (But the jasper of ancient times may actually have been a transparent stone.)

The word translated “Carmelian” is “Sardion” (“Sardius” in some translations), and is a red Ruby-like stone. Some suggest that the red may refer to Jesus as Redeemer, the One who provided a blood sacrifice—thus stressing the glory of God’s redemptive character. Then, correlated to this, Jasper and Sardius were the first and last of the 12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest (Exodus 20:17, 20).

We also find the New Jerusalem being described as “the holy city.” This is a fitting description since, in the City, there will be no sin or unrighteousness of any kind. Only the pure of heart will dwell there (the sixth Beatitude).

Finally, the purposes of God are fulfilled. God’s plan of salvation, conceived in eternity past, is now brought into full fruition. One of the great Bible commentators of the past, Wilbur Smith, described it this way:
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The Apostle John proceeds to reveal even more details about the future capital of the Kingdom. He says, “I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God, the Almighty, and the Lamb” [ Revelation, 21:22]. We will not have to go to a local temple to worship God because God will be everywhere, and we will have ‘direct’ access to Him—ANYTIME we want!

You cannot be overstated that there will be no need for a temple in eternity. To have a temple with a sacrificial altar, would imply that the sacrifice of Jesus was insufficient, lacking, or incomplete. It would suggest that additional sacrifice could probably be necessary in the future. To have a temple with an altar in the New Jerusalem would be an insult and dishonor to the sacrifice that Jesus made.

The glory and presence of God will ‘permeate’ everything!

Fortunately, Heaven will not have everything. What? Yes, in fact, the Apostle John lists many different experiences and realities known to us here on earth that will be ‘ABSENT’ that have not already been mentioned:
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The Apostle John then completes his thoughts on this matter when he writes: “People will bring into the glory and the honor of the nations. But nothing unclean will enter it, nor anyone who practices, abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the lambs book of life“ [ Revelation 21:26-27]. Here we see that all the nations of the world will align with the Kingdom. There will be no discord or resistance. Universal peace will reign over the entire earth. Also, note that only those found in the Book of Life will inherit the Kingdom of God! All others, regardless of whether they are church members or not, will NOT be allowed to enter if they have not been ‘reconciled’ to God the Father by Jesus!

The curse that began in the Garden of Eden will FINALLY be ‘reversed’! All creation will be redeemed. The environment will be perfect. Work will be a blessing and not a toil.

I can’t wait for the arrival of the New Jerusalem, where nothing accursed will be found. The new world will be a place of TOTAL ‘EUPHORIA’! Woo-hoo!!!

So, think of the most beautiful spot you have ever seen on earth, then multiply that by 100 Googolplexians and it still won’t hold a ‘candle’ to the beauty of the New Jerusalem!

[ FYI: For locations that people consider to be “heaven on earth,” view last month’s “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].

Jesus’ resurrected life is the ‘model’ for the believer’s future life. He walk the earth in His resurrection body for 40 days, possibly showing the believer ‘HOW’ they might live as resurrected human beings on the New Earth. In effect, He may have also been demonstrating ‘WHERE’ they would live as resurrected human beings—on earth.

Jesus’ resurrection body was suited for life on earth, not primarily living in the “Intermediate Heaven.” As Jesus was raised to come back to live on earth, so we will be raised to come back to live on earth (1 Thessalonians 4:14; Revelation 21:1-3).
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In Heaven, we will finally lose all traces of human fallenness. In fact, no one will ever enter Heaven or dwell there who is not absolutely perfect. This is often symbolized in Scripture by the imagery of white robes that are worn by the redeemed (Revelation 6:11; Revelation 7:14).

So, what will the perfect soul be like? Well, the most obvious truth is that it will finally be perfectly free from evil forever. We will never again have a selfish desire or either useless words. We will never perform another unkind deed or think of a sinful thought. We will be perfectly liberated from our captivity to sin and finally able to think and act in a way that is perfectly righteous, holy, and honorable in God’s sight.

Can you even imagine yourself in consummate perfection forever? (I frankly have a hard time envisioning myself as utterly impeccable!)

The resurrection of Jesus shows us not only that we will have an eternal future, but what ‘kind’ of eternal future it is.

Jesus’ death left His disciples in a state of shock in defeat. Death had won. Then, when conflicting reports arose concerning His post-resurrection appearances, confusion reigned and it became obvious that only one thing could settle the matter: If Jesus would appear and ‘REVEAL’ Himself—and that is exactly what HE DID!
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The Apostle Paul speaks of our resurrection bodies as imperishable. This will happen on the New Earth because death, disease, and deterioration will be no longer. Adam and Eve’s original bodies were also imperishable and would have lived forever if they would not have sinned. (God said that they would then die because of it). Imperishability is what God is going to ‘resurrect’ for humanity on the New Earth!

Inside your body, even though it is failing, is the ‘blueprint’ for your resurrection body. You may not be satisfied with your current body or mind, but you will be thrilled with your resurrection ‘upgrades’. With them, you will be better able to serve and glorify god, and enjoy an eternity of wonders he has prepared for you!

It has been estimated that there are up to about 40,000 different occupations in the United States. Yet, for all that, only a small percentage of the working population is completely satisfied with their job. Personnel problems, the lack of adequate pay, and hours of routine tasks are only some of the reasons. Few people, if any, are ‘truly’ satisfied with their job.

However, those problems will be behind the believer forever in Heaven. Each job description will entail two primary responsibilities: Worship of God and serving Him in whatever capacity He assigns to them.
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As difficult as it may be to fully understand, the Scriptures indicate that in the eternal state—the New Heavens and the New Earth—believers will actually ‘share’ in the glory of Christ: “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” [ Romans 8:17 ]. The Apostle Paul said, “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory” [ Colossians 3:4 ].

This, of course, does not mean that finite humans become deity. However, it does mean that believers will be in a ‘state’ of glory, sharing in Jesus’ glory because of what He has accomplished for them on the Cross.
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In Randy Alcorn’s book “Heaven,” he discussed a variety of questions that “inquiring minds want to know.” The following are the topics he ‘fleshed out’ with as much Scriptural support as is available—then he does some of his own ‘conjecture’:
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Heaven is the final ‘frontier’. Like other frontiers in human history, it will challenge us with new opportunities, possibilities, and experiences. Unlike the previous frontiers on Earth, Heaven will be unlimited in time and space. It will inspire us to join as participants in the dynamic, creative plans of Jesus as we embark on a greater adventure than any we have ever dreamed of. The eternal quest of our human spirit yearns for a Heaven in which we can explore the infinite possibilities of an unlimited universe.

Our future blessings in Heaven will begin with the ending of all evil, suffering, and adversity. However, it will also provide the fulfillment and enhancement of all the real joys and happiness of human life. The language in the Bible describes our rest after a satisfying labor in the elimination of toil and grief. These passages do not suggest a life of inactivity or boredom. The promises are of an active, purposeful, and joyful life in a creation filled with beauty, fairness, and justice.
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The opening lines of Robert Browning’s poem “Rabbi Ben Ezra” resonates with many people:
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[ Believer’s Lifetime Timeline Chart ]

People who are not “born again”—having Jesus as their Savior—can only look back to when they were at their best, however, never to regain it. Memories are all they have, and even those memories fade.

However, believers who are elderly or bedridden don’t look back to what was, they look forward to what will be—the New Earth and the New Jerusalem!

When blind hymn writer Fanny Crosby wrote the lines “His glory we shall see” and “When our eyes behold the City,” her thoughts were all the more significant because her eyes had never seen anything. She would tell people not to feel sorry for her because the first face she would ever see would be Jesus’! (Her sight was forever healed in 1915 when she died and left this world for the Intermediate Heaven, and now she is probably writing more hymns to glorify Jesus!)

When we talk about Heaven and the future events that will take place, it can seem very confusing. So, in a very concise way, here is the chronological order of future events that will take place for believers.
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While all believers will be in the Lord’s ‘presence’ immediately after their life ends (Philippians 1:20), there is still a bit more waiting to do to get to the ‘eternal’ Heaven—the New Heavens, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem.

After the 1,000-year Millennial Kingdom and the Great White Throne Judgment after that, the Bible tells of the final ‘renewal’ of the current heavens and Earth (Revelation 21). Pastor W.A. Criswell said that, “The elements shall return to their primordial form, and that whole creation of God shall be burned fire (2 Peter 3:10, 12). It shall be cleansed. It shall be purged. Everything that is wrong in everything that is transgressing and sinful shall be taken out of it.”
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The believer will finally arrive at a ‘destination’ where every tear will be wiped away, sin, and death will no longer exist, and their joy will be complete (Revelation 21:4).

The believer will not exist as a different person but as a ‘glorified’ human with gratitude and gratefulness for the salvation they have been freely given—for eternity! Like a person who has been deathly ill and receives healing, the joy of the healing is amplified by the memory of the sickness. The joy of a believer’s salvation is amplified by the memory of what it was like to be lost. The days in their New Heavenly home will be amplified by the memory of what Jesus delivered them from.
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God has been described as “Who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” [ Ephesians 3:20 ]. Now, some of the things I have said in this post have had a bit of ‘speculation’ in them (which I mentioned). However, reading this verse, I’m thinking I probably was a bit ‘conservative’ in my speculations!

The ‘upgrade’ from the old Earth to the New Earth will be VASTLY SUPERIOR! Gone will be a sin, the Curse, death, and suffering. In every way we will recognize that the New Earth is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BETTER, and in no sense could it be any better!
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Perhaps the most elaborate description of the heavenly City contained in the Bible is Revelation 21, where we read all about the New Jerusalem. Author Randy Alcorn makes this interesting observation regarding what this real City might be like:
It is impossible to ignore the fact that both the prophet Ezekiel and the Apostle John are describing a scene of breathtaking grandeur and dazzling beauty—a glory that far surpasses the limits of human language.

John paints a ‘picture’ that portrays Heaven as a bright, colorful realm of both splendor and delight. Again, let us not get in trying to read meaning into the symbols that we missed the rather obvious point: John is using these comparisons of two precious jewels to picture the ‘BREATHTAKING’ BEAUTY of heavenly glory, and this is WAY MORE than even the places people consider “heaven on earth” that I presented in last month’s post.

The Apostle John mentions or the most stunning, glorious images he could picture, so he resorts to them to make his point. Remember, though, that he is actually describing a glory that far exceeds that of a jewel dug out of the earth. If the scene is hard for you to visualize, that’s okay, I have problems visualizing it, too, and I’m a trained architect that has a pretty good ability to ‘visualize’ building in my head! John is purposely painting a picture of glory that FAR ‘EXCEEDS’ one’s ability to imagine!
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In Heaven, since we will be free from sin, we will be able to ‘see’ God’s glory unveiled and in all its fullness! That will be a more pleasing, spectacular sight than anything we have ever known or could ever imagine on Earth! No merely earthly pleasure could even begin to measure up to the privilege and the ecstasy of an unhindered view of God’s divine glory!

Jesus said, in His “Sermon on the Mount,” that “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” [Matthew 5:8]. The Greek verb translated as “see” is “horao,” and is in a tense that denotes a future continuous reality. In Heaven, we will continually be beholding God, face-to-face!
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Finally, the purposes of God are fulfilled! God’s plan of salvation, conceived in eternity past, is now brought into full fruition—and how glorious it will be! One of the great bible commentatory, Wilbur M. Smith, described it this way:
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The Apostle John gives us a travel ‘brochure’ of sorts (in Revelation, 21:1-26:6). But, unlike slick publicity pieces, he does not exaggerate when he describes our destinations. He relates as accurately as possible what we can expect to see and experience when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven ‘ON’ EARTH. John’s only difficulty is that he does not have the words that are adequate to communicate the splendor. After all, how do you paint a picture of a perfect world, a utopian paradise that is unmatched by anything on Earth?

[ FYI: View last month’s “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post to see the Top 10 places in the world where people say that they are “heaven on earth”:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].
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Going to Heaven is NOT a matter of ‘guesswork’ and it is NOT a matter of ‘hoping’ you will get there! No, Jesus took the wrath of God on the Cross and rose from the dead to give ANYONE who ‘believes’ in Him the ‘gift’ of eternal life. So, the ONLY thing a person must do to get to heaven is the put their faith and trust in what Jesus did for them. The Bible tells us that whoever will call on the name of Jesus WILL BE ‘SAVED’ (Romans 10:13).

There are many things that demand our attention in this life and there are many ‘voices’ calling to us. However, none is greater than the ‘voice’ of God. As time marches on, one thing is certain—we will all face death at some point. Death is the great ‘equalizer’. It makes no difference who we are, when we face death we are facing an impartial ‘Judge’. The Bible reminds us that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23) and the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). When death comes knocking at one’s ‘door’, the ONLY thing that matters is if they a ready to face it by having their sins ‘atoned’ for by Jesus, by putting their trust in what He did for them on the Cross!
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To be forthright, I need to remind you that there will be people DENIED ‘ENTRANCE’ into the Eternal City (Revelation 21:7-8; Revelation, 21:25-27; Revelation, 22:14-15)

Now, of course, all of us are sinners. We have all lied, cheated, and stolen—however small. Many people have also had episodes of immorality, idolatry, and even murder in their pasts. The thing is, the above verses do not mean to imply that those sins will keep a person out of Heaven, if they have asked Jesus for the forgiveness of those sins. HOWEVER, if one has not repented of their sins and placed their faith in Jesus, those sins WILL certainly ‘PREVENT’ them from walking the streets of gold!

Even people who ‘think’ they are Christians WILL NOT be allowed into Heaven. What? How could that be? Well, I will let Jesus tell you for Himself:
If you are failing to respond to Jesus’ gracious invitation, you will have NO ‘PART’ in the New Heaven, the New Earth, or the New Jerusalem! Only the people whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life will be allowed in! There are NO ‘EXCEPTIONS’!

SO, if you have not accepted God’s plan for your life and have received His forgiveness for your sins, when the moment comes, you will be DENIED ‘ENTRANCE’ into Heaven, and into the City I just described. I DO NOT want that to HAPPEN TO YOU!

So, if you have not done so, MAKE YOUR ‘RESERVATION’ to have a ‘place’ in the Heavenly City! The last invitation in the Bible, from Jesus, says:

“The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.”’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price”
[ Revelation 22:17 ].

So, as I have said many times before, my ‘LIFE FOCUS’ is To take as many people to Heaven with me as I can.” I want to be the guy behind you just outside the “pearly gate” that is taking the following picture of you!…

[ PHOTO: “Home, At Last” – By Danny Hahlbohm ]

[ VIDEO: “The Pilgrim’s Progress” movie – Arriving at New Jerusalem’s Gate ]

SO, the eternal Heaven WILL exist someday ‘ON’ EARTH, and it will be ‘WAY’ MORE than anyone could EVEN ‘IMAGINE’! (Ephesians 3:20).

Again, I will conclude this month’s post just as I did in last month’s post, asking the “sixty-four dollar question” (something that is not known and on which a GREAT ‘DEAL’ depends): Are ‘YOU’ SURE that you are going to live among the New Heavens, on the New Earth, and in the New Jerusalem for eternity?

If not, you need to MAKE ‘SURE’… NOW!!!



The following is a comprehensive presentation of the topic that follows the ‘headings’ laid out in the Summary.

As I mentioned in last month’s post, when people are asked what “heaven on earth” means to them, they respond with a ‘place’ that is beautiful, visually striking, calming, and peaceful. The most used definition was “A very pleasurable or enjoyable place or situation.”

Some of the synonyms I found used were: Paradise, Utopia, Euphoria, Bliss, Elation, Delight, Happiness, Joyousness, Jubilation, Rhapsody, Glee, Intoxication, Cloud Nine, Wonderland, Nirvana, Shangri-La, Arcadia, Garden of Eden, The Promised Land.

When asked what places they think actually ‘fulfill’ those descriptions, there were many suggestions, since it is not hard to find ‘natural’ beauty on this massive planet.

Almost incomprehensible, these ‘magical’ destinations need to be seen to be believed. From the grand waterfalls of Africa to the otherworldly landscapes of China, countless locations look much more like heaven than our home planet. With so many impressive wonders on earth, it can be a challenge just to choose which destination to put next on the itinerary. There are plenty of beautiful places on earth, but there seem to be some that most people agree look more like ‘heaven’ to them.

So, to determine what destinations were described as “paradise,” “heaven on earth,” “most beautiful places on earth,” or “the must-see destinations before you die,” I scoured the Internet for some “Top” lists. I came up with 67 (my age) locations that were mentioned time and time again. Then, I went through that list and created my “Top 10” list, and they are listed alphabetically below. [ Note: I did put each of the locations that, historically, have been called/officially ‘recognized’ as “heaven on earth” (“Hispaniola,” Kashmir, Seychelles, and Switzerland)—so I only could pick six for myself! Excruciating! ]

[ FYI: My entire list is the first entry in the “Articles” section of last month’s post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].

– ANTELOPE CANYON [ Page, Arizona ]
– BORA BORA ISLAND [ French Polynesia ]
– CANO CRISTALES RIVER [ Meta, Columbia ]
– ENGELBERG [ Switzerland ]
– GRAND CANYON [ Arizona ]
– GREAT BARRIER REEF [ Australia ]
– “HISPANIOLA” [ Dominican Republic and Haiti ]
– IGUAZU FALLS [ Argentina-Brazil ]
– KASHMIR [ India ]
– SEYCHELLES ISLAND [ Indian Ocean, East Africa ]

So, since I love to travel and have a bit more time in my ‘waning’ years, evidently, I now have my travel ‘bucket list’! ;^D

Now, as I mentioned in last month’s post, in 1516, English humanist Sir Thomas More published a book titled “Utopia,” which compared social and economic conditions in Europe with those of an ideal society on an imaginary island located off the coast of the Americas. More wanted to imply that the perfect conditions on his fictional island could never really exist, so he called it “Utopia,” a name he created by combining the Greek words ou (“not, no”) and topos (“place”). The earliest generic use of utopia was for an imaginary and indefinitely remote place. The current use of utopia, referring to an ideal place or society, was inspired by More’s description of Utopia’s perfection.

So, when people are asked about “heaven on earth,” many (usually older) remember the 1933 novel written by James Hilton titled “Lost Horizon” (which was turned into a hit Hollywood movie in 1937). In it, he described a mythical land he called “Shangri-La,” a fictional account of the legendary Tibetan paradise “Shambala” (or Shambhala”). [ Hilton changed the name of his paradise to “Shangri-La.” ] The ancient Tibetan Buddhist myth of the spiritual kingdom of Shambala is said to exist somewhere between the Himalayas Mountains and the Gobi Desert and is thought, by some, to have informed Hilton’s description of his fictional Shangri-La.

Hilton describes Shangri-La as a mystical, harmonious valley that has become synonymous with any earthly paradise, and particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia—a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world. In this paradise, people live for hundreds of years and age very slowly. In addition, the cultural treasures and wisdom of the world are stored there, in anticipation of a future of peace on earth. Lost Horizon caught the popular imagination, and Shangri-La entered the lexicon as a term for “Utopia.” These days, Utopia is usually defined as an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect—everything works and everyone is happy.

The thing is, there are ancient Tibetan legends that say Shambala is located in the Himalayas, in the remotest part of Tibet, on a high plateau, surrounded by a ring of mountain peaks.

This legend of a lost Tibetan paradise came to the notice of Europeans in the 1580s when travelers to the court of the Moghul Emperor Akbar heard strange and wondrous tales of a remote Himalayan world. The tale is that there is a land behind the Himalayas full of peace and harmony where isolated people live by Buddhist precepts preparing for the day when the world will be ready to live in peace. The kingdom is in the shadow of a white crystal mountain, approachable only through a ring of peaks. Next to the mountain are a lake and a palace. Here the wisdom of humanity is conserved, ready to save the world when needed.

The present Dalai Lama says this about Shambala:

“Nowadays, no one knows where Shambala is. Although it is said to exist, people cannot see it, or communicate with it ordinarily. Some people say it is located in another world, others that it is an ideal land, a place of the imagination. Some say it was a real place, which cannot now be found. Some believe there are openings into that world that may be accessed from this. Whatever the truth of that, the search for Shambala traditionally begins as an outer journey that becomes a journey of inner exploration and discovery.”

There has been an extensive debate—but no consensus—on the location of Hilton’s inspiration for Shangri-La. However, the Chinese province of Yunnan, which borders Tibet on the southeast, has long been a focus of speculation. Zhongdian, a city in that province, was renamed Shangri-La City in 2001 to attract tourists by capitalizing on the allure of the “lost paradise” concept. Ganden Sumtseling Gompa, a Tibetan monastery more than 300 years old, is located near the city.

Today, Shangri-La is seen both as a place and as an era of enlightened consciousness. The Tibetans say that the need to find paradise elsewhere is what keeps us from having it. Wherever Shangri-La is, the ‘SEARCH’ for it CONTINUES!

Now, despite the most earnest efforts, no one has ever been able to ‘find’ this place or even ‘bring about’ Utopia on earth, even though some have really tried to do it.

In the 1970s, some people hoped to build a little piece of ‘heaven’ in the Arizona desert. They built a brand-new city in the middle of nowhere. Its name? Arcosanti. Dreamed up by an Italian architect, this paradise offered 5,000 people the simple life. They would share modern-looking apartment buildings, grow their own food, and pay for the whole thing by selling wind chimes. Fifty years later, it is only 5 percent finished and only 50 people live there. Hmmm… I’m thinking it didn’t ‘work’.

The wisdom of the world tells us that if we make pleasure the main aim of life it would bring us heavenly joy. Yet people who are given a life of fun, excitement, and pleasure have always, in the end, been disappointed that they do not get the lasting happiness they crave. The seeming happiness of hedonists is like a flash of lightning—it is gone in a moment. Such people pander to every whim of their hearts, yet never get satisfaction from them. They hanker after every luxury under the sky. Many wear themselves out in a selfish and often ruthless pursuit of wealth and power that would afford them a life of ease. Sadly, they often lose their peace and become miserable even amid plenty. They fret over the slightest of difficulties and get embittered by commonplace misfortunes. Such a shallow philosophy of life does not provide anyone with the inner resources to deal with the troubles and sorrows of earthly life. They become disillusioned with life in general, and it seems hollow and meaningless.

The thing is, it seems that this utopian feeling is implanted ‘inside’ humanity. It is built ‘into’ us, perhaps even at a genetic level. We long for what the first man and woman once enjoyed—a perfect and beautiful earth, with free and untainted relationships with God, each other, animals, and the environment. Every attempt at human progress has been an attempt to overcome what was lost in the Garden of Eden.

Meanwhile, we all long to return to “Paradise”—a perfect world, with everyone being blissfully happy and living a peaceful life. Most people, indeed, wish for ‘paradise’ here on earth but, as I mentioned, do not know ‘where’ to find it or ‘how’ to create it.

HOWEVER, the Bible does tell of a ‘place’ where everything WILL BE perfect and everyone WILL BE happy. It is called “Heaven.”

When the last breath is taken, when the last heartbeat is complete, when the eyes see their last image in the physical realm, the spiritual eyes are opened, and the beautiful existence of God’s kingdom begins to be realized. The spirit body continues when the physical body dies. As we drop off this earthly clothing, angels are standing by in their magnificence to escort the believer into the place. The Lord has created for them.

However, this “Paradise” is not our ‘final’ destination, but it is a glorious place to be. It is an eternal place that will be our ‘temporary’ residence, while we wait to return with the Lord to meet the rest of the body of Christ in the air and be reunited with our earthly bodies.

The Apostle Paul could not find words to describe this place when he was caught up into this heavenly realm (2 Corinthians 12:2-4), but the Bible tells us that it is a “place of comfort.” Because we will be ‘interacting’ with God, there will be great joy. Simply being in His presence will bring one “fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11).

Paradise is mentioned in the Bible as being in four different locations. The first location is in Heaven before Lucifer rebelled (Zechiel 28:13). The second mention of Paradise is the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8-9). The third location is in the ‘heart’ of the Earth during the time of the Old Covenant (Luke 16:22), and the fourth location is in the “Third Heaven” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).

[ Note: Paradise is again mentioned in the Book of Revelation, where there is the “Tree of Life next to the crystal river (Revelation 22:2)—which will be in the New Jerusalem, the eternal home of all believers. ]

Scripture contains many descriptions of heaven. Some of them are cast in apocalyptic language filled with symbolism and mystery. Apocalyptic symbolism in scripture always means that something of great consequence is under discussion. Don’t make the error of thinking symbolic language means the thing described is unreal. The Bible asserts that haven’t is a real place. The descriptions of heaven, even the most apocalyptic ones, described a real place.

One of the most dramatic descriptions of Heaven in all of Scripture comes from the prophet Ezekiel. Though we can’t fully understand all that Ezekiel described, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he attempted to describe what he saw: blazing light reflected off polished jewels and colored wheels of light mingling with angelic beings(the “living beings”). Around the throne of the eternal, glorious God, he saw a flashing, sparkling, spinning rainbow of brilliance.

So, how do we interpret such a mysterious language? Well, although it is impossible to interpret the specifics definitively, we can understand that Ezekiel’s aim was to put the glory of Heaven on display. The wheels that moved in concert, the flashing lightning, the sparkling jewels, and the brilliant light, all tell of God’s glory!

So, although Ezekiel’s picture of him and maybe beyond our ability to fathom, we can certainly grasp the main idea: Heaven is a realm of inexpressible glory!

Ezekiel ended his vision of heaven with a description of the throne and the inexplicable glory that emanates from it. The apostle John begins by describing that same throne. Repeatedly, he mentions the throne, which is the hub of all Heaven and the focal point of God’s presence. From the throne, God emanates all the glory of Heaven.

When a believer dies, they enter into what theologians call the “intermediate state,” a transitional period between our past lives on Earth in our future resurrection to life on the New Earth. Usually, when most people refer to “Heaven,“ they mean the place that believers go to right after they die. When one tells their children, “Grandma’s in Heaven now,” they are referring to this ‘intermediate’ Heaven.

By definition, an intermediate state or location is “temporary.” Life in the heaven where we go to when we die—where were will dwell prior to our bodily resurrection—is “better by far” than living here on earth, under the curse of sin and away from the direct presence of God (Philippians 1:23).

Still, the intermediate Heaven is NOT our ‘FINAL’ DESTINATION. Though it is a wonderful place, the intermediate Heaven is not the place we are made for—the place God promises to fashion for His ‘children’ to live in forever.

God’s children are destined for life as resurrected beings on a resurrected earth. Believers must not lose sight of their true destination. If they do, they will be confused and disoriented, thinking about where, and in what form, they will spend eternity.

The present, intermediate, Heaven is in the angelic realm, distinctly separate from the earth. By contrast, the ‘eternal’ Heaven will be ‘ON’ EARTH, with the dwelling place of God being the dwelling place of humanity:

“Then I saw ‘a New Heaven and a New Earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God’”
[ Revelation 21:1-3].

The thing is, the “New Jerusalem”—which is in the Third Heaven right now—will come down out of Heaven to be ‘ON’ the New Earth. From that time on, the dwelling place of God will be with redeemed mankind on earth.

Theologian, Anthony Hoekema writes:

“The ‘New Jerusalem’… Does not remain in a ‘heaven’ far off in space, but it comes down to the renewed earth; there the redeemed will spend eternity in Resurrection bodies. So having an earth, now separated, will then be merged: the New Earth will also be heaven, since God will dwell there with his people. Glorify, believers, and other words, will continue to be in heaven, while they are in heaven in the New Earth.”

That God would come down to the New Earth to live with His ‘children’ fits perfectly with His original plan. God could have taken Adam and Eve up to Heaven to be with Him in His world. Instead, He came down to ‘walk’ with them in their world (Genesis 3:8). Jesus says of anyone who would be His disciple, “My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” [John 14:23]. This is a picture of God’s ultimate plan—not to take us up to live in a realm, made for Him and the angels, but to come down and live with us in a realm He made for us. FANTASTIC!

Utopian, idealists, who dream of mankind, creating “heaven on earth“ are destined for disappointment. But though they are wrong in believing that humans can achieve a utopian existence apart from God, the reality of heaven on earth—God, dwelling with mankind in the world he made for us—WILL, in fact, BE REALIZED! It is God’s plan, and He—not humanity—will accomplish it!

Now, the present heaven is normally invisible to those living on Earth. For those who have trouble excepting the reality of an unseen realm, consider the perspective of cutting edge, researchers, who embrace string theory. Scientist at Yale, Princeton, and Stanford—among others—postulate that there are at least 10 unobservable dimensions, and likely an infinite number of imperceptible universes. If this is what leading scientists believe, why should anyone feel self-conscious about believing in just one unobservable dimension, a realm containing Heaven and Hell?

Theologian Wayne Grudem points out that when Stephen was being stoned because of his faith in Jesus, he “Did not seem or symbols of a state of existence. It was rather that his eyes were open to see a spiritual dimension of reality which God has hidden from us in this present age, A dimension which none the less really does exist in our space/time universe, and within which Jesus now lives in his physical, resurrected body, waiting, even now for a time when he will return to earth.”

I think that Grudem is describing the ‘intermediate’ Heaven. He might be right that it is part of our own universe, or it may be in a different universe. It could be a universe next door that is normally hidden, but sometimes is ‘opened’—like a ‘portal’ in sci-fi movies. In either case, it seems likely that God did not merely create a vision for Stephen in order to make Heaven appear physical, rather, He allowed Stephen to see an intermediate Heaven that was—and is—‘physical’.

So, if the New Earth will be ‘physical’ for the believers’ ultimate dwelling place, until then we should not find it surprising that God chooses to provide a ‘physical’ waiting place.

For us to exist as human beings, we ‘occupy’ space. It seems reasonable to infer that the space we occupy in Heaven would also be physical. If the present, intermediate Heaven is a place where God, angels, and humans dwell, it makes perfect sense, to me, that Heaven would ‘accommodate’ mankind, since God needs no accommodation.

It is no problem for the infinite God to dwell wherever mankind will dwell. The question is whether finite humans can exist as God does—outside of space and time. If we can, I am thinking that it would be only a temporary situation that would be permanently corrected by our bodily resurrection (“glorified bodies”) in preparation for eternal life on the New Earth.

In his 17th century, classic, “Paradise Lost,” John Milton described Eden as a Garden full of aromatic flowers, delicious fruit, and soft grass, all lushly watered. He also connects Eden with Heaven, the source of earthly existence, portraying Heaven as a place of great pleasures, and the source of earth’s pleasures. In Milton’s story, the angel Raphael, asks Adam, “What if earth be but the shadow of Heav’n, and things therein, each to other like, more then on Earth is thought?”

Theologians and Bible expositors have been careful to distinguish between the present heaven—where God now dwells, and where believers go at the moment of death (2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:21-23)—in the future Heaven where believers will spend all eternity (2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1). HOWEVER, the Bible IS ‘CLEAR’ that God will, one day, create New Heavens and a New Earth, and upon this New Earth will be a “New Jerusalem,” the heavenly city, that will come out of Heaven (Revelation 21:10) to ‘rest’ ON the EARTH. It will be this glorious city where the believer will reside for all of eternity! (Revelation 21-22).

The old gospel song, “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through,” is a kind of a ‘half-truth’. We may go into “Heaven” (Intermediate) via death, but eventually, we will end up back on a ‘RESTORED’ Earth to live eternally.

Earth has been damaged by our sin (Genesis 3:17). Therefore, the earth as it is now (under the “Curse”) is not our ‘home’. The world, as it WAS—and as it WILL BE—is our home.

We have never known a world without sin, suffering, and death. Yet, we yearn for such a life in such a world. Again, God put it ‘in’ us to desire it so. When we see a roaring waterfall, beautiful flowers, a wild animal in its native habitat, or the joy in the eyes of our pets when they see us, we sense that this world is—or at least it was meant to be—our ‘home’.

We are ‘pilgrims’ in this life, not because our home will never be on earth, but because our eternal home is not currently on earth. It was, and it will be, but it is not now. The Eden we all long for WILL return!

[ FYI: For more details about “no place like home,” view this previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/theres-no-place-like-home-v288/ ]

The Millennium is the time that comes after Jesus’ Second Coming. It is the transition between the old Earth and the New Earth. The Millennium will be a ‘foretaste’ of the New Heaven and a New Earth—a precursor of the eternal state. It will be different than life as we know it today, but it will still fall short of the absolute perfection of the New Heaven, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem.

The Bible tells us that Jesus will return triumphantly to the earth, split the Mount of Olives in half, march through the Eastern Gate, and sit on David’s throne in Jerusalem. He will then start His rule of the world for 1,000 years in a mediatorial Messianic Kingdom on Earth.

This is a literal Kingdom, a theocracy, in which God fills His promises to the Jewish prophets that He would one day bring the Kingdom to Jerusalem and that the King would literally reign upon the earth. This will also be a time when Satan is bound in the “bottomless pit” for the same 1,000 years.

It will be an unprecedented time of peace, that will most likely serve as the greatest ‘harvest’ of souls in human history (becoming “born again”). In addition to this, part of the millennial Kingdom’s importance will be to fulfill the biblical covenant God has made throughout history: The Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12, 15); The Land Covenant (Deuteronomy 30); The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:12-16); and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).

Another reason for the Millennial Kingdom is that Jesus must be, as theologian Charles Ryrie said:

“Triumphant in the same ‘arena’ where He was seemingly defeated. His rejection by the rulers of this world was on this earth (1 Corinthians 2:8). His exultation must also be on this earth. And so it shall be when he comes again to rule this world in righteousness. Hey has waited long for His inheritance; soon he shall receive it.”

The Millennial Kingdom is essential and fulfilling the long-awaited promises an inheritance of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

As wonderful as the Millennial Kingdom will be, it will not be “Heaven.” Despite the amazing blessings and a prophetic fulfillment in the Millennial Kingdom, this time will be sandwiched between two important conflicts. Prior to the Millennial Kingdom, Satan and his forces are defeated by Jesus at Armageddon (at the end of the Tribulation). Then, at the end of the 1,000-year Millennial Kingdom, Satan is released for one final rebellion:

“And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them, and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever”
[ Revelation 20:7-10 ].

Satan and his enemy army surround Jerusalem, however, the battle will be short-lived. This so-called battle will actually serve as an ‘execution’, and they all will be instantly destroyed—with their souls entering the realm of punishment, the “Lake of Fire,” forever! (Revelation 20:11-15)

The Millennial Kingdom is not an ‘optional’ part of God’s plan for the final eternal Kingdom. It must occur forgot to keep his promises.

The nature of the millennium is arguably the most controversial subject in the study of biblical future, but most of the views can be summarized to three major perspectives: Post-millennialism, A-millennialism, and Pre-millennialism.

Adherents of the Post-millennialism view believe that Jesus will return to earth after the 1,000 years of Kingdom living occur. He will come after, or post, the Millennium time.

To hold this view, one has to believe that things are getting better and better in our world as we speak. Hmmmm.

A-Millinnialism literally means “No Millennium.” Those holding this view do not believe there will be a future 1,000-year reign of Jesus, and that the promises God gave to Israel in the Old Testament—which can only now be fulfilled during a millennial reign—should be ‘spiritualized’ and interpreted in a symbolic way.

The thing is, it violates the natural understanding of the chronology of the Book of Revelation and wreaks havoc with Revelation 20:1-10. But there are even worse problems. It wreaks havoc with entire chapters of the Old Testament teaching, and many New Testament references to the literal reign of the Messiah on earth.

The only way to make our millennialism work is to spiritualize and symbolize these many Old Testament scriptures

To me—and many, many scholars—Pre-millennialism fits the Scriptures much more clearly and literally. It holds that Jesus will physically return to this earth, at the end of the Great Tribulation, defeat His enemies at the battle of Armageddon, and then set up His Kingdom on this earth. He will reign for 1,000 years, bringing human history full circle and to a fitting climax.

So then, why even have a millennium at all? Well, there are a few obvious purposes for the millennium. Let me give you for of them.

– To ‘Reward’ The People Of God
God’s people will receive rewards for faithful service (Isaiah 40:10; Matthew 16:27; Revelation, 22:12).

– To ‘Respond’ To The Predictions Of The Prophets
During the 1,000-year reign of Jesus, the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament prophets will be fulfilled. Many of the promises God made to Israel, have yet to be literally fulfilled, however, they will be during the Millennium (Psalm 72:11; Isaiah 9:7; Isaiah 60:21; Zachariah 9:10; Luke 1:32-33)

– To ‘Receive’ The Answer To The Disciples’ Prayer
Jesus taught that the Kingdom will come. The ultimate Fulfillment will be in the Millennium. That is when the Kingdom will come in its ‘fullness’, and God’s will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).

– To ‘Re-emphasize’ Man’s Depravity And The Necessity Of Jesus’ Death
During the Millennium, Satan will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit. Again, however, at the end of the Millennium, the Devil will be temporarily released to stage one final worldly rebellion. This tells us that things will not be ‘perfect’ during the Millennium. Death, though rare, will occur. Sin, though diminished, will still be possible, and the human heart will still be capable of rebellion. Then, when Satan, newly released and furious, goes out into the world, he will deceive the nations again—demonstrating with absolute finality, the utter inability of human beings to ‘chart’ their own way and to save themselves. This will be the final proof of the hopeless depravity of the human heart apart from God’s grace!

Now, the population will enjoy 1,000 years of peace, yet there still will be that rebellion at the end of it. (Humanity’s primary problem is not their environment, but the simple nature they inherited from their first parents.)

So, even though it will not be a perfect ‘Utopia’, there are many wonderful ‘positives’ that will happen during the Millennium.

– It will be a time of Peace
War will be unknown (Psalm 72:7; Micah 4:2–3; Isaiah 11:6-9).

– It will be a time of Prosperity
The whole world will be economically, healthy, and the land of Israel will flourish beyond anything imaginable (Ezekiel 34:26-27; Ezekiel 36:29-30; Ezekiel 36:35; Amos 9:13; Isaiah 35:1).

– It will be a time of Purity
Sin will be kept in check and disobedience will be dealt with immediately (Isaiah 11:9; Isaiah 25:9; Isaiah 66:23; Zachariah 13:2).

– It will also be a time of Prolonged Life
Human longevity will return to pre-flood levels. It is as though history will come full circle. People will live multiple hundreds of years (Isaiah 65:20).

– It will be a time of Personal Joy
The Millennium will be an exhilarating era of happiness and contentment. (Isaiah 9:3; Isaiah 12:3; Isaiah 14:7; Isaiah 25:8-9; Isaiah 30:29; Isaiah 42:10-12).

During these thousand years, Jesus will rain and rule on the throne of his ancestor, King David, in the city of Jerusalem. Out of Jerusalem will flow this wonderful reign of peace or the entire earth as we know it today. Can you even imagine that?

But, the main thing is that all this is simply a prelude to the New Heaven, and a New Earth – the ‘overture’ of eternity. Jesus came the first time to be our savior, and he’s coming back the second time to be our King.

God has never given up on His original creation. Somehow we have managed to overlook the entire Bible with the vocabulary that makes this point clear: Reconcile; Redeem; Restore; Recover; Return; Renew; Regenerate; and Resurrect. Each of these biblical words begins with the “re-“ prefix, suggesting a return to an original condition that was ruined or lost. God always seeks to ‘restore’ His original creation.

Religion professor Albert M. Wolters, in his book “Creation Regained,” wrote:

“[God] hangs on to his fallen original creation and salvages it. He refuses to abandon the work of his hands—in fact, he sacrifices his only son to save his original project. Humankind, which has botched its original mandate and the whole creation along with it, is given another chance in Christ; we are reinstated as God’s managers on earth. The original good creation is to be restored.”

If God wanted to consign us all to Hell and start all over, He could have done that. He could have made a new ‘Adam’ and a new ‘Eve’ and sent the old ones to Hell. HOWEVER, He did not do that. Instead, He chose to redeem what He started with—the heavens, earth, and mankind—to bring them all back to His original creation and intention. God is the ultimate ‘salvage’ artist. He loves to restore things to their original condition, and then to make them even better! God has never surrendered His ‘title deed’ to the earth. He owns it, and He will not relinquish it to his ‘enemies’ (Satan, demons, and even humanity!).

God planted mankind on earth to be ‘frutiful’, ‘multiply’, ‘replenish’, and ‘subdue’ the Earth to His glory (Genesis 1:28). However, that plan has never been fulfilled… yet! God determined, from the beginning, that He will redeem mankind and restore the earth—so His original plan will be ‘fulfilled’!

Jesus explicitly said that “all things” would be renewed (Matthew 1:28). The Greek word “paligenesia” translated as “renewal,” comes from two words that mean “new genesis” or “coming back from death to life.” So, “all things” appears to be all-encompassing! So, according to Jesus Himself, our destiny is to live forever on a ‘restored’ and ‘renewed’ Earth!

Theologian A. A. Hodge summarized this well:

“Heaven, as the eternal home of the divine man and of all the redeemed members of the human race, must necessarily be thoroughly human in its structure, conditions, and activities. Its joys and occupations must be all rational, moral, emotional, voluntary and active. There must be the exercise of all the faculties, the gratification of all tastes, the development of all latent capacities, the realization of all ideals. The reason, the intellectual curiosity, the imagination, the aesthetic instincts, the holy affections, the social affinities, the inexhaustible resources of strength and power native to the human soul, must find in heaven exercise and satisfaction… Heaven will prove the consummate flower and fruit of the whole creation and of all the history of the universe.”

Despite vestiges of beauty and joy, something on this earth is terribly wrong. Not only God’s creatures but even inanimate objects seem to ‘feel’ it. However, there is hope! Reformer Martin Luther put it this way: “Our Lord has written the promise of the Resurrection not in the books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.” So, even the creation hopes for, even anticipates, the New Heavens and the New Earth:

“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies”
[ Romans 8:19-23 ].

Now, as we think back to the scene in the Garden of Eden—in which Adam and Eve sinned against God—we remember that a ‘Curse’ was placed upon the earth by God (Genesis 3:17-18; Romans 8:20-22). Hence, before the eternal Kingdom can be made manifest, God must deal with this cursed earth.

Perhaps the most extended section of Scripture dealing with the passing of the old heavens and earth is 2 Peter 3:7-13:

“By the same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.

Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a New Heaven and a New Earth, where righteousness dwells.”

Now, after the universe is ‘cleansed’, and God creates a New Heaven and a New Earth, all vestiges of the Curse in Satan’s presence will be forever removed. Theologian Albert Barnes put it this way:

“The earth will know more be cursed, and will produce no more thorns and the salt; man will be no more compelled to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow; women will be no more doom to bear the sufferings which she does now; and the abodes of the Blessed will be no more cursed by sickness, sorrow, tears, and death.”

John F. Walvood adds, “All that spoke of sin and its penalties is wiped away in heaven, and there is nothing left that is a reminder of soon. All are blessed, not cursed.” ALL things will be made new, and how blessed it will be!

As I mentioned, right now, Heaven is where God now dwells and where believers go at the moment of their death, and the future Heaven will be where believers will spend all eternity. As pastor John MacArthur put it:

“In the consummation of all things, God will renovate the heavens and the earth, merging his Heaven with a new universe for a perfect dwelling-place that will be our home forever. In other words, Heaven, the realm where God dwells, will expand to encompass the entire universe of creation, which will be fashioned into a perfect and glorious domain for the glory of Heaven.”

So, the believer can look forward to living eternally in a magnificent Kingdom where both Heaven and Earth ‘unite’ in a glory that will exceed the imaginative capabilities of the finite human brain! Woo-hoo!!!

Then, the prophecy of Isaiah 65:17 will be fulfilled, where God promises: “Behold, I will create New Heavens and a New Earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” Again, the believer is destined for a New Heaven and a New Earth!

Finally, the prophecy of Revelation 21:1-5 will also be fulfilled:

“Then I saw ‘a New Heaven and a New Earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’”

If you are a believer, rejoice, for for this New Heaven and New Earth! Everything will be according to God’s glorious nature. The New Heavens and New Earth will be brought into conformity with all that God is—in a state of fixed bliss and absolute perfection!

It is an incredible thing to ponder that one day Heaven and Earth will no longer be separate realms—as they are now—but will be ‘merged’. The New Earth will be utterly sinless, bathed and imbued in the light and splendor of God and unobscured by evil of any kind! How glorious the New Heaven and a New Earth will be!

Even on our present earth, there are parts of the world that are considered “heaven on earth”—absolutely gorgeous, with virtually perfect weather and allowing one to truly enjoy the beauty of nature.

[ FYI: Take a look at last month’s post to see the top 67 places that people say are “heaven on earth,” and then the Top 10 places I choose for that list:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].

However, the finest day on Earth shall be as nothing when compared with the New Earth, for it will be renovated to a state of absolute perfection—full of splendor and delight (1 Corinthians 2:9)!

As difficult as it may be to fully understand, the Scriptures indicate that in the eternal state—the New Heavens and the New Earth—believers will actually ‘share’ in the glory of Jesus. “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” [ Romans 8:17 ].

This, of course, does not mean that finite humans will become deity. However, it DOES mean that the believer will be in a state of glory, sharing in Jesus’ glory, wholly because of what He did on the Cross for them. Believers will have their glorious resurrection bodies and be ‘clothed’ with shining robes of immortality, incorruption, and splendor—and living in a perfect environment!

This ‘glorious’ future awaits each believer! They will one day have perfect, glorious bodies in a perfect, glorious environment! Nothing that life ‘throws’ at them today in the present stands a chance of overcoming their joy over their eternal future!

In Revelation 21:6, God victoriously pronounces that, “It is done.” This is truly a statement of divine finality from God Almighty that He has created for humankind’s eternal state will indeed last forever and ever. Just as Jesus uttered the words, “It is finished” on the Cross regarding completing His redemptive work (John 19:30), God the Father now affirms that human salvation has come to full fruition in the eternal state. Theologian Albert Barnes summarized this well when he said:

“The Great work is accomplished; the arrangement of human affairs is complete. The redeemed are gathered in; the wicked are cut off; truth is triumphant, and all is now complete—prepared for the eternal state of things.”

Seven hundred years before the Apostle John arrived ‘on the scene’—who wrote the Book of Revelation—the prophet Isaiah described the city of Jerusalem, as it will be during the Millennium (Isaiah 65:17-19; Isaiah 66:22-23). Isaiah was ‘told’ by the Spirit of God that there is a glorious future for God’s people, which includes a New Heaven, a New Earth, and a new capital—the New Jerusalem. Incredible!

So, when will all of this ‘purification’ happen? Well, notice the order of events in the Book of Revelation:

– The Rapture of the Church
– The Great Tribulation
– The Battle of Armageddon
– The Second Coming of Christ
– The Millennial Kingdom
– The Great White Throne Judgment

So, after this final event in human history has concluded, the ‘curtain’ will fall on time and eternity will begin!

As I mentioned, most biblical scholars think that God will create the New Heaven and New Earth, by renovating, overhauling, refurbishing, and reconstituting the old Heaven and the old Earth rather than totally annihilating the present Heaven and present Earth.

In one of his inimitable sermons, pastor Dr. W. A. Criswell put it this way:

“God someday will purge this earth, and the universe of all of it, sin and unrighteousness and darkness and death. It will be dissolved in a fervent heat. The elements shall return to their primordial form, and the whole creation of God shall be burned with fire (2 Peter 8:10-12). It shall be cleansed. It shall be accursed. Everything that is wrong, and everything that is transgressing and sinful shall be taken out of it. Then shall come to pass this ultimate and final revelation, describe for us in the 21st chapter (Revelation 21). Out of this purged mass of God’s creative work, he will reshape, he will remake, he will re-create all of the heavens and this earth. There will be no destruction of what God has made. It is a renewal. It is a renaissance. It is a regeneration. It is a re-creation (Revelation 21: 1-5).”

Later, Dr. Criswell brought up another reason why the cosmos will be renovated, and not annihilated. He parallels the resurrection of Jesus to this. When Jesus rose from the dead, His old body was not obliterated and re-created from scratch. The body that rose again was the same that He died on the Cross, but in that wonderful flash of resurrection power, it was glorified, transformed, and ‘prepared’ for eternity. Dr. Criswell is suggesting that will be the same for our own ‘glorified’ bodies in Heaven. God will, somehow, with His omnipotent energy, recreate our bodies, and instantly glorify them, and equipped them for eternal life.

So, let me suggest a final reason for the renovation of the New Heaven and a New Earth.

Theologian Anthony Hoekema wrote:

“If God would have to annihilate the present cosmos, Satan would have won a great victory. For then Satan would have succeeded in so devastatingly corrupting the present cosmos and the present earth that God could do nothing with it but blot it out totally of existence. But Satan did not win such a victory. On the contrary, Satan has been decisively defeated. God will reveal the full dimensions of that defeat when he shall renew this very earth on which Satan deceived mankind and finally banish from it all the results of Satan’s evil machinations.”

Author, Randy Alcorn agrees with this view, writing:

“God doesn’t throw away his handiwork and start from scratch—instead, he uses the same canvas to repair and make more beautiful the painting marred by the vandal. The vandal doesn’t get the satisfaction of destroying his rival’s masterpiece. On the contrary, God makes an even greater masterpiece out of what his enemy sought to destroy.”

So, after God has sentenced Satan and all the ungodly to an eternal Hell (Revelation 20:11-15), the whole universe will be ‘torched’ (“The first Heaven in the first heard had passed away, and the sea was no more” – Revelation 21:1). The thing is, just recently, atomic science has demonstrated to us that such inconceivable destruction can occur. By splitting the atom, Man unleashed the potential for unbelievable annihilation—a chain reaction of atomic explosions could literally ‘disintegrate’ this earth!

Moreover, our earth has tremendous potential for fire. We live on a thin crust of a ‘fireball’, Most of the earth’s approximately 8,000-mile diameter is a molten flame. The earth’s core is a flaming, boiling, liquid lake of fire, which when it gets too close to the earth’s crust, bursts forth as a volcano.

However, the fire the Apostle Peter described is no mere nuclear ‘bomb’. It is a meltdown of universal proportions: “The heavens passed away with a great noise. The elements melt with fervent heat. Everything we know will be instantly burned up” [ 2 Peter 3:10b ]. This is the culmination of an eschatological period known as “the Day of the Lord,” which is always associated in Scripture with the outpouring of divine wrath and judgment. The sudden fiery demolition of the universe is the consummation of it all.

The Apostle Peter’s whole point has an intensely practical application: “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people are you be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and not heavenly bodies will melt as they burn!” [ 2 Peter 3:11-12 ].

Peter’s point is obvious: If everything in this life is perishable, the believer needs to set our hearts on things that are in imperishable. Like Abraham, the father of the faithful, they need to fix their hopes on a more ‘permanent’ City—one whose architect and builder is God, and one that will never pass away.

So, Peter concludes with: “According to His promise we are waiting for New Heavens and a New Earth in which righteousness dwells” [ 2 Peter 3:13 ].

So catch this: Even this, the greatest of God’s judgments, will ultimately have a ‘silver lining’, a gracious purpose. For ONLY THEN will the universe stop ‘groaning’ under the curse of sin (Romans 8:19-22).

God’s plan of the ages is “To bring all things in Heaven and on Earth together under one head, even Christ” [ Ephesians 1:10 ]. This verse corresponds precisely to the culmination of history that we see enacted in Revelation 21, the ‘merging’ together of the once separate ‘realms’ of Heaven and Earth, fully under Jesus’ Lordship.

The hymn “This Is My Father’s World” (by Maltbie D. Babcock) expresses this truth in its final words: “Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and Heav’n be one.” Just as God and mankind are reconciled by Jesus’ atonement on the Cross, so too will be the dwelling place of God to be ‘WITH’ mankind—on Earth! There will be one universe, with all things in Heaven and on Earth ‘melded’ together under one ‘head’, Jesus (Revelation 21:3).

Right now, Heaven is God’s home, and Earth is our home. Jesus, as the God-man, forever links God and mankind, and thereby forever links Heaven and Earth (Ephesians 1:10). God’s plan is that there will no longer be a ‘chasm’ between the spiritual and physical worlds. There will be no divided loyalties or divided realms. There will be one cosmos, one universe, united under Jesus, forever. This is the unstoppable plan of God. THIS is where history is headed!

An incredible thing to ponder that one day Heaven and Earth will no longer be separate realms, as they are now, but will be ‘merged’. “Heaven” will then encompass the New Heavens and the New Earth. The New Jerusalem will be the eternal dwelling place of ALL the believers for all ages!

Sometimes when we look at this world’s breathtaking beauty—experiencing a gorgeous place–and we feel a twinge of disappointment. Why? Well, because we know we are going to leave this place behind when we die.

We might say, in consolation, something like “This world is not my home.” However, if we are honest, we may be thinking, “But I sure wish it was.”

What we really want is to live forever in a world with all the beauty and none of the ugliness—a world without sin, death, and all the personal and relational problems and disappointments we endure during our lives. Well, people who have their ‘citizenship’ in Heaven (believers), will see MUCH familiarity between this Earth to the New Earth!

Theologian Rene Pache explained this well:

“The future heaven is centered more on activity and expansion, serving Messiah and reigning with Him… The emphasis in the present heaven is on the absence of earth’s negatives, while in the future heaven, it is the presence of earth’s positives, magnified many times through the power and glory of resurrected bodies on a resurrected earth, free at last from sin and shame and all that would hinder both joy and achievement.”

As human beings, we long for ‘home’—the familiarity of the old, even as we craved the innovation of the new. We don’t really like things that are fairly foreign to us. Instead, we appreciate fresh and innovative variations on the things that we already know and love. So, when we hear that in Heaven we will have new bodies and live on a New Earth, it makes us feel a bit more ‘comfortable’.

There seems to be a common misunderstanding about the New Heaven and New Earth that they will be unfamiliar to us. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The following are some of the characteristics—mentioned in the Bible—of the life we will live on the New Earth:

– Familiar
– Earthy
– New imperishable bodies
– Home
– Time and space
– Dynamic
– Purposeful work
– Friends to enjoy
– An eternity of learning and discovering
– Fascinating
– Continuous fulfillment of desire
– Everything we desire and nothing we don’t

The thing is, the moment we set foot on the New Earth, we will know, for sure, that it is exactly ‘where’ we have ALWAYS ‘BELONGED’! Lay theologian C. S. Lewis explained this feeling well:

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience In this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

The Bible tells us that what we love about this life are the things that will ‘resonate’ with us in the life to come ON this ‘renewed’ Earth. The things we love are not merely the best this life has to offer, they are ‘foretastes’ of the greater life to come!

This world–including all of its natural wonders, culture, and people–gives us a ‘foretaste’ and a glimpse of the next world, only they all will be PERFECT!

Every joy on earth is an inkling, a ‘whisper’ of a greater joy to come. All of the 67 places I mentioned in last month’s post that were described as “heaven on earth” are just rough ‘sketches’ of what will be on the New Earth. The New Earth will be a place of sensory delight, breathtaking beauty, satisfying relationships, and personal joy!

So, if a deteriorating Earth is so stunning, what will it look like when it is made new, restored to the ‘original’? Well, Earth’s beauty will just gain even deeper beauty, since it will be ‘redeemed’ and perfect.

Author and lay theologian C. S. Lewis put it this way:

“We want something else which can hardly be put into words—to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, two bays in it, to become part of it.”

So, will the New Earth just ‘start over’ as a new Eden, and not have the cumulative benefits of all of the human knowledge and technology we have developed up to now?

Well, religion professor Albert M. Wolters said this about that:

“Life in the new creation will not be a repristination of all things—a going back to the way things were at the beginning. Rather, life in the new creation will be a restoration of all things—involving the removal of every sinful impurity and the retaining of all that is holy and good. Were the new creation to exclude the diversity of the nations and the glory of the kings of the earth, it would be impoverished rather than enriched, historically regressive and reactionary rather than progressive. To express the point in the form of a question: is it likely that the music of Bach and Mozart, the painting of Rembrandt, the writing of Shakespeare, the discoveries of science, etc., will be altogether lost upon life in the new creation?”

C. S. Lewis so aptly said that “In the truest sense, Christian pilgrims have the best of both worlds. We have joy whenever this world reminds us of the next, and we take solace whenever it does not.”

In one of Lewis’s books in the “Narnia” series—“The Last Battle”—he portrays the girl Lucy as she mourns the loss of Narnia, a great world created by Aslan, a beloved world that she assumed had been forever destroyed. Jewel, the unicorn mourns too, calling his beloved Narnia, “The only world I’ve ever known.”

Although Lucy and her family and friends are on the threshold of Aslan country (Heaven), she still looks back at Narnia and feels a profound loss. However, as she gets deeper into Aslan’s country, she notices something totally unexpected. What happens next, reflects Lewis’ interpretation (reasonably biblical) of the New Earth:

“‘If you ask me,’ said Edmund, ’It’s like somewhere in the Narnian world. Look at those mountains ahead—and the big ice-mountains beyond them. Surely they’re rather like the mountains we used to see from Narnia, the ones up Westward beyond the Waterfall?’

‘Yes, so they are,’ said Peter. ‘Only these are bigger.’

‘I don’t think those ones are so very like anything in Narnia,’ said Lucy. ‘But look there.’ She pointed Southward to their left, and everyone stopped and turned to look. ‘Those hills,’ said Lucy, ‘The nice woody ones and the blue ones behind—aren’t they very like the Southern border of Narnia?’

‘Like!’ cried Edmund after a moment’s silence. ‘Why, they’re exactly like. Look, there’s Mount Pire with his forked head, and there’s the pass into Archenland and everything!’

‘And yet they’re not like,’ said Lucy. ‘They’re different. They have more colors one them and they look further away than I remembered and they’re more… more… oh, I don’t know…’

‘More like the real thing,’ said the Lord Digory softly.

Suddenly Farsight the Eagle spread his wings, soared thirty or forty feet up into the air, circled round and then alighted on the ground.

‘King and Queens,’ he cried, ‘We have all been blind. We are only beginning to see where we are. From up there I have seen it all—Ettinsmuir, Beaversdam, the Great River, and Cair Paravel still shinning on the edge of the Eastern Sea. Narnia is not dead. This is Narnia.’

‘But how can it be?’ said Peter. ‘For Aslan told us older ones that we should never return to Narnia, and here we are.’

‘And it’s all so different,’ said Lucy.

‘The Eagle is right,’ said the Lord Digory. ‘Listen, Peter. When Aslan said you could never go back to Narnia, he meant the Narnia you were thinking of. But that was not the real Narnia. That had a beginning and an end. It was only a shadow or a copy of the real Narnia which has always been here and always will be here: just as our own world, England an all, is only a shadow or copy of something in Aslan’s real world. You need not mourn over Narnia, Lucy. All of the old Narnia that mattered, all the dear creatures, have been drawn into the real Narnia through the Door. And of course it is different; as different as a real thing is from a shadow or as waking life is from a dream.’ His voice stirred everyone like a trumpet as he spoke these words: but when he added under his breath ‘It’s all in Plato, all in Plato: bless me, what do they teach them at these schools!’ The older ones laughed. It was so exactly like the sort of thing they had heard him say long ago in that other world where his beard was gray instead of golden. He knew why they were laughing and joined in the laugh himself. But very quickly they all became grave again: for, as you know, there is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. It is too good to waste on jokes.

The difference between the old Narnia and the new Narnia was like that. The new one was a deeper country: every rock and flower and blade of grass looked as if it meant more. I can’t describe it any better than that: if you ever get there you will know what I mean.

It was the Unicorn who summed up what everyone was feeling. He stamped his right fore-hoof on the ground and neighed, and then cried:

‘I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now. The reason why we loved the old Narnia is that it sometimes looked a little like this. Bree-hee-hee! Come further up, come further in!’

He shook his mane and sprang forward into a great gallop—a unicorn’s gallop, which, in our world, would have carried him out of sight in a few moments. But now a most strange thing happened. Everyone else began to run, and they found, to their astonishment, that they could keep up with him: not only the dogs and the humans but even fat little Puzzle and short-legged Poggin the Dwarf. The air flew in their faces as if they were driving fast in a car without a windscreen. The country flew past as if they were seeing it from the windows of an express train. Faster and faster they raced, but no one got hot or tired or out of breath.

About half an hour later—or it might have been half a hundred years later, for time there is not like time here—Lucy stood with her dear friend, her oldest Narnian friend, the Faun Tumnus, looking down over the wall of that garden, and seeing all Narnia spread out below. But when you looked down you found that this hill was much higher than you had thought: it sank down with shining cliffs, thousands of feet below them and trees in that lower world looked no bigger than grains of green salt. Then she turned inward again and stood with her back to the wall and looked at the garden.

‘I see,’ she said at last, thoughtfully. ‘I see now. This garden is like the stable. It is far bigger inside than it was outside.’

‘Of course, Daughter of Eve,’ said the Faun. ‘The further up and the further in you go, the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside.’

Lucy looked hard at the garden and saw that it was not really a garden but whole world, with its own rivers and woods and sea and mountains. But they were not strange: she knew them all.

‘I see,’ she said. ‘This is still Narnia, and more real and more beautiful than the Narnia down below, just as it was more real and more beautiful than the Narnia outside the stable door! I see… world within world, Narnia within Narnia…’

‘Yes,’ said Mr. Tumnus, ‘Like an onion: except that as you continue to go in and in, each circle is larger than the last.

You do not yet look so happy as I mean you to be.

Lucy said, ‘We’re so afraid of being sent away, Aslan. And you have sent us back into our own world so often.’

‘No fear of that,’ said Aslan. ‘Have you not guessed?’

Their hearts leaped and a wild hope rose within them.

‘There was a real railway accident,’ said Aslan softly. ‘Your father and mother and all of you are—as you used to call it in the Shadowlands—dead. The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning.’

And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.”

So, did you catch Lewis’ message? Our Earth is the “Shadowlands,” a ‘copy’ of something that once was, Eden, and yet will be, the New Earth. All of the old earth that matters will be drawn into Heaven, to be part of the New Earth!

Through “The Chronicles of Narnia” series, we can learn to envision the promised Heaven on Earth in a biblical and compelling way. We can learn to anticipate nature, culture, and humanity that will be, as Lord Digory put it, “More like the real thing.”

Then, Lewis goes even further later in the final book of the Narnia series, “The Last Battle”:

“‘Why!’ exclaimed Peter. ‘It’s England. And that’s the house itself—Professor Kirk’s old home in the country where all our adventures began!’

‘I thought that house had been destroyed,’ said Edmund.

‘So it was,’ said the Faun. ‘But you are looking at the England within England, the real England just as this is the real Narnia. And in that inner England no good thing is destroyed’”

[ VIDEO: “Narnia Talk: The Last Battle – Death & The World’s End, Joy & Hope” ]

The reviewer in the above video, Durban, had a great comment about what Lewis was trying to communicate about being ‘Home’:

“The world has ended, and here they find themselves in Heaven. And yet Edmond and Peter and all of them are looking around saying. “This is flippin’ Narnia. Those are those so-and-so mountains. This is the so-and-so place.” They’re recognizing these places, but they’re like, “Why does it look the same and not the same?”

And it turns out it’s like Plato. That’s what they reference—it’s like Plato (his “Theory of Forms”). It’s the fact that they were in the Shadowlands. They were in the copy and now they’re in the real thing. So, all of Narnia was a land built off the model of this true land. This is the real land.

And I love how C. S. Lewis tried to describe it, because even as C. S. Lewis is describing this whole heavenly Narnia, he can’t describe it. Which, to me, even though this is total fiction, just him not being able to describe it adds that much more authenticity to where they are to the paradise that they’re in!

And the best he says, ‘It’s like,’ okay, ‘Imagine you’re like looking in a mirror and you see the reflection of the beach behind you. But then you turn around and you
actually go to the beach. Yeah, you had the idea of what it looked like but once you’re actually at the beach, it’s bigger, it’s more real—because you’re not just looking at a reflection, you’re standing in the real thing.’

That’s what he’s saying. Narnia was the Shadowlands. Narnia was the copy. Now they’re in the real thing. And I think it was Jewel the unicorn and said, ‘Oh my gosh I didn’t know it until now this is home. This is why I love Narnia. This is why I found this or that beautiful. Because really I was craving this. Somewhere inside I knew about this. I knew about this real land. This is the real home. This is what I’ve desired all my life. I belong. I am at home.’”

So, all this to say, based on what Scripture tells, what Lewis envisions is very possible—we are currently in the “Shadowlands” of what the New Earth will be. On the New Earth, we will see the ‘real’ Earth, which includes the good things of God’s original creation, but also of mankind’s creative ‘expressions’ on the current earth. When this Earth is ‘renewed’, no current ‘good’ thing will be destroyed!

The biblical doctrine of the New Earth implies something startling: If we want to know what the ultimate Heaven—our eternal ‘Home’—will look like, the best place to start is by looking around us right now (as C. S. Lewis envisioned at the end Narnia series). We should not close our eyes and try to imagine the unimaginable. We should just open our eyes because the present earth is as much a valid ‘reference point’ for envisioning the New Earth as our present bodies are a compelling ‘guide’ for envisioning our new bodies (like Jesus’ resurrection body).

After all, we are living in the ‘remembrance’ (built ‘into’ humans) of a perfect world (Garden of Eden) and the remembrance of perfect humanity (Adam and Eve before the “Fall”). We should not be ‘concerned’ that the New Earth will have anything to do with what is wrong with this one. Can we not imagine what Earth would be like unhindered by ‘sin’, ‘disease’, and ‘death’? Can we not envision natural beauty untainted by ‘degradation’ (The Second Law of Thermodynamics)?

The idea of the New Earth, as a physical place, is the invention of a transcendent God who made physical human beings to live on a physical earth and who then becomes a man Himself (Jesus) to live on that same earth. He did this so He might redeem mankind and the earth, and to forever enjoy the company of humanity in a world He made ‘ESPECIALLY’ for them!

So, when this ‘new’ creation is finished, and God will have ‘purified’ and ‘renovated’ it—being the same Earth and the same Heaven—it will be made ‘fresh’ and new. All the things of sin will be gone! All the evidence of death and the signs of disease will all be gone! What, then, will the world be like?

– ‘Reversal’ Of The Curse
The ‘Curse’ is why everything goes wrong in our world and is why life is such a ‘problem’ all the time. When we get to the New Heaven and a New Earth, the Curse will be lifted and the wariness that accompanies our work will be a forgotten memory. Nature will work as it should, the weather will always be in our favor, and the ground will grow flowers as naturally as it produces thorns and thistles today. Then, because of the removal of the Curse, we will NEVER DIE!

– ‘Restoration’ Of All Things
All things associated with the New Heaven and the New Earth will be ‘restored’ (Revelation 21:4-5). Author, Randy Alcorn said, “God’s plan is that there will be no more gulf between the spiritual and the physical world. There will be no divided loyalties or divided realms. There will be one cosmos, one universe united under one Lord—forever. This is the unstoppable plan of God. This is where history is headed.”

– ‘Removal’ Of The Seas
Now, the Bible doesn’t tell us that there won’t be beautiful bodies of water—since the New Earth will be more beautiful than anything we can imagine—it just will not need to have huge ‘waste lands’ of salty seas. No huge ‘reservoir’ for the maintenance of the hydrologic cycle will be needed. Since there will be no decay on the New Earth, no preservatives will be needed—so perhaps all the bodies of water will be fresh, pure, and crystal clear (Revelation 22:1). So, give God a little bit of credit here, for if He made the sea so beautiful and pleasant in the first place, He can certainly design the New Earth with even greater levels of marvel and magnificence! Right?

The New Heaven will be splendid beyond comparison, a place characterized by laughter without tears, life without death, singing without mourning, contentment without crying, and pleasure without pain! Then, the New Heaven and a New Earth will be crowned by a resplendent city, called the New Jerusalem!

At the dawn of the eternal age, this celestial city will descend with its glorious foundations and rest upon the Earth. We will live ‘within’ the New Heaven, ‘on’ the New Earth, and ‘in’ the New Jerusalem, ‘THE’ eternal City. Our eternal destinations will be an unlimited domain! Woo-hoo!!!

The eternal Heaven will be vastly different—much expanded—from the Heaven where God now dwells. In the consummation of all things, God will remake the Heavens and the Earth, merging His Heaven with this Earth in a perfect dwelling place that will be the believer’s ‘Home’ forever. In other words, Heaven, the realm where God dwells, will ‘expand’ to encompass the entire universe of creation—which will be fashioned anew in a manner fit for the glory of God!

The Apostle Peter described this as the hope of every redeemed person: “According to His promise we are all waiting for New Heavens and a New Earth in which righteousness dwells” [ 2 Peter 3:13 ]. In addition to that, centuries previous, the prophet Isaiah gave some ‘insight’ of God’s promise for the New Heavens and the Earth (Isaiah 66:22). What we see in microcosm at the end of Isaiah is spelled out more fully at the end of the Revelation.

So, the New Heavens and the New Earth will come when the first Heaven and the first Earth have “passed away.” The Greek word translated “new” is “kainos,” which means “ New in nature, or something that has been refurbished or improved.” This stresses that the New Earth that God will create will not just be new—as opposed to old—it will also be ‘different’.

In Revelation, 21:1, the Greek word used for the New Heaven, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem is also “kainos.” So, they are not a different Heaven, a different Earth, and a different heavenly Jerusalem, but they have all ‘been restored’, ‘refurbished’, and ‘upgraded’ to brand-new condition.

The Apostle Paul also uses the same Greek word twice in 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” The word also denotes a change in ‘quality’. The New Heavens and New Earth, like a believer’s newness in Christ, will be glorified, free from sin’s curse, and will be eternal.

Now, the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what the New Earth will look like, but we have reason to believe that it will be, in many respects, familiar. The city of Jerusalem will be there—albeit a New Jerusalem—which has streets, walls, and gates. The Apostle John also mentions a high mountain, water, a stream, and trees. Best of all, it is populated with the people of God—real, ‘physical’ people whom we will know and with whom we will have eternal fellowship! That’s going to be REALLY cool!

The New Earth’s natural wonders will presumably be more spectacular than those we know now. We can expect more magnificent mountains, more beautiful lakes, and more beautiful flowers than those on this earth today. When we see the New Earth, we will look back at the present Earth and conclude, creatively speaking, that God was just ‘warming up’ and getting started on creating our eternal home (i.e. C. S. Lewis’ “Shadowlands”).

So, just as a ‘thought starter’, take a look at God’s ‘track record’ in creating natural wonders in this universe. On Mars, the volcano Olympus Mons rises 79,000 feet, nearly three times higher than Mount Everest. The base of this volcano is 370 miles across and would cover the entire state of Nebraska. The “Valles Marineris” is a vast canyon that stretches one-sixth of the way around Mars—2,800 miles long, 370 miles wide, and 4.5 miles deep. Hundreds of our Grand Canyon could fit inside it. I’m thinking that we will all be STUNNED by the awesomeness of God’s renewed creation!

Now, the New Earth probably will have much more spectacular features than these. Then again, also imagine what we might find on the new Mars, or the new Saturn, or the new Jupiter after the entire universe has been ‘reconditioned’.

The Bible’s final two chapters make it very clear that every aspect of the new creation will be greater than the old. Just as the present Jerusalem is not nearly as great as the New Jerusalem will be, no part of the present creation—including the Earth and the celestial heavens—is as great as it will be in the new creation.

The Bible promises that have and will be a realm of perfect bliss. Tears, pain, sorrow, and crying will have no place whatsoever in the New Heavens and the New Earth. It will be a place where God’s people will dwell together with Him eternally, utterly free from all the effects of sin and evil! Woo-hoo!

The New Heaven and New Earth will be “where righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13). Isaiah says that “the former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind” [ Isaiah 65:17 ]. Eden WILL BE ‘restored’.

In the New Heavens and New Earth, Scripture says, there are seven things notable for their absence—things that are “no more”:

– No more sea (Revelation 21:1)
– No more death (Revelation 21:4)
– No more mourning (Revelation 21:4)
– No more weeping (Revelation 21:4)
– No more pain (Revelation 21:4)
– No more curse (Revelation 22:3)
– No more night (Revelation 22:5)

The creation of the New Heavens and New Earth brings the promise that God “will wipe every tear from their eyes” (Revelation 21:4). This event comes after the Tribulation, after Jesus’ Second Coming, after the Millennial Kingdom, after the final rebellion, after the final judgment of Satan, and after the Great White Throne Judgment.

The following is an ‘overview’ description of the New Heavens and New Earth:

[ VIDEO: “What Are The New Heavens and the New Earth?” ]

The Apostle John portrays, in picturesque language, the beauty of the eternal Kingdom and the blessings that will be ours:

“Then I saw ‘a New Heaven and a New Earth,’ for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband”
[ Revelation 21:1-2 ].

Here we FINALLY will experience ‘UTOPIA’ BECOMING A REALITY! But, unlike man-made utopian communities that fail when they succumb to human nature, the Kingdom of God will last forever—because it is ‘Divinely’ crafted and maintained. It will not, and cannot fail—for a perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful God will have created it—as He did originally!

In the verse above, our attention is drawn to a City identified as the New Jerusalem, which replaces the Jerusalem of old. Since this will be our home for eternity, let’s take a closer look at the city, to help encourage us to ‘stay the path’, ‘keep our eyes on the goal’, and ‘finish the race’, well!

Scripture describes Heaven as both a “country” in the “City.” The term city is not merely a figure of speech but a literal geographical location—just like it is here on Earth today. After all, where do we expect physically resurrected people to live if not in a physical environment? The City at the center of the future Heaven is called the New Jerusalem. [ The photo in the Introduction above tries to imagine what it might look like. ]

Author Randy Alcorn makes this interesting observation regarding what the real city might be like:

“Everyone knows what a city is—a place with buildings, streets, and residences occupied by people and subject to a common government. Cities have inhabitants, visitors, bustling activity, cultural events, and gatherings involving music, arts, education, religion, entertainment, and athletics. If the capital city of the New Earth doesn’t have the defining characteristics of the city, it would seem misleading for Scripture to repeatedly call it a city.”

As a reminder, we need to make the distinction between the heavenly Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem. While both are the dwelling place of God the Father—and both are the dwelling place of the believers that have passed away—they do not exist simultaneously. The heavenly Jerusalem has been in existence since the creation of the heavens, and is the heavenly capital city that is in existence right now. This heavenly city will continue until the end of the Millennium, after the Great White Throne Judgment, and until after death has been totally defeated for all eternity. (Details below).

Then, the New Jerusalem will descend out of Heaven and rest ‘upon’ the earthly Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2). This is the place that Jesus is preparing for those who believe as we speak, and will be the ‘home’ of God for eternity. Now, while the believers of God will have their ‘home base’ in this new City, I’m thinking that travel beyond comprehension and discoveries beyond our current understanding will be available.

So, the main distinction between the heavenly Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem is their placement in time and their ‘physical’ location in the universe.

Another major distinction between the heavenly Jerusalem, and the New Jerusalem, is that the heavenly Jerusalem that exists currently has a “Temple” in it (Revelation 11:19), and there will be no temple in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:22). Within the temple in the heavenly Jerusalem is the original Ark of the Covenant that was placed there from the beginning, and the sole purpose of the heavenly Ark was to accept the blood of Jesus when He became the perfect sacrifice for all who would ‘believe’ in Him.

In all the Earth, there is only one parcel of land that was set aside by God for his ‘chosen’ people. Within that land, there is a city that has been chosen to be the ruling capital of the Earth. Within that city, there is a place where the greatest historical events of all time have taken place. This place is the Temple Mount.

God ‘loves’ Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. It’s been surmised that it is the place where He gathered the soil and created man. It is the place where Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed. It is the place where Jacob, who was sleeping with a rock for his ‘pillow’ saw heavenly angels, and traveled to and from the current Heaven. It was the threshing floor that was purchased by King David. It is the place of Solomon’s Temple (destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC), the Second Temple (Herod’s Temple (destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD), and will be the location of the Temple to come (during the Millennium). It was the place where Jesus was circumcised. It will also be the place where are the Antichrist will attempt to exalt himself as God (2 Thessalonians 2:3c-4). The history of mankind started in Jerusalem and will continue throughout eternity from there.

The Hebrew word for Jerusalem is “Yerushalayim.” Hebrew words ending in “ayim” do not designate plurality, they designate two of something. Within the name of Jerusalem, it is stated that there are two Jerusalems (Psalm 122:3).

Classic Jewish texts distinguish between “Yerushalayim shel mala,” the spiritual heavenly Jerusalem, and the “Yerushalayim shel mata,” the earthly Jerusalem. In the spiritual Jerusalem, God is visible, suffering is absent, and there is perfection. In the earthly Jerusalem, real people struggle with deep political, religious, and personal conflict—and perfection is elusive.

Again, while these two cities are separate, they are one. One is on Earth, and one is above it in the heavens. They are Yerushalayim!

Author Ron Rhodes described the Heavenly City as such:

“Presented to our amazement and awe in Revelation 21 is a scene of such transcendent splendor that the human mind can scarcely take it in. This is a scene of ecstatic joy and fellowship of sinless angels and redeemed glorified human beings. The voice of the One identified as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning in the end, utters a climactic declaration: “Behold, I am making all things new.”

John Bunyan, author of “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” said this about the heavenly City:

“Now, as they walked in this land, they had more rejoicing than in parts more remote from the kingdom to which they were bound; and drawing near to the city, they had yet a more perfect view thereof: It was builded of pearls and precious stones, also the streets thereof were paved with gold; so that, by reason of the natural glory of the city, and the reflection of the sunbeams upon it.”

It is important to realize that the City of New Jerusalem is not really Heaven, per se. It is the capital ‘city’ of Heaven. Here, and one of the Bible‘s most climactic passages, is the way this great city is described as it descends, fully designed, and built, to the Earth:

“Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true’”
[ Revelation, 21:1-5 ].

This description implies that the holy city was designed, BUILT, and ‘ready-made’ for the New Earth. The Apostle John did not see the New Jerusalem created, but he says he saw the city already built in coming down out of the highest Heaven. In other words, the New Jerusalem is an actual, physical city, presently located within the Third Heaven. Jesus referred to the New Jerusalem, as the “city of my God” (Revelation 3:12).

Now, some Bible scholars believe that the city will ‘hover’ over the Earth during the Millennium, then descend to the Earth during the eternal state, to serve as the everlasting capital of God’s renovated and glorious universe. I guess will have to wait for that one.

As the apostle John watches, an entire city, magnificent in its glory, descends whole from Heaven and becomes a part of the New Earth. Heaven and earth are now one. The surpassing glory of the city was to ‘amazing’ for the Apostle John to express in words (as it was for C. S. Lewis in trying to describe his ‘fictional’ Heaven!)

The New Jerusalem is the very city Abraham was seeking, “Whose designer and builder is God” [ Hebrews 11:10 ]. Then, the writer to the Hebrews says to all the redeemed that the earthly “Mount Zion is adjacent to the temple mount in old Jerusalem” (Hebrews 12:22). This heavenly Zion will be the eternal home of all “who are enrolled in Heaven” (Hebrews 12:23)—all of the redeemed for all ages. The redeemed will be made fit to dwell amid such unimaginable glory (1 John 3:2e).

The Apostle John describes the city as “having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal” [ Revelation 21:11 ]. John is trying to communicate the blazing glory of God’s very nature, and the splashing light of God’s glory literally covering the infinite new universe with breathtaking beauty!

[ VIDEO: “Welcome To The Celestial City” – “The Pilgrim’s Progress” movie (by RevelationMedia) ]

The Bible says that the length, width, and height were each 12,000 furlongs. In the original manuscripts, the word translated as “furlong” was the Greek word “stadia.” So, 12,000 stadia is about 1,380 miles (However, most ‘round up’ to 1,500 miles). The size of the city is so massive that if it were to be placed over North America, it would measure approximately the distance from Canada to Mexico and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rockies. That is a ‘first level’ surface area of 2,250,000 square miles.

For comparison, the New Jerusalem will be more than 15,000 times bigger than London! (only 621 square miles). It will be 20 times bigger than all of New Zealand, 10 times bigger than Germany, 10 times bigger than France, and 40 times bigger than all of England! It will be also the size of the entire country of India, north to south, east to west, but will cover almost 2X more area since it is a square! It will be an enormous ‘continent’ all by itself!

To give you another comparison, London’s actual “city proper” is an area of only one square mile with a population of about 8,000 (2021). Based on that, the New Jerusalem would be able to house over 100 billion people—on the first ‘floor’! (and that doesn’t even take into consideration the towering height of the city!)

[ Unfortunately, however, the majority of the Earth’s ‘entire’ population—estimated to be about 100 billion by ‘secular’ scientists for the past 12,000 years—will not be there. Jesus explained that “few will find the way leading to life” (Matthew 7:13-14). DON’T be one of those people!!! (https://markbesh.wordpress.com/developing-ones-character-v283/) ]

[ New Jerusalem – First Floor Size – On North America ]

[ New Jerusalem – First Floor Size – In Middle East ]

Now, keep in mind, 1,500 miles is really high. The city’s height would be 1/20th of the way to the moon! This would be higher than the highest “low earth orbit” satellites (1,243 miles) mostly used for communications, imaging, space observation (like the Hubble space telescope), and military reconnaissance, and would be in the “medium earth orbit” geostationary satellites. [ Note: The international space station in outer space is only 220 miles above the Earth! ]

[ New Jerusalem – Showing the ‘cube’ rising into the stratosphere, sitting on the Earth ]

Now, some have suggested that this could actually describe a pyramid. Now, while that is indeed a possible interpretation, it seems unlikely that Scripture would not say so if that’s what is meant to convey. I, like many many other biblical scholars, take this description as being a cube.

The thing is, there is some significance of it being a cube-shaped city. In Solomon’s temple, the most holy place, the “Holy of Holies,” was a ‘cube’ of 20 cubits (1 Kings 6:20). Since the New Jerusalem is the most holy ‘place’ for eternity—the very heart of the heavenly Tabernacle and the very ‘House’ of God Himself—most Bible scholars believe that it will be cube-shaped.

[ Note: Most scholars use 20.4” (1.7′) to be equal to the biblical cubit. So, the Holy of Holies would have been a cube about 34′ on each side, making the New Jerusalem about 233,000 times bigger than the “Holy of Holies” in Solomon’s Temple! (I’m thinking that the exact size difference means something, and we will find that out when we get to the New City) ].

So, if the city had the typical office ceiling height of 12′ (an actual 20′ between floors), there would be 390,000 stories! So, I calculated that if each person had their own 1 SQUARE MILE ‘CUBE’ (a 5,280-foot ‘ceiling’ height), it would be large enough to accommodate over 3 BILLION residents—with plenty of room left over for roads, parks, lakes, and other things you would see in a ‘normal’ city!

Again, author John Bunyan describes the City like this:

“Now, just as the gates were opened to let in the men, I looked in after them, and behold the city shone like the sun; the streets also were paved with gold; and in them walked many men, with crowns on their heads, palms in their hands, and golden harps, to sing praises withal.”

Now, a city that high might seem to present a formidable challenge to city travelers (Since we are used to the congestion in traffic jams of Earth). However, one must not forget that our resurrection bodies will likely have amazing capabilities. Some Bible theologians believe that our new bodies will have the ability to fly and to appear in distant places instantaneously—like Jesus did after His resurrection.

Now, I do not want to become too speculative, but I want you to share my EXCITEMENT about the sheer, overwhelming, jaw-dropping, mind-boggling size of the City. It will exceed anything you have EVER imagined! Just take a look at that picture above again—with that ‘model’ sitting on the Earth. Won’t that be EXCITING to live in?!

So, some say that these great heights and distances are merely ‘symbolic’. Well, most scholars would disagree with that assertion. The Apostle John described the measurement of the city wall: “He also measured its wall, 144 cubics by human measurement, which is also in angels measurement” [ Revelation 21:17 ]. The fact that such precise measurements are given seems to suggest that this describes a real place with real earthly dimensions. Indeed, the expression “by human measurement” could hardly mean anything else.

By choosing the most precious metal known in his day, the Apostle John conveys the sense that the New Jerusalem is beautiful beyond compare, like a highly buffed piece of pure gold. It dazzles like the finest jewels made exclusively for the richest people in the world. In other words, it is a first-class place all the way!

The New Jerusalem comes out of Heaven, so these are not jewels mined from Earth’s ground. Rather, John uses the most cherished earthly materials as He tries to approximate the heavenly reality he is being shown. John chooses these particular stones for their brilliance and variety of colors in a feeble effort to describe the most beautiful city eyes that have ever been held. The task was virtually impossible for him. Regardless of what you imagine the New Jerusalem will be like, it will be far, far, far, FAR, more stunning!

The Bible tells us that the walls are made of Jasper. That is a translucent, semi-opaque stone of varying colors. Some have suggested that, in Bible times, Jasper is the name for a transparent, diamond-like semi-precious stone. In any case, the Jasper stone allows the glory of God, radiating from the center of the city, to shine through.

The city itself is made of pure gold, like clear glass (Revelation 21:18). Of course, the gold we are familiar with is not transparent, so the gold that the Apostle John is referring to most likely describes a variety so pure that it is translucent. The radiance of God’s glory reflects the beauty of His presence.

So, let’s try to picture this. This great City, which is foursquare and will descend from Heaven, will be built upon a 12-layer foundation, each layer of a different stone: Jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, ruby, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, turquoise, jacinth, and amethyst—in a variety of radiant hues. These will be the most massive and beautiful stones in the entire universe, and forms a picture of unbelievable, indescribable, and unsurpassed beauty that we will experience for eternity!

[ The Twelve Foundation Stones of the New Jerusalem ]

If you have ever been to a precious stones festival, or if you have browsed any good jewelry store that displays some of the stones under Halogen lights, you will know the depth of the colors and the splendor of their beauty. Now imagine the stones being massive enough to serve as foundations for the city that is 1,500 miles in every direction! INCREDIBLE!

In popular imagination, the “pearly gates” are often considered as the entrance into Heaven (the “Intermediate” Heaven the believer goes to now after they die), HOWEVER, the Apostle John tells us that the gates belong to the city of New Jerusalem. Also, contrary to the popular idea that the pearly gates bar heaven’s entrance, the Bible says the gates of pearl will always be open: they “will never be shut by day, and “Nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life” [ Revelation 21:27 ].

The promise of entry to the New Jerusalem is both beautiful and daunting. The idea of such a City is wonderful to think about—a place where nothing false or unclean or harmful will ever be able to enter—and the pearly gates will be a ‘dazzling’ sight!

The Apostle John gives us some specifics about the gates: “It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel” [ Revelation 21:12 ]. The gates are also ‘miraculous’ in their construction: “The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl” [ Revelation 21:21 ], and the gates of the New Jerusalem will never be shut [ Revelation 21:25 ].

Now, in order to understand the significance of the twelve gates being inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes, we must look to the beginning of the Old Testament, when God promised a new land and a great nation to Abraham, whose descendants would spread blessing upon all other nations (Genesis 12:1-3). To Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, whom God later named “Israel” (Genesis 32:28), twelve sons were born to establish the twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis 49). Those twelve tribes escaped slavery in Egypt, inherited the Promised Land (Exodus 6:14; 24:4), received the Law (Exodus 20), and were chosen by God to be His Covenant people (Exodus 19:5-6).

During the reign of David, out of all the territories of the tribes of Israel, God chose the city of Jerusalem in Judah as the place where God’s name would rest (2 Chronicles 12:13). Revelation speaks of the New Jerusalem that has been prepared for the reign of the Lamb (Revelation 21:1-3). This New Jerusalem sits on twelve foundations, representing the twelve apostles who would reign over the twelve tribes of Israel (Revelation 21:14; Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30). The gates of the City are symmetrically arranged: “There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west” (Revelation 21:13). Each gate of the New Jerusalem bears the inscription of one of the tribes of Israel, and each gate is guarded by an angel (Revelation 21:12). These angels are there to let in “only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life” (Revelation 21:27).

Many scholars see a ‘link’ between the New Jerusalem, with its three gates per side, and the city of the Millennial Kingdom, seen by the prophet Ezekiel: “These will be the exits of the city: Beginning on the north side… the gates of the city will be named after the tribes of Israel. The three gates on the north side will be the gate of Reuben, the gate of Judah, and the gate of Levi. On the east side… will be three gates: the gate of Joseph, the gate of Benjamin, and the gate of Dan. On the south side… will be three gates: the gate of Simeon, the gate of Issachar, and the gate of Zebulun. On the west side… will be three gates: the gate of Gad, the gate of Asher and the gate of Naphtali” [ Ezekiel 48:30-34 ]. (See also Numbers 2, where God specified that three tribes would encamp on each side of the tent of meeting in the wilderness.)

So what are we to make of all this? Well, let’s break down the description of the gates in Revelation 21 for a more careful look:

The gates of the New Jerusalem are inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Israel was chosen by God to be a light to all nations (Isaiah 49:5-7; Romans 9:23-25), and God will never revoke Israel’s status as His chosen people (see Romans 11:29). The New Jerusalem thus contains a tribute to the patriarchs of Israel. It also contains a tribute to the apostles (Revelation 21:14), so both Old Testament and New Testament are represented in the city—the New Jerusalem is filled with the elect of God from all eras.

The Apostle Paul makes a distinction (in Romans 9) between the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their spiritual descendants—i.e., those who exercise the same faith in God as the patriarchs did. Just as not all Gentiles come to the light of the world, some Jews choose to live in darkness: “Not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children… It is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring” (Romans 9:6-8; see also Romans 2:28-29 and John 8:39-47). Those who have faith in Christ are accounted the spiritual seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:29). It will be “true” Israel—those who have trusted in Jesus Christ—that will enter the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is through the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem that the true tribal people—believers of Jewish descent as well as Gentiles who have been “grafted in” with God’s people (Romans 11:17-25)—will enter the joy of the Lord (see Matthew 25:21).

Now, John mentions that angels are at the gates of the New Jerusalem. As an angel was sent by God to guard Eden after mankind’s fall (Genesis 3:24), so God has angels guarding the New Paradise. Nothing evil or impure will ever enter the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:27)—the city is reserved for the ‘redeemed’ (believers) of God.

John also notes that each gate of the New Jerusalem is made of a SINGLE “PEARL.” Now, these won’t be ‘pearls’ from some giant variety of oysters, but perfect pearls made by God’s own ‘hand’. The richness and supernatural nature of the city is profound.

As commentator Charles Ellicott points out, “The pearl was esteemed of the greatest value among the ancients; it is an appropriate emblem of the highest truth… It is the only precious stone which the art and skill of man cannot improve.” [ The imagery calls to mind Jesus’ parable of the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46) ]. This is the city that is worth more than anything this present world has to offer, because its Builder and Maker is God (Hebrews 11:10)!

The gates of the New Jerusalem will also never ‘close’. There are eternal safety and peace in the New Jerusalem; there are no enemies to shut the gates against.

In ancient times, it was necessary to shut the gate of the city that night, or else the city might be overtaken by evil invaders during the night. Gates were part of the city security. However, in the eternal City, there will never, ever be any external threat to those who dwell within. Satan, demons, and unbelievers will be in eternal quarantine in ‘Hell’. Besides that, God Himself will dwell within the city. Who would ever dare attack it?

Access to the heavenly Kingdom on the New Earth is free and unhindered, and “the glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it” (Revelation 21:26). The gates face every direction of the compass, and their perpetual openness invites everyone to partake of the goodness of God’s grace (Revelation 22:17).

The walls of the City are described as “great and high,” and are an obvious symbol of exclusion of all that is unworthy to enter the city. Though innumerable believers will enjoy its glory, there is the chilling reminder that only the redeemed may enter.

While not every detail about these walls is provided, some aspects are clear—the walls will display the greatness of God with the enormous size of the walls being approximately 240 feet high (Revelation 21:15-21).

So, the question is, if those ‘within’ the walls of the New Jerusalem are God’s ‘redeemed’ children, then who are those ‘outside’ its walls? Well, John gives us the answer: “On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life” [ Revelation 21:25-27 ]. Now, it is not that outside of the New Jerusalem, unsaved people are still roaming around, but this pictures a city with open gates on a New Earth where believers will dwell throughout eternity.

As I just mentioned, ancient cities shut their gates at night for security purposes. However, since there will be no night there, and since all evil will have been eradicated, these gates will stay open constantly. John seems to picture a great amount of activity coming and going from the city, but all who go in and out are those redeemed by Jesus. The unredeemed are a long way outside the city’s walls—in the “outer darkness” of Hell (Matthew 8:12), consigned to the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14-15)—and can never come near the Holy City.

Jesus Himself, as well as John, specifies the “impure” as those who will not enter the city: “Outside are the dogs who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood” as well as the “cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, and all liars” [ Revelation 22:15 ]. By contrast, those people whose names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life are free to enter the Holy City; they possess life eternal and belong to their faithful Savior Jesus Christ. The Lamb, who bought them with His blood (Revelation 5:9), will never blot out their names from His book (Revelation 3:5) and will grant them the right to the tree of life and entrance into the City (Revelation 22:14).

Though the description of the City does not answer all our questions concerning the eternal state, the revelation given to John describes a beautiful and glorious future for all who put their trust in the living God. Conversely, it reveals to us that when the end does come, no opportunity will remain for one’s repentance and acceptance into Heaven. The truth is this: spiritual renewal takes place in this present life, not in the afterlife.

The Apostle John mentions that the “central street” is made of pure gold, and is translucent. Now, as you may know, pure gold (24-karat gold) is opaque, not transparent. Yet, that is what comes to John’s mind when he sees the streets in his vision. The streets must have a golden hue, and when you look down, they are crystal clear.

Now, just remember, we will be walking around in our ‘glorified’ bodies, and we can probably assume that our eyesight will be enhanced so that we can see things as we have never seen them before.

The “river of the water of life” has intrigued Bible interpreters since the first century. The Apostle John said of this, “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of this great street of the city” [ Revelation 22:1 ].

Perhaps one of the best explanations is that this pure river of life, though it may be a real and material river, is nevertheless also symbolic of the abundance of spiritual life that will characterize those who are living in the eternal city. The stream seems to symbolize the perpetual outflow of spiritual blessing to all the redeemed of all ages, now basking in the full glow of eternal life.

Another thing this might imply is that, in the Garden of Eden, a similar river and water from the ground sustained life (Genesis 2:6-14). Since it is also located in the ‘heart’ of the City, the water of life is readily available to all. The foliage of the New Jerusalem will be lush and green because of the life-giving properties of its water.

This is probably the same River mentioned in Psalm 46:4: “There is a river who streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the most high.” This will be the most beautiful river ever created in time or eternity.

The Apostle John then talks about the “Tree of Life.” It is interesting to observe that the last time we read of the Tree of Life, was in Genesis 3, in the Garden of Eden. That was when Paradise was ‘lost’. Now, however, in the New Jerusalem, Paradise is restored and we again witnessed a Tree of Life in the glorious eternal state—that it was always intended to be.

Now, the trees are said to be for “the healing of the nations.” Notice that the verse refers to “each tree.” The Greek term indicates a plurality of trees, such as one might find in an orchard.

Also, notice that the phrase speaks of the leaves being used for the healing of the nations. But, what does this mean? Will there actually be a need for healing, as if somehow things are not perfect in the eternal state?

Well, no, and theologian John F. Walvoord provides a bit of helpful insight about this:

“The word for ‘healing’ is ‘therapeia,’ from which English word therapeutic is derived, almost directly transliterated from the Greek. Rather than specifically meaning ‘healing,’ it should be understood as ‘health-giving,’ as the word in its root meeting has the idea of serving or ministering. In other words, the belief of the tree promotes the enjoyment of life in the New Jerusalem, and are not or correcting ills which do not exist.”

Those leaves will somehow give us a greater sense of our ‘presence’ in Heaven. This “therapy” will not enhance our holiness, because we will be perfectly, holy, but somehow it will give us a greater ‘sense’ of enjoyment and fulfillment. It will be therapy for our ever-increasing ‘well-being’.

It is also possible that the tree of life in the New Jerusalem is symbolic and that its “healing” signifies the eternal life that all will enjoy there. The different fruits it bears could represent the unlimited variety of our existence in Heaven. The clear flowing river that waters the tree could picture the spiritual life of God’s redeemed—the “living water” Jesus promised (in John 4:13-14).

In the eternal state, everything will be blessed, and the Tree of Life represents that blessedness. There will be perfect sinlessness, perfect government, perfect service to God, perfect communion, and perfect glory. It is impossible for us right now to imagine being totally separated from sin and living in a glorified state before God. HOWEVER, the Lord assures us that “these words are trustworthy and true” (Revelation 22:6).

[ The New Jerusalem – Concept of the street of gold, river, and trees ]

What is of great significance is the statement that “The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is the lamp” [ Revelation 21:23 ]. This is in keeping with Isaiah’s prophecy: “The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moonshine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory” [ Isaiah 60:19 ].

So, there will be no light posts, no lanterns, no floodlights, or flashlights and table lamps in the New Jerusalem. A strange presence of brilliant light will emanate throughout the City from the throne of God, and from Jesus. The brilliance of the light will come forth from Jesus and will fill the city with radiance. Were not for our new glorified eyesight, we would be instantly blinded (or even ‘fried’ to a crisp!). However, it will not hurt our eyes at all. In fact, our new eyes will be perfectly made for such a light. I can’t even imagine it, but I sure do anticipate it!

The Apostle John mentions that the Throne had the appearance of Jasper and Carnelian. Jasper is a translucent crystalline quartz of differing colors, especially with shades of green. (But the jasper of ancient times may actually have been a transparent stone.)

The word translated “Carmelian” is “Sardion” (“Sardius” in some translations), and is a red Ruby-like stone. Some suggest that the red may refer to Jesus as Redeemer, the One who provided a blood sacrifice—thus stressing the glory of God’s redemptive character. Then, correlated to this, Jasper and Sardius were the first and last of the 12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest (Exodus 20:17, 20).

We also find the New Jerusalem being described as “the holy city.” This is a fitting description since, in the City, there will be no sin or unrighteousness of any kind. Only the pure of heart will dwell there (the sixth Beatitude).

Finally, the purposes of God are fulfilled. God’s plan of salvation, conceived in eternity past, is now brought into full fruition. One of the great Bible commentators of the past, Wilbur Smith, described it this way:

“All the glorious purposes of God, ordained from the foundation of the world, have now been attained. The rebellion of angels and mankind is all and finally subdued, as the King of kings assumes his rightful sovereignty. Absolute and unchangeable holiness characterizes all within the universal Kingdom of God. The redeemed, made so by the blood of the Lamb, are in resurrection and eternal glory. Life is everywhere—and death will never intrude again. The earth and the heavens both are renewed. Light, beauty, holiness, joy, the presence of God, the worship of God, service to Christ, likeness to Christ—all are now abiding realities. The vocabulary of man, made for life here, is incapable of truly and adequately depicting what God has prepared for those that love him.”

Anyway you look at it, the New Jerusalem is going to be absolutely wonderful, far more than any human mind could possibly fathom or even begin to imagine! Believers are merely ‘pilgrims’ en route to the final ‘frontier’ of their lives—the New Jerusalem—just “passing through” this brief “dot of time” on this current earth. The wisest believers choose to daily strive to be ‘holy’ to prepare themselves—however much—for the Holy City. The Apostle Paul emphasizes this by saying: “Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God” [ 2 Corinthians 7:1 ]. The Apostle Peter said, “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy” [ 1 Peter 1:15-16 ]. The writer to the Hebrews said, “without holiness no one will see the Lord” [ Hebrews 12:14 ].

Heaven is a place for ‘HOLY’ PEOPLE.

The Apostle John proceeds to reveal even more details about the future capital of the Kingdom. He says, “I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God, the Almighty, and the Lamb” [ Revelation, 21:22]. We will not have to go to a local temple to worship God because God will be everywhere, and we will have ‘direct’ access to Him—ANYTIME we want!

You cannot be overstated that there will be no need for a temple in eternity. To have a temple with a sacrificial altar, would imply that the sacrifice of Jesus was insufficient, lacking, or incomplete. It would suggest that additional sacrifice could probably be necessary in the future. To have a temple with an altar in the New Jerusalem would be an insult and dishonor to the sacrifice that Jesus made.

The glory and presence of God will ‘permeate’ everything!

Fortunately, Heaven will not have everything. What? Yes, in fact, the Apostle John lists many different experiences and realities known to us here on earth that will be ‘ABSENT’ that have not already been mentioned:

– No more sea (Revelation 21:1)
– No more death (Revelation 21:4)
– No more sorrow (Revelation 21:4)
– No more crying (Revelation 7:17; 21:4)
– No more pain (Revelation 21:4)
– No more abominations (Revelation 21:27)
– No more hunger, thirst, or Heat (Revelation 7:16)

Those things that cast such appalling doom over the earth today will be ‘REPLACED’ by INDESCRIBABLE ‘HAPPINESS’ in the presence of Divine Glory. Hymnist Carrie Ellis Breck expressed it well in her hymn “Face To Face With Christ My Savior”:

“Face to face with Christ, my Savior,
Face to face—what will it be,
When with rapture I behold Him,
Jesus Christ who died for me?

Face to face I shall behold Him,
Far beyond the starry sky;
Face to face in all His glory,
I shall see Him by and by!

Only faintly now, I see Him,
With the darkling veil between,
But a blessed day is coming,
When His glory shall be seen.

What rejoicing in His presence,
When are banished grief and pain;
When the crooked ways are straightened,
And the dark things shall be plain.

Face to face! O blissful moment!
Face to face—to see and know;
Face to face with my Redeemer,
Jesus Christ who loves me so.”

[ Refrain ]

In Heaven, we will never do anything to displease God. There will be no temptation because the world, the flesh, and the Devil will all be conspicuously absent. There will be no persecution, division, disunity, or hate. There will be no quarrels, and no disappointments. There will be no weeping because there will be nothing to make us sad. With sin and its effects erased forever, it will be a life of UNIMAGINABLE ‘BLESSING’!!!

The Apostle John then completes his thoughts on this matter when he writes: “People will bring into the glory and the honor of the nations. But nothing unclean will enter it, nor anyone who practices, abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the lambs book of life“ [ Revelation 21:26-27]. Here we see that all the nations of the world will align with the Kingdom. There will be no discord or resistance. Universal peace will reign over the entire earth. Also, note that only those found in the Book of Life will inherit the Kingdom of God! All others, regardless of whether they are church members or not, will NOT be allowed to enter if they have not been ‘reconciled’ to God the Father by Jesus!

The curse that began in the Garden of Eden will FINALLY be ‘reversed’! All creation will be redeemed. The environment will be perfect. Work will be a blessing and not a toil.

I can’t wait for the arrival of the New Jerusalem, where nothing accursed will be found. The new world will be a place of TOTAL ‘EUPHORIA’! Woo-hoo!!!

So, think of the most beautiful spot you have ever seen on earth, then multiply that by 100 Googolplexians and it still won’t hold a ‘candle’ to the beauty of the New Jerusalem!

[ FYI: For locations that people consider to be “heaven on earth,” view last month’s “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].

Jesus’ resurrected life is the ‘model’ for the believer’s future life. He walk the earth in His resurrection body for 40 days, possibly showing the believer ‘HOW’ they might live as resurrected human beings on the New Earth. In effect, He may have also been demonstrating ‘WHERE’ they would live as resurrected human beings—on earth.

Jesus’ resurrection body was suited for life on earth, not primarily living in the “Intermediate Heaven.” As Jesus was raised to come back to live on earth, so we will be raised to come back to live on earth (1 Thessalonians 4:14; Revelation 21:1-3).

Now, the disciples saw the resurrected Jesus as a normal, everyday human being. The soles of his feet didn’t hover above the road He walked upon. No one saw bread going down a transparent esophagus when He swallowed His food.

We also know that the resurrected Jesus looks very much like a ‘normal’ man because Mary called Him “Sir” when she assumed He was the gardener (John 20:15).

Jesus also started a fire and cooked some fish on it. (Presumably he ‘caught’ them Himself). This also says that, since He was cooking them, he just didn’t snap his fingers and materialize the finished meal. Then, He invited the disciples to add their fish to His and said, “Come and have breakfast” [ John 21:12b ].

On the other hand, though the doors were locked, Jesus did suddenly appeared in a room where the disciples were gathered (John 20:19). His body could be touched, clung to, and it could consume food. Yet, it could apparently “materialize” as well.

Now, we are not told explicitly how these things can happen. Though it may be the kind of resurrected body we will also have on the New Earth.

Once we understand that Jesus’ resurrection is the ‘prototype’ for the resurrection of mankind and the New Earth, we should realize that Scripture has given us an interpretive ‘precedent’ for our resurrection bodies and life on the New Earth.

In Heaven, we will finally lose all traces of human fallenness. In fact, no one will ever enter Heaven or dwell there who is not absolutely perfect. This is often symbolized in Scripture by the imagery of white robes that are worn by the redeemed (Revelation 6:11; Revelation 7:14).

So, what will the perfect soul be like? Well, the most obvious truth is that it will finally be perfectly free from evil forever. We will never again have a selfish desire or either useless words. We will never perform another unkind deed or think of a sinful thought. We will be perfectly liberated from our captivity to sin and finally able to think and act in a way that is perfectly righteous, holy, and honorable in God’s sight.

Can you even imagine yourself in consummate perfection forever? (I frankly have a hard time envisioning myself as utterly impeccable!)

The resurrection of Jesus shows us not only that we will have an eternal future, but what ‘kind’ of eternal future it is.

Jesus’ death left His disciples in a state of shock in defeat. Death had won. Then, when conflicting reports arose concerning His post-resurrection appearances, confusion reigned and it became obvious that only one thing could settle the matter: If Jesus would appear and ‘REVEAL’ Himself—and that is exactly what HE DID!

It was while the disciples “were talking about these things”—about Jesus’ death and resurrection—that “Jesus Himself stirred among them.” Can you just imagine the disciples debating with one another as to the whereabouts of their Master? Then, in the middle of their discussion, suddenly, Jesus was part of the discussion! His appearance was so dramatic, in fact, that the disciples “were startled and frightened, and thought they saw a spirit” (Luke 24:37).

Jesus’ appearance provided His disciples with more than just the physical proof of His bodily resurrection. It also testified to what awaits all believers in eternity—namely, a ‘glorified’ body. Jesus rose from the dead with a transformed body that would never die again. Indeed, which CANNOT die again! Death was now impotent. As the apostle Paul later wrote: “So is it with the resurrection of the dead” [1 Corinthians 15:42].

When we die ‘in’ Christ, we will never die again, “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when He comes, those who belong to Him” [1 Corinthians 15:22-23]. Our bodies, which are perishable now, will be raised, imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:42). No longer will we be subject to disease, decay, and death. Furthermore, our present physical bodies, which are “sewn in dishonor and weakness,“ will be “raised in glory and power” (1 Corinthians 15:43). We will be free from every selfish, passionate desire of the flesh, and will no longer be subject to its weaknesses and limitations.

The resurrected Jesus didn’t only conquer sin and death in His own body, He conquered the power of sin and death in our bodies, too. One day we shall look in the mirror and see nothing to make us feel sad, sorry, or scared. So, today, no matter how frail your body is or how sinful you are, press on, fixing your eyes on what lies ahead, for “Our citizenship is in Heaven, and from it, we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power of that enables Him, even to subject all things to Himself” [ Philippians 3:20-21]. What a hope! What an inheritance!

We will, no doubt, have otherworldly abilities in heaven. Remember, the heavenly City is 1,500 miles high. I don’t think we will be waiting for elevators to get to the top. We will no doubt have the ability to take flight—or, if you desire, simply be transported there in an instant—in the same way that Jesus’ resurrection body could seemingly disappear and reappear in another place at will.

Again, above all, as the Apostle Paul said so well, we will be Christlike:

“Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are those who are of Heaven”
[ 1 Corinthians 15:45-48 ].

[ NOTE: There will be many other things we will experience in Heaven, that were discussed in a previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/theres-no-place-like-home-v288/ ].

The Apostle Paul speaks of our resurrection bodies as imperishable. This will happen on the New Earth because death, disease, and deterioration will be no longer. Adam and Eve’s original bodies were also imperishable and would have lived forever if they would not have sinned. (God said that they would then die because of it). Imperishability is what God is going to ‘resurrect’ for humanity on the New Earth!

Inside your body, even though it is failing, is the ‘blueprint’ for your resurrection body. You may not be satisfied with your current body or mind, but you will be thrilled with your resurrection ‘upgrades’. With them, you will be better able to serve and glorify god, and enjoy an eternity of wonders he has prepared for you!

It has been estimated that there are up to about 40,000 different occupations in the United States. Yet, for all that, only a small percentage of the working population is completely satisfied with their job. Personnel problems, the lack of adequate pay, and hours of routine tasks are only some of the reasons. Few people, if any, are ‘truly’ satisfied with their job.

However, those problems will be behind the believer forever in Heaven. Each job description will entail two primary responsibilities: Worship of God and serving Him in whatever capacity He assigns to them.

Although God is not limited to the New Earth and the New Jerusalem—for He is omnipresent—He will ‘localize’ Himself onto a “Throne” with 24 other thrones occupied by 24 elders—who all are worshiping Him. The believer will also engage in doing the same (Revelation 19:5-6).

Though worship shall occupy much of the believer’s time in Heaven, they will also be assigned responsibilities commensurate with the faithfulness that they displayed on earth (Revelation 22:3-4).

[ For more details on “heavenly rewards” and “eternal responsibilities,” view last month’s “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].

So, the eternal Heaven will not be a place of inactivity or boredom! Whatever the believer’s activity, they can be sure that their infinite heavenly Father will have things to do that will ‘truly’ ENRAPTURE them for eternity!

As difficult as it may be to fully understand, the Scriptures indicate that in the eternal state—the New Heavens and the New Earth—believers will actually ‘share’ in the glory of Christ: “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” [ Romans 8:17 ]. The Apostle Paul said, “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory” [ Colossians 3:4 ].

This, of course, does not mean that finite humans become deity. However, it does mean that believers will be in a ‘state’ of glory, sharing in Jesus’ glory because of what He has accomplished for them on the Cross.

So, believer, be in courage, a glorious future awaits each one of you! You will, one day, have a perfect body in a perfect environment! Nothing that life throws at you in the present day should stand a chance of overcoming your joy over your future!

In Revelation 21:6, God victoriously pronounces that “It is done!” This is truly a statement of divine finality. It represents a promise from God Almighty that what he has created for humankind’s eternal state will indeed laugh forever and ever. Just as Jesus himself uttered the words “It is finished” in regard to completing his redemptive work upon the Cross (John 19:30), so now God affirms that human salvation has now come to full fruition in the eternal state.

As Albert Barnes said, “The great work is accomplished; the arrangement of human affairs is complete. The redeemed are gathered in; the wicked are cut off; truth is triumphant, and all is now complete—repaired for the eternal state of things.”


In Randy Alcorn’s book “Heaven,” he discussed a variety of questions that “inquiring minds want to know.” The following are the topics he ‘fleshed out’ with as much Scriptural support as is available—then he does some of his own ‘conjecture’:

– Will There Be Space and Time?
– Will We Live in a Spatial World?
– Will There Be Oceans?
– Will There Be Seasons And Varying Weather?
– Will We Be Unique?
– Will We Become Angels?
– Will We Have Emotions?
– Will We Have Desires?
– Will We Maintain Our Own Identities?
– Will We All Have ‘Beautiful’ Bodies?
– Will We Have Our Five Senses?
– Will We Have New Abilities?
– Will We All Wear Clothes?
– Will We All Appear The Same Age?
– Will We Experience Hunger/Digest Food?
– How Will Food Taste?
– Will We Eat Meat?
– Will We Have Free Will?
– Will We Ever Be Tempted?
– Will We Really Be Perfect?
– Will We Know Everything?
– Will We Learn?
– Will We Experience ‘Process’?
– Will We Rest?
– Will We Sleep?
– Will We Work?
– Will We Have Our Own Homes?
– Will We Desire A Relationship Besides Jesus?
– What Will We Remember?
– Will We Recognize Previous Friends?
– Will There Be Marriage And Families?
– Will There Be Sex?
– Will We Pursue And Develop Relationships?
– Will We Be Sad Our Loved Ones Are In Hell?
– Will We Share ‘Discoveries’ With Each Other?
– Will All People Be ‘Equal’?
– Will We Have Privacy?
– Will There Be Private Ownership?
– What Languages Will We Speak?
– Will There Be ‘Tribes’?
– How Will People And Animals Relate?
– Will Animals Praise God?
– Will Extinct Animals Live On The New Earth?
– Will Out Pets Be Restored On The New Earth?
– Might Some Animals Talk?
– Will Heaven Be Boring?
– Will Our Work Be ‘Engaging’?
– Will Our Life’s Work Continue?
– Will There Be Cultural Developments?
– How Will We Express Creativity?
– Will We Sing And Make Music?
– Will We Dance?
– Will We Tell Stories?
– Will We Laugh?
– Will We Play?
– Will There Be ‘Thrills’ Without Risk?
– Will Unfulfilled Dreams Be Fulfilled In Heaven?
– Will We Find Joy In New Opportunities?
– Will There Be Trade And Business?
– Will There Be Technology And Machinery?
– What Will Travel Be Like?
– Will We Find New Beings On Other Worlds?
– Will We Travel In Time?

[ FYI: I discussed some of the topics that Alcorn addressed in this previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/theres-no-place-like-home-v288/ ].

Heaven is the final ‘frontier’. Like other frontiers in human history, it will challenge us with new opportunities, possibilities, and experiences. Unlike the previous frontiers on Earth, Heaven will be unlimited in time and space. It will inspire us to join as participants in the dynamic, creative plans of Jesus as we embark on a greater adventure than any we have ever dreamed of. The eternal quest of our human spirit yearns for a Heaven in which we can explore the infinite possibilities of an unlimited universe.

Our future blessings in Heaven will begin with the ending of all evil, suffering, and adversity. However, it will also provide the fulfillment and enhancement of all the real joys and happiness of human life. The language in the Bible describes our rest after a satisfying labor in the elimination of toil and grief. These passages do not suggest a life of inactivity or boredom. The promises are of an active, purposeful, and joyful life in a creation filled with beauty, fairness, and justice.

In the New Heaven New Earth, we will see the final reconciliation of the accounts of life in which evil will be judged and good will triumph forever. The spiritual warfare which exists in the heart of man between our good and evil natures will finally end. Believers will enjoy their newly resurrected bodies with their heart, mind, and spirit cleansed from the ‘taint’ of sin.

After the Millennium, the existing earth and heavens will be cleansed with fire and renewed from the ‘pollution’ of sin. Even Heaven has experienced sin’s ‘pollution’ according to the biblical description of Satan appearing there before the current Throne of God. When God cleansed the earth from sin in the days of Noah with a worldwide flood, He promised that He would never again use water to destroy the earth. However, He said that at the end of the Millennial Kingdom, He will release the atomic forces of creation to melt the elements and re-create the surface of the earth. The earth will not be annihilated, it will be ‘renewed’.

The Apostle Peter described this renewal as follows:

“But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly… But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies[b] will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed

Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise we are waiting for New Heavens and a New Earth in which righteousness dwells”
[ 2 Peter 3:7, 10-13 ].

It is fascinating to read the research of nuclear scientists who claim that the enormously strong electrical forces within the atom are repulsing each other so strongly that only a huge force equal to about 900,000 volts for each atom is holding all atomic structures together. Scientists now agree that the elements can melt with fervent heat. So, when God releases the staggering powers of the atoms “kept in store by the same word, reserve for fire until the day of judgment” we shall see the fulfillment of Peter’s prophecy.

Now, after the cleansing of pollution by fire, the New Jerusalem, the home of the believers, will be sent to the New Earth for eternity. It will be the ‘headquarters’ of God’s reign and rule on Earth forever!

Creation will then be transformed into a worldwide Garden of Eden. People will no longer fear the violence of animals because God will restore animals to their original state before the fall when they all ate vegetation. The prophet Isaiah tells us that, “The wolf in the lamb shelf feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox… They shall not hurt or destroy in all my Holy Mountain” [ Isaiah 65:25 ].

In this future Paradise, the natural man will flourish in joyful and purposeful living under the rule of Jesus. “But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy, and her people to be a gladness. I will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress” [ Isaiah 65:18-19 ].

Life on the New Earth will be more productive, enjoyable, and wonderful than all dreams of mankind. “They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit” [ Isaiah 65:21 ].

The New Jerusalem will be the final home of all the righteous ‘children’ of God from Adam to the last member of the Church. They shall enjoy and have access to the “pure river of life, clearance crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb,” and the Tree of Life will be ‘reinstituted’ for all who live in Heaven!

The opening lines of Robert Browning’s poem “Rabbi Ben Ezra” resonates with many people:

“Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made.”

Unfortunately, older people reach a time when those blissful words ring hollow. Disease, senility, incapacitation, or accidents inevitably come, eventually bringing death—which then brings a heartbreaking separation from one’s beloved. Then, Browning’s words “last of life,” romanticized in the poem, can be brutal, devastating, sad, and lonely.

However, if one looks at life from a biblical perspective, the Bible reminds us that God had a purpose for our lives. So, for believers, a more accurate poem would be:

“The best is yet to be,
The next of lives, for which the first was made.”

The last of a believer’s life, before they die, is, in fact, NOT the ‘last’ of their life! They go right on living in an ‘Intermediate’ Heaven. Then, one day, in the resurrection, they will live again on a New Earth in the New Jerusalem city with a life so rich and joyful that this life will seem ‘impoverished’ in comparison!

The following diagram, by Randy Alcorn, illustrates the biblical view of the future for those who are born again Christians. The part of the graph below that detects light on the present earth is the only one that takes a ‘dip’, representing the physical and mental decline of old age that so many experience under the ‘Curse’.

However, at the point of death, it is followed by a dramatic upward movement in which the believer goes immediately to be with Jesus in the Intermediate Heaven. Even though it is a vast improvement over their experience on Earth, there is still much more to come.

Eventually, the believer will be resurrected and live in the New Heavens, on the New Earth, and within the New Jerusalem.

[ Believer’s Lifetime Timeline – By Randy Alcorn ]

People who are not “born again”—having Jesus as their Savior—can only look back to when they were at their best, however, never to regain it. Memories are all they have, and even those memories fade.

However, believers who are elderly or bedridden don’t look back to what was, they look forward to what will be—the New Earth and the New Jerusalem!

When blind hymn writer Fanny Crosby wrote the lines “His glory we shall see” and “When our eyes behold the City,” her thoughts were all the more significant because her eyes had never seen anything. She would tell people not to feel sorry for her because the first face she would ever see would be Jesus’! (Her sight was forever healed in 1915 when she died and left this world for the Intermediate Heaven, and now she is probably writing more hymns to glorify Jesus!)

When we talk about Heaven and the future events that will take place, it can seem very confusing. So, in a very concise way, here is the chronological order of future events that will take place for believers.

– The Rapture of the Church (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-55)
– The Judgment Seat of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10; 1 Corinthians 3:8; Matthew 6:6; 1 Corinthians 3:13-14; 2 John 1:8; Revelation, 22:12)
-the marriage supper of the Lamb (Ephesians 5: 25-27; Revelation 19:7-8)
– The believers return with Jesus at the Second Coming (Revelation 1:7; Revelation, 19:7-8; Revelation 19:14)
– Ruling and reigning with Jesus during the Millennium. (Daniel 12:2; Ephesians 2:4-6; Revelation 1:5-6; Revelation, 5:9-10; Revelation, 20:4)
– Judging angels, at the end of the Millennium. (1 Corinthians 6:2-3)
– Moving into our new, eternal home in the New Jerusalem. (John 14:2; 1 Thessalonians 4:18)

[ Note: Sadly, for people who have not received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the previous timeline does not apply—an more ‘horrific’ one does. For more details about this, view this previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/final-tribulation-v246/ ].

While all believers will be in the Lord’s ‘presence’ immediately after their life ends (Philippians 1:20), there is still a bit more waiting to do to get to the ‘eternal’ Heaven—the New Heavens, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem.

After the 1,000-year Millennial Kingdom and the Great White Throne Judgment after that, the Bible tells of the final ‘renewal’ of the current heavens and Earth (Revelation 21). Pastor W.A. Criswell said that, “The elements shall return to their primordial form, and that whole creation of God shall be burned fire (2 Peter 3:10, 12). It shall be cleansed. It shall be purged. Everything that is wrong in everything that is transgressing and sinful shall be taken out of it.”

The Apostle John began his description of the New Heaven and New Earth with the words, “Now I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away” [ Revelation 21:1 ]. Pastor John MacArthur comments on this by saying, “Think about this: Heaven is where holiness, fellowship with God, joy, peace, love, and all other virtues are realized in utter perfection.” He suggests that all the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit will characterize Heaven because we have the life of God in us and the rule of God over us.

John’s description of the New Heaven and New Earth continues including an emphasis on three areas: God’s presence, perfect righteousness, and the Holy City. Eternity future will include the perfect plan prepared for perfect people in the perfect place for people to live in forever.

God’s Presence
Today, believers experience God’s presence in their lives through the Holy Spirit’s indwelling. However, in the near future existence, they will enjoy His presence as an all-encompassing experience directly in their midst. They will “see his face” (Revelation 22:4) and have an audience with him regularly! “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with man, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them and be their God” [ Revelation 21:3 ].

Perfect Righteousness
Pastor David Jeremiah offers a compelling description of the believer’s existence in Heaven:

“When we get to the New Heaven and a New Earth, the curse will be reversed. It will be lifted; it will be dispelled forever. Oh, I think of it! The weariness that accompanies our work will be a forgotten memory. Nature will work as it should, the weather will always be in our favor, and the ground will grow flowers as naturally as it produces thorns and thistles today. We ourselves will not fall into the ground in death because we will never die”

Pastor and bible expositor A.T. Pierson also explained this well:

“There shall be no more curse–Perfect restoration. The throne of God and the lamb shall be in it–Perfect administration. His servant shall serve him–Perfect subordination. And they shall see his face–Perfect transformation. And his name shall be on their foreheads–Perfect identification. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord giveth them light–Perfect illumination. And they shall reign forever and ever–Perfect exultation.”

The Holy City
The New Jerusalem represents God’s first priority in the New Heavens and the New Earth. It is actually talked about before the mention of God’s presence and even before the removal of sin! This should encourage the believer—by God’s emphasis—for the creation of a perfect, eternal ‘location’ where they will live with Him forever.

Now, twelve is the of totality and completeness. There are multiple of ‘twelves’ in the administration of God’s universe. There were 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles. There are 24 elders seated on 24 thrones (12 x 2) around the altar, and there will be 144,00 witnesses (12 x 12) spreading the Good News during the Tribulation.

Then, the Apostle John mentions that there will be 12 “gates” (three on each of the four sides of the city) with 12 angels standing at each gate, presumably to ‘welcome’ the children of God into the city.

An overview of the description of the City reveals:

– Splendor, like a Jasper stone
– A 240-foot high wall
– Gates made up of giant pearls
– A 1,500-mile ‘cube’
– The city is like clear glass
– The streets are of pure gold
– There is no Temple—God and Jesus are the ‘Temple’
– Light emanates from God and Jesus
– There will be no night
– All nations will be represented
– Gates are never closed
– It is a perfect environment

Pastor David Jeremiah observes that “Many people believe the city of the New Jerusalem will be like an immense Holy of Holies, which serves as the dwelling place of God in the temple of his new universe.” The good news is, anyone who wants to come into the presence of God will be able to (Revelation 22:17)—ANYTIME they want!

Now, people often have a “bucket list” wanting to travel and see the world before they die. Well, let me assure you, there will be millions and millions of things to do for all of eternity when one gets to the New Jerusalem. Try to create a bucket list for that! [ I have actually started one! ]. In the New Jerusalem, all the hopes and dreams that one has on earth WILL ‘ALL’ be finally realized!

The Bible indicates that the New Jerusalem will be returned to the inherent qualities of the Garden of Eden—only on a grander scale. Then, and only then, will God’s true intention for humanity finally be realized. Paradise will be, at last, ‘restored’ in the Holy City!

Jesus then offers additional words regarding the future and a final ‘testimony’. The opening section emphasizes a call to believers, while the second portion calls out to unbelievers. There is both a glorious eternal future for those who know God, and eternal punishment and separation from God for those who reject Him.

He emphasizes, once again, the time of His coming (Revelation 22:6-11) and the testimony of His coming (Revelation 22:12-21). Both aspects offer hope and warning for those living today!

The believer will finally arrive at a ‘destination’ where every tear will be wiped away, sin, and death will no longer exist, and their joy will be complete (Revelation 21:4).

The believer will not exist as a different person but as a ‘glorified’ human with gratitude and gratefulness for the salvation they have been freely given—for eternity! Like a person who has been deathly ill and receives healing, the joy of the healing is amplified by the memory of the sickness. The joy of a believer’s salvation is amplified by the memory of what it was like to be lost. The days in their New Heavenly home will be amplified by the memory of what Jesus delivered them from.

Eternity may even be limitless! The galaxies, stars, planets, quasars, and other phenomena in space were put into place for future eternity. The limitlessness of time alone requires that creation be massively beyond comprehension, possibly even limitless—because of the limitlessness of God Himself!

The thing is, in the limitless eternity where time is irrelevant and space is endless, there could be a place where nothing has yet been created! Possibly in eternity, this could be a place where we will “call those things that do not exist as though they did” (Romans 4:17). Now, this may just be my fantasy or speculation, but there is nothing scripturally that indicates otherwise. It is just something to ponder!

Now, another thing, I’m quite sure that everything that God has for His children has not been written down, nor even thought of yet in the mind of men. One thing is for sure, with limitless time, limitless resources, and limitless travel abilities, believers will see things they have never seen, do things they have never done, and experience things in realms and dimensions presently unknown!

As a glorified Saint, the believer will walk in the likeness and image of their Creator. The things that are a joy here on earth will pale in comparison to their counterpart in The New Jerusalem. Their creativity, travel, and abilities will be so far beyond that of the natural man that boredom on any level will be an absolute impossibility!

Human imagination cannot even begin to graph the infinity of God and the limitlessness of time. There will no longer be regret or failure, and the love of God will fill them with a never-ending life of peace!

The believers’ best days are yet to come!

Now, the New Heavens, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem will one day be that heavenly reality for the people of God—and ONLY for the people of God! As the Puritan scholar William Gurnall reminds us, “Nothing is more contrary to a heavenly hope than an earthly heart.”

So, perhaps this might be a good time to consider your relationship with God, so you can one day say:

“I am going to that city,
the New Jerusalem.
There I’ll spend eternity in
the New Jerusalem.
Land of promise, home of glory,
the New Jerusalem.
I will know eternal joy in
the New Jerusalem.”

Then, when you get there, you will be able to say:

“I am home in Heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.

All pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade’
Oh! But Jesus’ love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.

And He came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread;
And with Jesus’ arm to lean on,
Could I have one doubt, dread’

Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For I love you dearly still:
Try to look beyond earth’s shadows,
Pray to trust our Father’s will.

There is work still waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth
You shall rest in Jesus’ land.

When the work is all completed,
He will gently call you home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
Oh, the joy to see you come!”

[ Author unknown ]

[ FYI: To find out how to become “born again,” view this previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/developing-ones-character-v283/ ].

God has been described as “Who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” [ Ephesians 3:20 ]. Now, some of the things I have said in this post have had a bit of ‘speculation’ in them (which I mentioned). However, reading this verse, I’m thinking I probably was a bit ‘conservative’ in my speculations!

The ‘upgrade’ from the old Earth to the New Earth will be VASTLY SUPERIOR! Gone will be a sin, the Curse, death, and suffering. In every way we will recognize that the New Earth is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BETTER, and in no sense could it be any better!

Randy Alcorn, the author of the book “Heaven,” wrote a novel titled “Edge of Eternity,” in which the protagonist Nick beholds the Woodsman (Jesus) and the end of the world. He then realizes—like the Unicorn in Narnia—that it is really the beginning:

“I saw a dying cosmos hold out its weak right arm, longing for a transfusion, a cure for its cancerous chasm. I saw the Woodsman, holding what appeared to be a tiny lump of coal, the same size as the blue-green marble he’d held before. The Woodsman squeezed his hand and the world around me darkened. Just as I felt I would scream from unbearable pressure, the crushed world emerged from his grip a diamond. I gasped air in relief.

I saw a new world, once more a life-filled blue-green, the old black coal delivered from its curse and pain and shame, wondrously remade.

It looked so easy for the Woodsman to shape all this with his hands. But then I saw his scars… and remembered it was not.”

Bingo! Bullseye!

[ FYI: For more details on ‘hitting the mark’, view this previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/missing-the-mark-v222/ ].

Perhaps the most elaborate description of the heavenly City contained in the Bible is Revelation 21, where we read all about the New Jerusalem. Author Randy Alcorn makes this interesting observation regarding what this real City might be like:

“Everyone knows what a city is—a place with buildings, streets, and residences occupied by people and subject to A common government. Cities have inhabitants, visitors, bustling activity, cultural events, and gatherings involving music, the arts, education, religion, entertainment, and athletics. If the capital city of the New Earth doesn’t have these defining characteristics of a city, it would seem misleading for Scripture to repeatedly call it a city.”

Since believers will have their resurrected bodies by this time—that is, real persons with real bodies—it is logical that we would forever live and a ‘REAL’ CITY, the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2).

The description of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation is astounding. Presented to our amazing to gaze in Revelation 21 is a scene of such transcendent splendor that the human mind can scarcely take it in. This is the scene of ecstatic joy and fellowship of sinless angels and redeemed glorified human beings. Author J. Bourdeau described it this way:

“What sublime descriptions of the holy Scriptures give us of the blessed City of God! Her walls are built of jasper-stone, but the city itself is up sure and shining gold, like unto clear crystal. In the foundations of the city are adorned with all manner of precious stones. Her gates are pearls. The very street are transparent as glass. This glorious city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in her, for the glory of God is her light.”

Such words, based on the Apostle John’s own words in Revelation 21-22 no doubt represent a human attempt to describe the UTTERLY ‘INDESCRIBABLE’. John F. Walvoord, the late president of Dallas Theological Seminary, observed that “The overall impression of the city is a gigantic brilliant Jewel compared to Jasper, clear as crystal, indicates its great beauty. John was trying to describe what he saw related to what might be familiar to his readers. However, it is evident that his revelation transcends anything that can be experienced.”

Theologian Millard Erickson agrees, and offers these reflections on the glorious splendor of this heavenly city: “Images suggesting imminent size or brilliant light depict haven’t as a place of unimaginable splendor, greatness, excellence, and beauty… it is likely that while John vision employees as metaphors those items which we think of as being most valuable and beautiful, the actual splendor of Heaven far exceeds anything we have yet experienced.”

George Marsden, author of “Jonathan Edwards: A Life,” point outs that Edwards “recounted the similes used in scripture to describe Heaven,” and that “his larger point was that, however wonderful it might be too imagine these things, earthly images are not really adequate… These Biblical images, he explained, are ‘very faint shadows’ that represent the joys of Heaven humans are intended to enjoy.” In short, the HEAVENLY ‘CITY’ will be FAR MORE ‘WONDEROUS’ than we can possibly imagine!

One thing is certain. The City is designed to reflect and manifest the incredible glory of God. As Walvoord put it, “The Constant mention of transparency indicates that the city is designed to transmit the glory of God any form of light without hindrance.” The human imagination is simply incapable of fathoming the immeasurably resplendent glory of God that will be perpetually manifested in the eternal city. Indeed, this is a scene of indescribable beauty with the light of the city playing upon the multi-colored stones.

In the eternal city, residents will experience nothing but perfection. A.T. Pierson said it well:

“There shall be no more curse – perfect restoration. The throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it – perfect administration. His servants shall serve him – perfect ordination. And they shall see his face – perfect transformation. And his name shall be on their foreheads – perfect identification. And there shall be no more night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord giveth them light – perfect illumination. And they shall reign forever and ever – perfect exultation.”

Not only does the New Jerusalem descend to earth, but God Himself comes down as well. (Revelation 21:3). This is God’s ultimate goal. He wants to live permanently with us humans on Earth. By the way, this has always been his desire. In the Garden of Eden, for example, God walked and talked with Adam and Eve. He manifested His presence to them. They knew Him in a real and literal way. Even after He expelled them from Paradise, He did not abandon them or their offspring.

The thing is, God has always lived among His people, but only in a temporary way. The prophets, however, foretold of a day when God would descend from Heaven, to live permanently on earth (Ezekiel 37; Zachariah 2:10). The ultimate fulfillment of this place is the Kingdom of Heaven will be ‘ON’ EARTH!

It is impossible to ignore the fact that both the prophet Ezekiel and the Apostle John are describing a scene of breathtaking grandeur and dazzling beauty—a glory that far surpasses the limits of human language.

John paints a ‘picture’ that portrays Heaven as a bright, colorful realm of both splendor and delight. Again, let us not get in trying to read meaning into the symbols that we missed the rather obvious point: John is using these comparisons of two precious jewels to picture the ‘BREATHTAKING’ BEAUTY of heavenly glory, and this is WAY MORE than even the places people consider “heaven on earth” that I presented in last month’s post.

The Apostle John mentions or the most stunning, glorious images he could picture, so he resorts to them to make his point. Remember, though, that he is actually describing a glory that far exceeds that of a jewel dug out of the earth. If the scene is hard for you to visualize, that’s okay, I have problems visualizing it, too, and I’m a trained architect that has a pretty good ability to ‘visualize’ building in my head! John is purposely painting a picture of glory that FAR ‘EXCEEDS’ one’s ability to imagine!

[ SONG: “Indescribable” – By Chris Tomlin ]

In Heaven, since we will be free from sin, we will be able to ‘see’ God’s glory unveiled and in all its fullness! That will be a more pleasing, spectacular sight than anything we have ever known or could ever imagine on Earth! No merely earthly pleasure could even begin to measure up to the privilege and the ecstasy of an unhindered view of God’s divine glory!

Jesus said, in His “Sermon on the Mount,” that “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” [Matthew 5:8]. The Greek verb translated as “see” is “horao,” and is in a tense that denotes a future continuous reality. In Heaven, we will continually be beholding God, face-to-face!

As believers, our highest satisfaction will come when we see our God and His Son, Jesus, and when we stand before them in perfect righteousness. Heaven will provide us with that privilege: the unclouded, undiminished, uninterrupted sight of their infinite glory and beauty, bringing us indescribable delight forever!

The 19th-century songwriter Fanny Crosby Express the hope of every believer in a well-loved song titled “My Savior First of All”:

“When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide,
When the bright and glorious morning I shall see,
I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side,
And His smile will be the first to welcome me.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side, I shall stand.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand.

Oh, the soul thrilling rapture when I view His blessed face
And the luster of His kindly beaming eyes;
How my full heart will praise Him for the mercy, love, and grace
That prepared for me a mansion in the sky.

Oh, the dear ones in glory, how they beckon me to come,
And our parting at the river I recall;
To the sweet vales of Eden they will sing my welcome home,
But I long to meet my Saviour first of all.

Thro’ the gates to the city in a robe of spotless white,
He will lead me where no tears will ever fall;
In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight,
But I long to meet my Saviour first of all.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side, I shall stand.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand.
By the print of the nails in His hand.”

The thing is, those words have special significance to Fanny Crosby—since she was blind from infancy (six weeks old). So, literally, the first person she will ever actually ‘understand’ seeing will be Jesus Christ! WOW!

We may have not been blind in our lives on earth like Fanny Crosby, but I am thinking that we will have the same kind of ‘EXCITEMENT’ that she did when we see Jesus for the first time in Heaven! [ I am waiting with ‘bated breath’! ]

Finally, the purposes of God are fulfilled! God’s plan of salvation, conceived in eternity past, is now brought into full fruition—and how glorious it will be! One of the great bible commentatory, Wilbur M. Smith, described it this way:

“All the glorious purposes of God, ordained from the foundation of the world, have now been attained. The rebellion of Angels and mankind is finally subdued, as the King of Kings assumes his rightful sovereignty. Absolute and unchangeable holiness characterizes all within the universal kingdom of God. The redeemed, made so by the blood of the lamb, are in resurrection and eternal glory. Life is everywhere—and death will never intrude again. The earth and the heavens both are renewed. Light, beauty, holiness, joy, the presence of God, the worship of God, service to Christ, likeness to Christ–are all now abiding realities. The vocabulary of man, made for life here, is incapable of truly and adequately depicting what God has prepared for those that love him.”

Any way you look at it, the eternal city—the New Jerusalem—is going to be absolutely wonderful, FAR MORE so than any human mind could POSSIBLE ‘FATHOM’ or even begin TO IMAGINE! Believers are merely ‘pilgrims’ en route to their final frontier in the New Jerusalem, just “passing through” this brief “dot” of time on earth.

[ FYI: For an explanation of the brief “dot” of time, view last month’s “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].

The believers that are the wisest desire daily to follow the Apostle Paul’s advice:

“Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things”
[ Colossians 3:1-2 ].

The Apostle John gives us a travel ‘brochure’ of sorts (in Revelation, 21:1-26:6). But, unlike slick publicity pieces, he does not exaggerate when he describes our destinations. He relates as accurately as possible what we can expect to see and experience when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven ‘ON’ EARTH. John’s only difficulty is that he does not have the words that are adequate to communicate the splendor. After all, how do you paint a picture of a perfect world, a utopian paradise that is unmatched by anything on Earth?

[ FYI: View last month’s “Life’s Deep Thoughts” post to see the Top 10 places in the world where people say that they are “heaven on earth”:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/heaven-on-earth-v289/ ].

We now live in an imperfect world, however beautiful. Even America, arguably the best country on earth, is still no match for the Kingdom to come!

There are those who live in the richest part of a city, drive a $100,000 luxury automobile with all the bells and whistles, have lunch at the most exclusive country club, vacation in Monte Carlo, and stay at the Ritz. Still, such lifestyles of the rich and famous fall FAR SHORT of life that the believer will experience in the coming Kingdom of God! Even the wealthiest people in the world yearn for transcendence—something more than they presently experience—a real-life ‘utopia’ that truly satisfies, and that is what the New Jerusalem WILL BE ‘ALL ABOUT’!

One day, the Kingdom of God will become a reality, and when it arrives, you will not be disappointed! However, even before it appears, you can enjoy many of its benefits. So, I invite you to join the journey of a lifetime. Come under the reign of Jesus, and begin to experience the Kingdom of God in the here and now!

[ FYI: View these previous “Life’s Deep Thoughts” “posts for some discussion on how to experience the Kingdom of God here on earth, and how to ‘prepare’ for Heaven:
https://markbesh.wordpress.com/a-place-to-retire-v221/ ].

Going to Heaven is NOT a matter of ‘guesswork’ and it is NOT a matter of ‘hoping’ you will get there! No, Jesus took the wrath of God on the Cross and rose from the dead to give ANYONE who ‘believes’ in Him the ‘gift’ of eternal life. So, the ONLY thing a person must do to get to heaven is the put their faith and trust in what Jesus did for them. The Bible tells us that whoever will call on the name of Jesus WILL BE ‘SAVED’ (Romans 10:13).

There are many things that demand our attention in this life and there are many ‘voices’ calling to us. However, none is greater than the ‘voice’ of God. As time marches on, one thing is certain—we will all face death at some point. Death is the great ‘equalizer’. It makes no difference who we are, when we face death we are facing an impartial ‘Judge’. The Bible reminds us that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23) and the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). When death comes knocking at one’s ‘door’, the ONLY thing that matters is if one a ready to face it by having their sins ‘atoned’ for by Jesus, by putting their trust in what He did for them on the Cross!

There is a profound eternal choice that every human must make. In the end, we will either choose to accept Jesus and His salvation, or we will turn away from Heaven’s ‘pardon’ in false and fatal pride.

The choice is clear. At the end of our earthly life, we shall ‘meet’ Jesus face-to-face. We will stand before Him on that day, as our Judge or as our Savior. If you have accepted the evidence of history, fulfilled prophecy, and your conscience, then you have accepted that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness and cleansing through your acceptance of Jesus as your Savior. If you have not accepted Him, I appeal to you to honestly consider the truth about Jesus and your eternal destiny, because Hell will NOT BE A ‘PICNIC’!

The thing is, if you are ready to ‘meet’ God and put your faith and trust in Jesus, YOU CAN DO THAT TODAY! I ‘STRONGLY’ encourage you to ‘call’ on Him RIGHT NOW! (You can use the Reconciliation Prayer below to help you with the words to express to Him, or you can just express to Him, in your own words, the repentance of your sins, the belief in what Jesus has done for you on the Cross, and plead to God to ‘save’ you from eternal Hell!

To be forthright, I need to remind you that there will be people DENIED ‘ENTRANCE’ into the Eternal City (Revelation 21:7-8; Revelation, 21:25-27; Revelation, 22:14-15)

Now, of course, all of us are sinners. We have all lied, cheated, and stolen—however small. Many people have also had episodes of immorality, idolatry, and even murder in their pasts. The thing is, the above verses do not mean to imply that those sins will keep a person out of Heaven, if they have asked Jesus for the forgiveness of those sins. HOWEVER, if one has not repented of their sins and placed their faith in Jesus, those sins WILL certainly ‘PREVENT’ them from walking the streets of gold!

Even people who ‘think’ they are Christians WILL NOT be allowed into Heaven. What? How could that be? Well, I will let Jesus tell you for Himself:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’”
[ Matthew 7:21-23 ].

‘Nominal’ Christianity cannot ‘save’ a person. A person can seem like a Christian in the eyes of other people, yet still can be an “evildoer” in God’s sight and will be sent away from His presence (Matthew 7:23). Only those who do the Father’s will and who are known of God will enter Heaven.

So, what is the Father’s will? Well, Jesus answered that one, too: “The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent” [ John 6:28-29 ]. God wants people to have faith in His Son: “This is His command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ” [ 1 John 3:23 ]. Those who are “born again” by faith in Jesus will ‘produce’ good works to the glory of God (Ephesians 2:10). [ Good works WILL NOT ‘get’ you into Heaven, One will ‘do’ good works after they are ‘saved’ and the Holy Spirit dwells inside them. ]

So, it turns out that what matters is not so much that one knows ‘about’ God on some level, but that God knows them. As the Apostle Paul explained, “Whoever loves God is known by God” (1 Corinthians 8:3; Galatians 4:9). The Lord “tends His flock like a shepherd” (Isaiah 40:11), and He knows who are His ‘sheep’ (John 10:14).

‘Fake’ Christians whom Jesus says He never knew will not produce the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)—“good works”—rather, they will produce the opposite, the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21).

Jesus warns that one day He will tell a group of religious practitioners, “I never knew you,” and God takes NO ‘DELIGHT’ in sending people to Hell (2 Peter 3:9). HOWEVER, those who are told to depart have rejected God’s eternal purpose and plan for their lives (Luke 7:30). They have ‘spurned’ the light of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4), choosing the darkness instead, because their deeds were evil (John 3:19).

At the judgment, they try to justify themselves as worthy of Heaven on the basis of their works, but no one will be justified by his own works (Galatians 2:16). While claiming to do all these good works in Jesus’ name, they failed to do the only work of God that counts: “To have faith in the One He sent” [ John 6:29 ]. So, Jesus, the Righteous Judge, will condemn them to eternal separation from Him! DON’T BE THIS KIND OF PERSON!

If you are failing to respond to Jesus’ gracious invitation, you will have NO ‘PART’ in the New Heaven, the New Earth, or the New Jerusalem! Only the people whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life will be allowed in! There are NO ‘EXCEPTIONS’!

SO, if you have not accepted God’s plan for your life and have received His forgiveness for your sins, when the moment comes, you will be DENIED ‘ENTRANCE’ into Heaven, and into the City I just described. I DO NOT want that to HAPPEN TO YOU!

So, if you have not done so, MAKE YOUR ‘RESERVATION’ to have a ‘place’ in the Heavenly City! The last invitation in the Bible, from Jesus, says:

“The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.”’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price”
[ Revelation 22:17 ].

So, as I have said many times before, my ‘LIFE FOCUS’ is To take as many people to Heaven with me as I can.” I want to be the guy behind you just outside the “pearly gate” that is taking the following picture of you!…

[ PHOTO: “Home, At Last” – By Danny Hahlbohm ]

[ VIDEO: “The Pilgrim’s Progress” movie – Arriving at New Jerusalem’s Gate ]

SO, the eternal Heaven WILL exist someday ‘ON’ EARTH, and it will be ‘WAY’ MORE than anyone could EVEN ‘IMAGINE’! (Ephesians 3:20).

Again, I will conclude this month’s post just as I did in last month’s post, asking the “sixty-four dollar question” (something that is not known and on which a GREAT ‘DEAL’ depends): Are ‘YOU’ SURE that you are going to live among the New Heavens, on the New Earth, and in the New Jerusalem for eternity?

If not, you need to MAKE ‘SURE’… NOW!!!

[ Excerpts by: Unsealed.org; Matt Gilman; Xiuping Gao; Chun Lan; Damien Keown; Navya Riju; Fritz Chery; Wikipedia; David Splane; Encyclopedia dot com; Shelby Wyzykowski; Mark Ellison; Kathleen Mulhern; PBS; Encyclopedia Britannica; Tricycle; Chudi Nicholas Adilieje; Steven Nichols; Jonathan Parnell; Leonard Ravenhill; Bruce Wilkinson; Mark Hitchcock; John Bunyan; Ed Hindson; Grant Jeffrey; Randall Price; David Robertson; Ron Rhodes; Rene Pache; Anthony Hoekema; Wayne Grudem; Charles Ryrie; Dr. John F. Walvoord; A. A. Hodge; Albert Barnes; David Jeremiah; Larry Ollison; Dr. W. A. Criswell; Ryan Jenkins; Albert M. Wolters; Lee Brainard; Got Questions; Randy Alcorn; Robert Jeffress; R. Alan Streett; Alistair Begg; John MacArthur; Richard J. Mouw; C. S. Lewis; Bibliaprints.com; Wilbur Smith ]


‘Heaven’ On Earth?”:

There’s No Place Like ‘Home’”:

Greatest ‘Fear’”:

Preparing For The ‘Future’”:

‘WHEN’ Will Something Important Happen”:

‘WHERE You Return To”:

A Sense Of ‘Urgency’”:

A ‘Place’ To Retire”:

In the Bible, there is a parable that Jesus told about a Pharisee and a tax collector praying the Temple. He notes that the tax collector didn’t even dare to lift his eyes toward Heaven as he prayed. Instead he “beat his chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner’”—and Jesus said that the tax collector “went home justified,” he had been “born again” and ‘reconciled’ by God. (Luke 18:9-14).

If you are ‘sensing’ something like that right now, let me strongly encourage you to HUMBLE YOURSELF, CRY OUT to God, and PLEAD for Him to mercifully ‘SAVE’ YOU! None of us have a ‘claim’ on our salvation, nor do we have any ‘works’ that would cause us to deserve it or earn it—it is purely a gift of Divine grace—and all any of us can do is ask. So, CONFESS YOUR SINS and acknowledge to God that you have no hope for Heaven apart from what He provides through Jesus. [ See Psalm 51 ].

There is no ‘formula’ or certain words for this. So just talk to God, in your own words—He knows your ‘heart’. If you are genuinely sincere, and God does respond to your plea, one will usually have a sense of joy and peace.

Jesus said, “He that comes to Me, I will not cast out” [ John 6:37 ].

[ FYI: This is a great sermon on the “Call to Repentance” by John MacArthur from his book “The Gospel According to Jesus”: https://www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/90-22/the-call-to-repentance (Transcript: http://www.spiritedesign.com/TheCallToRepentance-JohnMacArthur(Jul-27-2019).pdf) ].

[ NOTE: If you have ‘tasted the kindness of the Lord’, please e-mail me—I would love to CELEBRATE with you, and help you get started on your ‘journey’ with Jesus! ].


Heaven: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal Home
By: Randy Alcorn

– Have you ever wondered . . . ?
– What is Heaven really going to be like?
– What will we look like?
– What will we do every day?
– Won’t Heaven get boring after a while?

We all have questions about what Heaven will be like, and after twenty-five years of extensive research, Dr. Randy Alcorn has the answers.

In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it―a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ’s presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it.

This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it. Earth as he intended it to be.

The next time you hear someone say, “We can’t begin to image what Heaven will be like,” you’ll be able to tell them, “I can.”

“Other than the Bible itself, this may well be the single most life-changing book you’ll ever read.” ―Stu Weber

“This is the best book on Heaven I’ve ever read.” ―Rick Warren

“Randy Alcorn’s thorough mind and careful pen have produced a treasury about Heaven that will inform my own writing for years to come.” ―Jerry B. Jenkins

“Randy does an awesome job of answering people’s toughest questions about what lies on the other side of death.” ―Joni Eareckson Tada

The Glory of Heaven: The Truth about Heaven, Angels, and Eternal Life
By: John MacArthur

A number of recent New York Times bestsellers have readers thinking about the reality of heaven. Yet their pictures of life in heaven cover the range from comical to curious, from mystical to fictitious―with maybe some biblical truth thrown in. But if heaven is in our future, we really need to know more about what lies ahead―more about what’s real and what’s not. Now in paperback, pastor John MacArthur takes us through the pages of Scripture, exploring the wonders of heaven, angels, and eternal life.

The Wonder of Heaven: A Biblical Tour of Our Eternal Home
By: Ron Rhodes

Increasing economic and cultural instability is leading North Americans to wonder more and more about existence beyond death. Many sources–some trustworthy, some not–are offering opinion, conjecture, and comforting words.

Noted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes, bestselling author of Angels Among Us, goes to the Scriptures, God’s gift to help us live on earth in a way that prepares us for heaven. He tackles the important questions:

What is the moment-of-death transition actually like?
In what state will believers exist? Will they know loved ones?
What will God’s people do in eternity? What will it be like to live with God forever?
The Wonder of Heaven punctures the notion of a harp-strumming, do-nothing eternity. After glimpsing their home with God–and with people as God meant them to be–Christians will be filled with an anticipation that makes their lives brighter, stronger, and more effective today.

A Place Called Heaven: Your Journey Home
By: Dr. Larry Ollison

Unimaginable Beauty Awaits in Your Future Home

What Christian isn’t curious about heaven? Although heaven is discussed extensively in the Bible, centuries of fictional characterizations of the afterlife have left most believers with an inaccurate picture of what heaven is really like.

In A Place Called Heaven, author, pastor, and scholar Dr. Larry Ollison searches the entire Bible for rock-solid answers to your deepest questions about heaven.

Dr. Ollison tackles questions like…

● What happens when you die?
● What is the Paradise of God?
● Where is heaven, and what does it look like?
● How will our heavenly bodies be different?
● Are loved ones there waiting for us and will they recognize us?

Each chapter illustrates a biblically accurate and magnificent picture of heaven. As your excitement and anticipation for your future home builds, you’ll be convinced beyond any doubt that a glorious future awaits you in A Place Called Heaven!

The Promise of the New Earth
By: Randy Alcorn

Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like? Heaven is a place where you can live forever someday—a place without fear, sadness, or pain. It’s also a place full of beauty, joy, activity, and rest. It’s a place where you can meet all sorts of interesting people who will be your friends forever. And it’s a place where you can live with the wonderful and fascinating God who created you and loves you. Come take a look at what could be your future home. The Promise of the New Earth combines solid biblical teaching gleaned from Randy Alcorn’s best-selling book, Heaven, with beautiful photography to create a gift book to be treasured. Many Christians think about the present Heaven, where Christians go now when they die, but have never considered the future Heaven, after the resurrection, which will be a physical place occupied by physical people who will live forever with Jesus and all those who love Him. This refreshed version of Randy’s book The Promise of Heaven features all new photographs and some brand-new content.

When the Kings Come Marching In: Isaiah and the New Jerusalem
By: Richard J. Mouw

Widely respected for his perspectives on faith in the modern world, Richard J. Mouw has long stood at the forefront of the “Christ and culture” debate. In When the Kings Come Marching In — here revised and updated — Mouw explores the religious transformation of culture as it is powerfully pictured in Isaiah 60.

In Isaiah 60 the prophet envisions the future transformation of the city of Jerusalem, a portrayal of the Holy City that bears important similarities to John’s vision of the future in Revelation 21 and 22. Mouw examines these and other key passages of the Bible, showing how they provide a proper pattern for cultural involvement in the present.

Mouw identifies and discusses four main features of the Holy City: (1) “the wealth of the nations” is gathered into the city; (2) the “kings of the earth” march into the city; (3) people from many nations are drawn to the city; and (4) light pervades the city. In drawing out the implications of these striking features, Mouw treats a number of relevant cultural issues, including Christian attitudes toward the processes and products of commerce, technology, and art; the nature of political authority; race relations; and the scope of the redemptive ministry of Jesus Christ.

The volume culminates in an invaluable discussion of how Christians should live in the modern world. Mouw argues that believers must go beyond a narrow understanding of the individual “pilgrim’s progress” to a view of the Christian pilgrimage wherein believers work together toward solving the difficult political, social, and economic problems of our day.

New Jerusalem
By: David Rowan

This book, New Jerusalem, was inspired by the Holy Spirit on 27th January 2023 on Jewish holocaust memorial day.

While praying in my car at 820am, I Heard the words “New Jerusalem.” At that exact moment, with my eyes closed, in a vision, I saw pages formulating and moving on my laptop with bold black headings above each section. I saw this with my right eye only. I knew God wanted me to write this book titled New Jerusalem. I have relied solely on God for content; it has come as I needed it because if God calls, he will equip. On Sunday morning, 29th January, while praying about the content of this book, I heard the word “crystallite” As I have been praying and researching the content for this book, God has highlighted some remarkable scientific information for this book. This information regarding the twelve precious foundation stones recorded in the Bible, mainly in the book of revelation chapter 21, is astounding.

This new information is a further comfort for believers and evidence for non-believers who trust in scientific facts only. This is scientific proof that God dictated the Bible himself because the writer John could not have known the science behind what he was writing was 100 % correct.
When I first started this book, I had only what I thought was a few pages and, indeed, not anywhere near enough to write an entire book, but as I started to write, more content seemed to find me rather than me find it. This would be consistent with the God that I know and love, and it reminds me a bit like (only on a much smaller scale) the water didn’t divide until Moses and the Priests stepped into it. So I understood why more content was coming as I needed it.

There is an array of content from the 12 foundation stones to snow crystals with various unique complex designs plus numerous scientific facts supporting the Bible’s account of Creation plus colour pictures and one of the enormous mind-blowing Cross in space, photographed by the Hubble telescope.

The full exhilarating debate starts on page 96 and opens with the creationist, who is also a scientist and intelligent, well-reasoned debater. He lays out in detail the scientific facts that prove the Bible true. Three top evolutionists make their case for evolution and question the creationist who does not shy away from the answers, for anyone sitting on the fence who is scientifically minded or would like sound reasoning about God’s existence. This will help build your faith in the creator, the trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In 2015 I had the privilege of being in Jerusalem. In 2017 I also had the privilege of being on the island of Patmos and in John’s Cave, where he wrote the book of revelations as the Lord Jesus dictated to him. Within this book is a detailed collection of scientific information, including the science behind the twelve precious stones that have only been discovered in our generation. Also within this book is a collection of relevant Bible passages. Bible references in this book relate to the New Jerusalem plus significant number meaning and are in Bodoni MT font for easy identification. I hope this information collection gives you the same excitement reading it gave me writing it. God bless.

From Eden to the New Jerusalem: An Introduction to Biblical Theology
By: T. Desmond Alexander

Personal stories aren’t enough to offer individuals peace when they question their own existence. But the Bible’s story comes not from humanity, but from God. Author, T. Desmond Alexander, suggests that God has given us the reasons for creation and our existence in the Bible. ”by resolving an intricate plot that sheds light on the entire story,“ Alexander writes. Using this theory to start from the denouement, or resolution, in Revelation’s last verses and work backward, Alexander pieces together the Bible’s overarching plot. The resulting picture reveals the reasons for creation and life that have eluded those who seek to answer life’s biggest questions without first placing themselves in God’s story.

The New Jerusalem: A Holy City Not Forsaken
By: Ryan Jenkins

Jesus Christ is preparing a place for His faithful Saints. He will establish a holy city known as Zion, the New Jerusalem. “Out of Zion,” will be “the perfection of beauty, God [will shine]. Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence. . .. He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth. . . Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.” -Psalms 50:2-5 “Zion must increase in beauty and holiness. . . and put on her beautiful garments.” The stakes of Zion “must be strengthened.” How are we individually and collectively to be strengthened? “To put on [Zion’s] strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood.” -D&C 82:14; 113:8 “Surely Zion is the city of Our God, and surely Zion cannot fall, neither be moved out of her place, for God is there, and the hand of the Lord is there.” -D&C 97:19 “Zion cannot be built unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself.” -D&C 105:5 We are to prepare and sanctify ourselves to gather upon the Land of Zion. To help us become a Zion people, Jesus Christ is providing ordinances and covenants in His holy temples. As we honestly and sincerely keep those covenants a sublime miracle is taking place-in us-in others-and in the buildup to the New Jerusalem. This book will inspire you to be part of the miracle!

The Descending New Jerusalem
By: Loren Covarrubias

Almost two thousand years ago, the apostle John received a revelation of Jesus Christ while abandoned on the Isle of Patmos. Imagine all he saw and endured: from his time with Christ, through the formation of the early church, until the Revelation. In a moment, he is brought into the realm of heaven to see, perceive, and receive understanding for himself and his day. His revelation still speaks to us! The Revelation has been misinterpreted for too many years, shaping our view of God and His plan for the church of Jesus Christ. It is time to stop looking for an exit strategy from creation to become a great demonstration of His kingdom. The new Jerusalem is not a fictious city set in a distant time beyond our reach and comprehension. It is a present reality granted to the church to boldly declare to our world what a satisfied life really looks like. It is time for us to stop taking the Good News and making it “bad news” in hope that we can get one more convert.

Jerusalem in Prophecy
By: Randall Price

Jerusalem has an incredible future in store, and it’s at the very center of Bible prophecy. This book, by the author of The Stones Cry Out and Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls, reveals what will happen, who the key players will be, and what signs reveal we’re drawing close.


The New Heavens and Earth
By: Lee Brainard

One of the most breathtaking prophecies in the Bible is the promise of the new heavens and earth. In that glorious day the widespread effects of the fall and the curse will be undone. Man will experience unbroken, utopian blessing in his eternal home.

But how will the new heavens and earth come about? Will the current heavens and earth cease to exist and be replaced by a second ex nihilo creation as many Bible teachers insist? Or will the current earth be refurbished by earthquake and fire from heaven even as the last earth was refurbished by the flood?

In this volume I present several arguments—such as historical precedent, the character of God, the eternality of the earth, and the eternal nature of the kingdom established at the second coming—which combine to make a formidable case that the new heavens and earth will be the current heavens and earth refurbished.

Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview
By: Albert M. Wolters

In print for two decades and translated into eight languages, Albert Wolters’s classic formulation of an integrated Christian worldview has been revised and expanded to reach new readers beyond the generation that has already benefited from this clear, concise proposal for transcending the false dichotomy between sacred and secular. Wolters begins by defining the nature and scope of a worldview, distinguishing it from philosophy and theology. He then outlines a Reformed analysis of the three basic categories in human history — creation, fall, and redemption — arguing that while the fall reaches into every corner of the world, Christians are called to participate in Christ’s redemption of all creation. This Twentieth Anniversary edition features a new concluding chapter, coauthored with Michael Goheen, that helpfully places the discussion of worldview in a broader narrative and missional context.

Perfect Ending: Why Your Eternal Future Matters Today
By: Dr. Robert Jeffress

As popular teacher Dr. Robert Jeffress shows in Perfect Ending, we may not know when Christ will return, but the Bible offers many details about what the end times look like. Strengthen your biblical knowledge and your spiritual life through this powerful look at the future God promises for every follower of Christ. As popular teacher Dr. Robert Jeffress shows in Perfect Ending, we may not know when Christ will return, but the Bible offers many details about what the end times look like. Strengthen your biblical knowledge and your spiritual life through this powerful look at the future God promises for every follower of Christ.

Heaven on Earth: Experiencing the Kingdom of God in the Here and Now
By: R. Alan Streett

The future hope of heaven is pulled into the here-and-now in this illuminating description of the kingdom of God.

Popular teacher and author R. Alan Streett exposes half-truths about the kingdom that many believers have unwittingly accepted. He contrasts these with the testimony of Scripture:

Jesus inaugurated the kingdom of God on the earth―it has already begun. As ambassadors of the kingdom, we are to fulfill our responsibilities and enjoy its benefits here and now.
Salvation does not culminate with the soul escaping the body and living forever in heaven. Our bodies will eventually be transformed, and we will live with God on a restored earth.
The church is like an embassy of heaven in a foreign country. In their life together, believers demonstrate kingdom realities to the world.
Readers will find hope and direction in this fresh presentation of the historic teaching on the kingdom.

Searching for Heaven on Earth
By: Dr David Jeremiah

The beautifully designed color interior and padded hardcover make this an attractive impulse item. A companion journal is available to help readers apply the important, revolutionary message of “Searching for Heaven on Earth” to their daily lives.

Future Glory: Living in the Hope of the Rapture, Heaven, and Eternity
By: Ed Hindson

Despite today’s hardships, the Bible promises a glorious new era is rapidly approaching. God’s plan for what’s ahead includes our rapture, our rewards, our participation in Jesus’ triumphal return, and our eternal glory in heaven. As a believer, you can trust that a wonderful future awaits you.

In Future Glory, prophecy expert Dr. Ed Hindson helps you explore the Bible’s seven unique promises that outline what’s in store for every Christian. You’ll gain a better understanding of
the timeline for the rapture, Christ’s return, the millennium, and the creation of a new heaven and earth
the awe-inspiring details of what life will be like in Christ’s kingdom
your place in heaven and what it means to live with an eternal perspective
Written with attention to biblical details, Christ-minded wisdom, and a gracious compassion for our all-too-human tendency to be absorbed with the here and now, Future Glory will take you on an incredible journey into your prophetic future and the everlasting destiny God has prepared for you.

Heaven: The Last Frontier
By: Grant R. Jeffrey

Heaven on Earth: What the Bible Teaches about Life to Come
By: Derek Thomas

For all the skepticism that abounds in our time, people still want to know what happens after death. Do you know with any certainty where your conscious, thinking, self–aware, communicative self will be? And does it matter, as long as you are in ‘heaven’? But the importance of ‘heaven’ does not consist only in it being the alternative to ‘hell’. It is not just an abstract future state into which we will slip, it is a physical reality which can give us joy and hope even now as we look toward it.

Derek Thomas examines how the Christian can and should think about heaven:

  1. We Die … Then what?
  2. Are You Ready?
  3. Falling Asleep
  4. The Trumpet Shall Sound
  5. The New Heaven and New Earth
  6. What Will Heaven be Like?
  7. Like the Angels


by Cristina Acuna and Reagan Bleasdell

Sir Thomas More was the first person to use the term “utopia,” describing an ideal, imaginary world in his most famous work of fiction. His book describes a complex community on an island, in which people share a common culture and way of life (“16th Century Dreams: Thomas More”). The term he coined derives from the Greek word ou-topos meaning “nowhere,” (“Utopia Summary”). Ironically, it is the opposite of the similar-sounding Greek word eu-topos meaning “a good place,” (“Utopia Summary”). At its heart, the book poses the question of whether there could ever be such a thing as a “perfect” world and served as a platform to highlight the chaos of European politics at the time.

The book, written in 1516, is More’s attempt to suggest ways to improve European society, using “Utopia” as an example. More was a major figure of the English Renaissance who cared deeply about the moral and political responsibilities of individuals. He eventually rose to one of the highest offices in the land, and, as chancellor of England in 1529, came up against his own king with disastrous consequences. More strongly opposed Henry VIII’s separation from the Catholic Church and refused to sign the Oath of Supremacy, which would give King Henry more power than the Pope. He was convicted of treason and was imprisoned in the Tower of London. They continued to urge him to sign the oath, but he refused. He was sentenced to be hanged, drawn, or quartered, the usual punishment for traitors, but the king commuted this to execution by decapitation. While on the scaffold, he declared that he died, “The king’s good servant, and God’s first” (qtd. in “Thomas Moore” Wikipedia).
[ more… ]

ENTIRE BOOK: https://pressbooks.pub/earlybritishlit/chapter/sir-thomas-more-utopia/

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ApologetiX Songbook
(An interactive PDF)

It features the lyrics to every song on every CD and every “download” from 1993-2020

Special features:

  • indexed by title, original song, original artist, subject, and Bible verse
  • each song’s page has icons showing what albums it appears on
  • each song’s page has a commentary from lyricist J. Jackson
  • each album’s page includes liner notes and track listing
  • print any pages you like or use for slides in church
  • photos from ApologetiX’s debut concert in 1992
  • discography of out-of-print cassettes
  • downloadable in PDF format

New features in this edition:

  • all song commentaries from J. Jackson updated and expanded
  • also indexed by year when original song spoofed was a hit
  • J.’s original handwritten rough lyrics to 40 ApX classics
  • scads of photos from ApX 25th-anniversary concerts
  • list of 40 ApX parodies most likely to be redone
  • over 200 new parodies and journal entries
  • list of the first ApX concerts in each state
  • six new full-length feature articles
  • DVD discography and synopses
  • never-before-seen rare photos
  • lyrics for over 700 parodies
  • over 1000 pages!

Interactive features:

  • click on any page number in indexes or TOC to go to that page
  • click on any album icon to go to its liner notes and track listings
  • click on any song title on an album page to go to that song

Note: This e-book is a download-only and doesn’t include sheet music.

The songbook is available for a donation of $50 or more. After we receive your donation, we’ll send you a follow-up email with the link.

Get the Songbook for a donation:

Songbook Demo Video: https://rumble.com/vfazhl-apologetix-songbook-2020-demo.html


This site presents discussions on the 12 most commonly asked questions about the Christian faith.

The 12 discussions are accessed by the “tabs” at the bottom of the page. The tabs are numbered 1-12. Roll your mouse over them and you will see the question displayed at the right. Click on the number to select that question.

Within each question (i.e. tabs 1-12), there are subtopics (or dialogues) to select that appear as smaller tabs underneath the numbered tabs. Roll your mouse over them and the title of these topics is also displayed to the right. Click on the open rectangle to select that dialogue.

For each question (1-12), a link to related resources and an optional flowchart is provided. To access this material, click on the respective words, “Related Resources” or “Options Flowchart.”

To play a more detailed discussion of the subject, between two people, select the desired dialogue and click on “Play Audio Dialogue.”

In the upper right-hand corner of the page, there is an icon that looks like binoculars looking at a question mark. Click on this icon to return to the homepage.

In the upper right-hand corner of a “Related Resources” page, there is an icon that looks like some books. Click on this icon to get to an “overview” page that has links to all of the resources for all of the questions. There also are additional “appendices” for most of the questions.

In the upper right-hand corner of a “Flowchart” page, there is an icon that looks like an Org chart. Click on this icon to get to an “overview” page that has links to all of the flowcharts.


[ Content by: Bill Kraftson and Lamar Smith; Website by Mark Besh ]

(The ATTITUDES of Jesus that produce the CHARACTER of Jesus)



[ Mark Besh ]

[ P.S.: If you would like to investigate further about what is required to ‘qualify’ for Heaven, visit the following link:
http://4vis.com/sfm/sfm_pres/sp_q9_d1_1of10.html ].

<<< ARTICLES >>>

“Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’”

Sir Thomas More (1477 – 1535) was the first person to write of a ‘utopia’, a word used to describe a perfect imaginary world. More’s book imagines a complex, self-contained community set on an island, in which people share a common culture and way of life. He coined the word ‘utopia’ from the Greek ou-topos meaning ‘no place’ or ‘nowhere’. It was a pun – the almost identical Greek word eu-topos means ‘a good place’. So at the very heart of the word is a vital question: can a perfect world ever be realised? It is unclear as to whether the book is a serious projection of a better way of life, or a satire that gave More a platform from which to discuss the chaos of European politics. More was an English lawyer, writer, and statesman. He was at one time, one of Henry VIII’s most trusted civil servants, becoming Chancellor of England in 1529

A work of fiction and socio-political satire by Thomas More (1478–1535), written in Latin and published in 1516. The book is a frame narrative primarily depicting a fictional island society and its religious, social and political customs. Many aspects of More’s description of Utopia are reminiscent of life in monasteries.[2]

Utopia is derived from the Greek prefix “ou-” (οὔ), meaning “not”, and topos (τόπος), “place”, with the suffix -iā (-ίᾱ) that is typical of toponyms; the name literally means “nowhere”, emphasizing its fictionality. In early modern English, Utopia was spelled “Utopie”, which is today rendered Utopy in some editions.[3]

In fact, More’s very first name for the island was Nusquama, the Latin equivalent of “no-place”, but he eventually opted for the Greek-influenced name.[4]

In English, Utopia is pronounced the same as Eutopia (the latter word, in Greek Εὐτοπία [Eutopiā], meaning “good place,” contains the prefix εὐ- [eu-], “good”, with which the οὔ of Utopia has come to be confused in the English pronunciation).[5] That is something that More himself addresses in an addendum to his book: Wherfore not Utopie, but rather rightely my name is Eutopie, a place of felicitie.[a][7]

[ Wikipedia ]

“Thomas More’s Magnificent Utopia”

Its central idea, of a perfect but impossible place, has since become part of our mental furniture. But what does this very amusing (though also rather stern) book mean? It has sometimes been seen as a satire on the inevitable conformity of political equality but may rather offer a portrait of a magnificently just society. Utopias links both with London and with the civic culture of Renaissance Europe more generally will be explained. Focussing on its significance at the time when it was written, with reflections on its remarkably varied legacy. This is part of the Being Human festival and is complemented by an exhibition at the University of London’s Senate House which runs until December 2016, Utopia and Dystopia.

[ Dr Richard Serjeantson ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31n1qsMJGyM

“Utopia by Sir Thomas More | Main Ideas”

Sir Thomas More’s Utopia explained with chapter summaries in just a few minutes!

Course Hero Literature Instructor Russell Jaffe explains the main ideas in Sir Thomas More’s novel Utopia.

Download the free study guide and infographic for Utopia here: https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Utopia…

Sir Thomas More’s Utopia is a satirical novel that brought us today’s common word for a perfect society. More coined the word “utopia” from the Greek for “good place.”

The story is structured as a series of conversations between More and fictional traveler Raphael Hythloday, who has just returned from a journey during which he visited the titular island. This supposedly ideal civilization is governed by ideas that are by turns egalitarian and draconian—property and work are divided equally, but punishments for certain relatively minor offenses are severe.

The novel, interpreted as both a sly critique of European governance and of the notion that society can be perfected, remains influential in the creation of imaginary worlds.

Later authors built on the ideas laid out in Utopia to write utopian and dystopian books such as 1984, Brave New World, and Walden Two. The idea of utopia has also influenced the development of such political philosophies as communism and the cooperative and commune movements.

Sir Thomas More, one of the most famous men in European history, first published Utopia in Latin in 1516. He never describes a particular purpose in writing Utopia. However, scholars agree it is a combination of social satire and genuine philosophical thinking.

The book contains many powerful themes, such as property and wealth, the perfect place, and crime and punishment. Symbols include the island representing Utopia’s uniqueness and isolation from the world, and gold representing the futility of greed in a society where everyone’s needs are met.

[ Course Hero ]

ANALYSIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2au0B5j6ji8

SUMMARY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEkbos8TMZw

MAIN IDEAS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn9HsYt_FKk

“Paradise Lost”

Kristen Over, Associate Professor at Northeastern Illinois University, provides an in-depth summary and analysis of John Milton’s Paradise Lost.

Paradise Lost is a famous epic poem from 1667 that deals with the expulsion of the first humans, Adam and Eve, from the Garden of Eden after they commit the sin of eating from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. We encounter God, Archangel Michael, Adam and Eve, Sin, and Death and Satan/Lucifer as well.

Paradise Lost is told by a third-person omniscient narrator, whom readers later learn is in fact the author, John Milton. Milton peppers his unrhymed, iambic pentameter with evocative symbolism, including the Scales of Justice, the Tree of Knowledge, and Adam’s Wreath for Eve.

[ John Milton ]

PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqgUsVoLbl4&list=PLz_ZtyOWL9BQ9kk43D7YlmIbq7SmRkcgD

“Paradise Regained”
(Background and Themes)

Despite the concerns of decades of recent scholarship, the identity of the Son of God is not the main subject matter of Paradise Regained. The subject matter is plainly stated to be the way in which through one man’s obedience the consequences “of man’s first disobedience” will be undone.

[ John Milton, ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoxN4mfkHq0

“The Real-life Garden of Eden?”

The coco de mer has spawned so many legends that the tree is fabled and revered in lands far beyond the Seychelles.

In 1881, General Charles Gordon (later known as Gordon of Khartoum) embarked on a long voyage to an archipelago off East Africa. The Seychelles, a group of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, spent most of their existence completely uninhabited by humans. The British officer didn’t know what to expect – but no one was prepared for what he found.

Gordon, a religious man and a Christian cosmologist, recognized this land from descriptions in the Book of Genesis: it was the Garden of Eden.

The Vallée de Mai is one of the world’s smallest Unesco World Heritage sites (Credit: Alberto Pizzoli/Getty)
The Vallée de Mai is one of the world’s smallest Unesco World Heritage sites (Credit: Alberto Pizzoli/Getty)

Here, 135 years later, I stood in the same valley as Gordon on the island of Praslin, aware of what I had come to see but still equally entranced. Within the first few steps of entering the Vallée de Mai, I was enveloped in a world of intense greenery. Palm branches fanned out, weaving together to form a thick canopy that blocked out the sky. Everywhere I turned, a dense forest of enormous trees reached dizzying heights of 30m, their branches engulfing their surroundings with palm fronds 10m long and 4m wide.

It’s not just the paradise-like abundance that suggested Gordon’s theory. The Vallée de Mai is home to a particularly mysterious allusion to the birth of man and woman: the coco de mer, a rare type of palm tree known for its suggestive “male” and “female” seeds that bear an uncanny resemblance to human reproductive body parts. The seeds – the largest and heaviest in the plant kingdom – are even adult-sized, reaching weights of up to 30kg.

The coco de mer has spawned so many legends that the tree is fabled and revered in lands far beyond the Seychelles. When these oversized, suggestively shaped seeds washed up on the shores of the Arabian Peninsula hundreds of years ago, they quickly gathered a mythical momentum. They were seen as symbols and gifts of fertility; rumours swirled about their powerful aphrodisiac qualities. It was widely assumed the large seeds were coconuts that had floated away from undersea palm trees; Middle Eastern princes offered a fortune for these rare treasures, and people took to the treacherous oceans, searching erroneously for the underwater palm tree.

The sensitive tree is endemic to Praslin and the neighbouring island of Curieuse, but it truly thrives in the Vallee de Mai. It takes three months for a seed to germinate, and it must remain exactly where it fell, untouched, in order to grow. Legends of the coco de mer spread far and wide, but the truth was even stranger than fiction. Thanks to the trees’ staggered growth patterns, where palms growing the large “male” seeds exist next to ones that bear only “female” seeds, imaginations ran wild – particularly on windy nights, when the male and female parts intertwined.

The islands of the Seychelles are home to many mysteries. Only 12 of the archipelago’s 115 islands are inhabited. Praslin is one; like the other islands, its granite base is ringed with some of the world’s most beautiful white-sand beaches guarded by the towering boulders found everywhere across the Seychelles. Here, in the small Vallée de Mai, it’s hard to remember that the rest of the world exists only a few kilometres away.

For centuries, scholars have debated the original site of the Garden of Eden. Walking through the Vallée de Mai, with its larger-than-life nature and rare peculiarities, it’s easy to see why in this part of the world, there is little doubt.

[ Hillary Richard ]

“Pie in the Sky when You Die? – Understanding Heaven”


This week’s apologetics article in Christian Today – Apologetics 101

Have you noticed that every time a celebrity dies (which seems to be occurring at an alarming rate this year – or am I just getting old?) that inevitably the remarks follow about them being in heaven, looking down, playing their guitar etc? For a generation that is supposed not to believe in God and the afterlife it seems somewhat contradictory. For human beings, it appears there is an understandable fascination with what happens to us when we die. As the preacher in Ecclesiastes tells us, God ‘has put eternity in the heart of man’. Is this just false comfort? Is this just social conditioning for the poor and the weak, to help them cope with the troubles they have in this life, by encouraging them to think of the next? Is it just pie in the sky when you die?

What will heaven be like? I know this sounds strange but even as a Christian for a number of years I struggled with the idea of going to heaven almost as much as I struggled with the idea of going to hell. Not long after I became a Christian I was walking along the beach at Brora in the Eastern Scottish Highlands. It was about midnight and it was a glorious and beautiful crisp and clear night, with the full moon bouncing off the calm sea. I confessed to my companion at the time, the wonderful Bible teacher, Dick Dowsett, that I did not want to go to heaven. He smiled and asked me why not. “Because although I know that it is not really like this, I cannot get out of my head the images of sitting on a cloud, playing a harp, or heaven being like one eternal church service, and then when I look at all this beauty, I think I don’t want to leave that.” Dick looked horrified; “David, you really have no idea about heaven. Stop and think. Look at all this beauty and you have to realise that it is just a foretaste, it is but a shadow. What you see now will be a million times more in heaven.”

One of the images that help me to understand heaven better is that of sight. Now we see but through a glass darkly. Then we shall see clearly. I heard a scientist who was based in the Antarctic explaining that when he stood on his small hill he could now only see 100 miles with the naked eye whereas when he first came to the Antarctic he used to be able to see 400 miles. It was not that his eyes were fading but rather that the environment was becoming more polluted. It struck me that that is a great analogy for heaven. Right now we see dimly. The pollution of sin, the incapacities of our minds and the limitations of our bodies mean that we cannot conceive what God has prepared for those who love him – in the new heavens and the new earth, without the pollution of sin.

Before I sat my driving test I had to go and get an eye test. I thought my eyes were perfect and confidently told the optician that there was nothing wrong with my eyesight. When he covered over one eye and asked me to read the top line on the board, I had to ask, “what board?!” When he gave me glasses and I put them on, everything in the room was clearer. I had not known that my eyesight was so bad because it had gradually deteriorated. That for me is what heaven is like. We think just now that we can judge God, that we can tell him what is right and wrong and that we can even determine that he does not exist. The arrogance is breathtaking because in reality we are blind men shouting at the light that we say does not exist. When Jesus opens our eyes we begin to see, but it is only a beginning. Throughout our lives as we draw closer to Christ we see more and more of the beauty. But it is only when we get to heaven that we will really see and grasp. Then we shall see clearly.

“It takes an enormous shift of mind to grasp that what we are living in just now is real, but is not the ultimate reality.”
It takes an enormous shift of mind to grasp that what we are living in just now is real, but is not the ultimate reality. We are tasting but this is not yet the banquet. Heaven is not an ethereal dream but a reality to which in contrast this current live I am now living is but a shadow. CS Lewis developed and spoke a great deal about this idea of the Shadowlands. This week’s recommended book is his wonderful story about the difference between heaven and hell –The Great Divorce.

Speaking of which I don’t know a better description of heaven than the latter part of Lewis’ conclusion to the Narnia tales, The Last Battle. “It was the unicorn who summed up what everyone was feeling. He stamped his right fore-hoof on the ground and neighed, and then cried: I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now. The reason why we loved the old Narnia is that it sometimes looked a little like this. Bree-heehee! Come farther up, come farther in!”

What all of this has to do with Jesus is this. What makes heaven heaven, is the presence of the Lamb. It is Christ who is the joy, light and life of heaven. “We now understand that Jesus himself is ‘heaven’ in the deepest and truest sense of the word – he in whom and through whom God’s will is done,” says Pope Benedict. Heaven is where Jesus is. Hell is where he is not. Anyone who chooses to reject Jesus and live without him is in effect choosing hell.

The Humanist Hope

There are problems, depths and many questions in thinking about all of this. And surely that is the way you would expect it to be? When human beings try to create a heaven on earth just think how weak and pathetic our efforts are in comparison to what God does and promises.

What is the humanist hope? Bertrand Russell expressed it starkly –

“No fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought or feeling, can preserve a life beyond the grave…all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system; and the whole temple of man’s achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins.”

We are a blob of carbon floating from one meaningless existence to another.

That is really what it all boils down to. Is our life a sad meaningless journey from nothing to nothing? Is life, as Macbeth says in his final speech,

…but a walking shadow; a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more; it is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

Or is there something more? Surely everything in you screams out – there is more. Life is a journey – complete with ups and downs. For me as a Christian it is a joy, a feast, but it is not the final destination. We are on the road to somewhere.

That somewhere is tied up with a whole host of words and concepts – beauty, truth, love, life, justice. A few years ago I buried a young man who was a great fan of The Lord of the Rings movies and so the family requested that we play Annie Lennox singing Into the West. It is the song at the end of the last of the trilogy and accompanies the ship sailing into the West. It represents death. And hope. Beautifully phrased and sung. Little wonder that there was not a dry eye in the house.

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
Night is falling
You have come to journey’s end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across a distant shore

Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All of your fears will pass away
Safe in my arms
You’re only sleeping

What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
All Souls pass

Hope fades
Into the world of night
Through shadows falling
Out of memory and time
Don’t say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again
And you’ll be here in my arms
Just sleeping

Whilst we are on the Lord of the Rings – perhaps the following quote encapsulates the Christian hope of heaven.

‘”Gandalf! I thought you were dead! But then I thought I was dead myself. Is everything sad going to come untrue? What’s happened to the world?”
“A great Shadow has departed,” said Gandalf, and then he laughed and the sound was like music, or like water in a parched land; and as he listened the thought came to Sam that he had not heard laughter, the pure sound of merriment, for days upon days without count.’

The hope of heaven and the certainty of arriving at our final destination, the realisation that ‘this world is not my home, I’m just a passing through’, is something which gives us the courage, strength and ability to face all the ups and downs of this present life. It’s not just pie in the sky when you die, but steak on your plate while you wait!

[ David Robertson ]

“Intermediate (Present) Heaven vs. Eternal Heaven”

What is the distinction between the intermediate (present) Heaven and the eternal Heaven (the New Earth)?

When a Christian dies, he or she enters into what theologians call the intermediate state, a transitional period between our past lives on Earth and our future resurrection to life on the New Earth. Usually when we refer to “Heaven,” we mean the place that Christians go when they die. When we tell our children “Grandma’s now in Heaven,” we’re referring to the intermediate Heaven.

By definition, an intermediate state or location is temporary. Life in the Heaven we go to when we die, where we’ll dwell prior to our bodily resurrection, is “better by far” than living here on Earth under the Curse, away from the direct presence of God (Philippians 1:23). Still, the intermediate Heaven is not our final destination. Though it will be a wonderful place, the intermediate Heaven is not the place we are made for. It’s not the place God promises to refashion for us to live in forever.

God’s children are destined for life as resurrected beings on a resurrected Earth. We must not lose sight of our true destination. If we do, we’ll be confused and disoriented in our thinking about where, and in what form, we will spend eternity.

Will we live in Heaven forever? The answer to the question depends on what we mean by Heaven. Will we be with the Lord forever? Absolutely. Since Heaven is where God dwells, we’ll always be in Heaven. But will we always be with God in exactly the same place that Heaven is now? No. In the intermediate Heaven, we’ll be in Christ’s presence, and we’ll be joyful, but we’ll be looking forward to our bodily resurrection and permanent relocation to the New Earth.

It bears repeating because it is so commonly misunderstood: When we die, believers in Christ will not go to the Heaven where we’ll live forever. Instead, we’ll go to an intermediate Heaven. In the intermediate Heaven, we’ll await the time of Christ’s return to the earth, our bodily resurrection, the final judgment, and the creation of the new heavens and New Earth. If we fail to grasp this truth, we will fail to understand the biblical doctrine of Heaven. Everything hinges on the resurrection. God does not abandon our bodies, nor does he abandon the earth itself.

It may seem strange to say that the Heaven we go to at death isn’t eternal, yet it’s true. “Christians often talk about living with God ‘in heaven’ forever,” Grudem writes. “But in fact the biblical teaching is richer than that: it tells us that there will be new heavens and a new earth—an entirely renewed creation—and we will live with God there….There will also be a new kind of unification of heaven and earth….There will be a joining of heaven and earth in this new creation.”

Let me suggest an imperfect analogy to illustrate the difference between the intermediate Heaven and the eternal Heaven. Suppose you lived in a homeless shelter in Miami. One day you inherit a beautiful house, fully furnished, on a gorgeous hillside overlooking Santa Barbara, California. With the home comes a wonderful job doing something you’ve always wanted to do. Not only that, but you’ll also be near close family members who moved from Miami many years ago.

On your flight to Santa Barbara, you’ll change planes in Dallas, where you’ll spend an afternoon. Some other family members, whom you haven’t seen in years, will meet you at the Dallas airport and board the plane with you to Santa Barbara. You look forward to seeing them.

Now, when the Miami ticket agent asks you, “Where are you headed?” would you say “Dallas”? No. You would say Santa Barbara, because that’s your final destination. If you mentioned Dallas at all, you would only say, “I’m going to Santa Barbara by way of Dallas.”

When you talk to your friends in Miami about where you’re going to live, would you focus on Dallas? No. You might not even mention Dallas, even though you will be a Dallas-dweller for several hours. Even if you spent a week in Dallas, it wouldn’t be your focus. Dallas is just a stop along the way. Your true destination—your new permanent home—is Santa Barbara.

Similarly, the Heaven we will go to when we die, the intermediate Heaven, is a temporary dwelling place, a stop along the way to our final destination: the New Earth.

(Granted, the Dallas analogy breaks down big time, since being with Jesus and reunited with loved ones in the intermediate Heaven will be immeasurably more wonderful, to say the least, than a lay-over in Dallas! But hopefully you get the point.)

Another analogy is more precise but difficult to imagine, because for most of us it’s outside our experience. Imagine leaving the homeless shelter in Miami and flying to the intermediate location, Dallas, and then turning around and going back home to your place of origin, which has been completely renovated—a New Miami. In this New Miami, you would no longer live in a homeless shelter, but in a beautiful house in a glorious pollution-free, crime-free, sin-free city. So you would end up living not in a new home, but a radically improved version of your old home.

This is what the Bible promises us—we will live with Christ and each other forever, not in the intermediate Heaven, but on the New Earth, where God—Father, Son (eternally incarnate) and Holy Spirit—will be at home with his people.

HeavenOf course, God will no more be confined to the New Earth than He is now confined to the intermediate Heaven. God is everywhere present. But his special dwelling, what he regards as his home (and ours) will be on the New Earth, where He will dwell with His people.

Revelation 21:1-3 is explicit on this point: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth….I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God….And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God’” (Revelation 21:1-3).

Heaven, God’s central dwelling place, will one day be with his resurrected people, on the New Earth.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

“The Beauty and Promise of the New Jerusalem”

“Then, I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.” Revelation 21:2

One day, God will keep His promise and rapture the church. Satan, the False Prophet, the Antichrist, and all who are found unrighteous will be thrown into the lake of fire following their judgment at the Great White Throne. But just before the people’s judgment, God will destroy the universe because of its sin.

God will not be content to leave things like that, however. Just as He had created the earth for Adam and Eve, He will recreate it for His bride. He will also create a new heaven from which He will bring down a New Jerusalem.

“Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also, there was no more sea. Then, I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Revelation 21:1–2

What will the New Jerusalem look like? What can we expect to see? An angel gave the apostle John a preview in Revelation 21. [ more… ]

[ Steppes of Faith ]

ARTICLE: https://steppesoffaith.medium.com/the-beauty-and-promise-of-the-new-jerusalem-28586d67e85b

“Revelation 21:13-19- The Size of the New Jerusalem”

The measurements of the New Jerusalem given in Revelation 21 are stagering in size. But can they really be literal? Randy admits that it’s possible that they aren’t but points to details of the text that strongly suggest that they are literal.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKvzfbhZkDA

“15 Biblical Facts about Heaven and the City of God”

We’re used to hearing about heaven as a happy place where we go when we die. And most people hear about heaven in a few contexts:

It’s where good/faithful people go when they’re dead.
It’s where we’ll see departed loved ones again.
It’s where God is.
I’ve always found the idea of heaven fascinating.

As a kid, it sounded like a boring place (endless choir practice?), but it sure beat the alternative. A few Sunday school lessons, sermon-opening jokes, and a Ray Boltz song got the idea in my head that heaven was a place with streets of gold. When I asked about what heaven was like, I was directed to the last two chapters of Revelation.

But it didn’t take long for me to catch this phrase at the beginning of Revelation 21: “a new heaven and a new earth.” And then John the Revelator describes a city called the “New Jerusalem.”

Kid Jeffrey: “Wait. What? I thought we were talking about heaven.” [ more… ]

[ Jeffrey Kranz ]

ARTICLE: https://overviewbible.com/heaven-new-jerusalem-facts/

“Home at last – The New Jerusalem Bible Study”

We come now to the final study in this series on Genesis and Revelation. I’m not sure about you, but I have really enjoyed this series! I have really enjoyed looking at the big picture that God has planned even before the foundation of the world and is bringing to fruition. It gives great hope and comfort that despite all the current chaos, there is a wonderful plan and future that awaits believers. And I can think of no better way to end this series than to look at our eternal home. The aim of this message is to give you, the believer, hope, excitement and anticipation.

If I do that my job will be done.

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. “
CS Lewis
“Here in this world, He bids us come; there in the next, He shall bid us welcome.”
John Donne (16th century poet)

We shall look at this welcome into the new home He has prepared for us today. Specifically we will look at:

Genesis – The garden of Eden and God’s original hand crafted home
The preparation of a ‘better’ home
The revelation of the New Jerusalem – Home sweet home.
So let’s begin back in the garden in Genesis.[ more… ]

[ Jesus Plus Nothing – Gordon ]

ARTICLE: https://jesusplusnothing.com/series/post/home-at-last-new-jerusalem-bible-study

“Home At Last!”

There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. —Rev. 21:27
Brethren, there can be no question about the place described in our text: it is heaven itself, that holy city, the new Jerusalem, which is yet to be revealed.

I begin this my last Sunday among you by speaking of heaven. Before I depart and leave you in the wilderness of this world, I would dwell a little on that Canaan God has promised to them that love Him; there it is the last and best wish of my heart you may all go; there it is my consolation to believe I shall at all events meet some of you again.

Brethren, you all hope to go to heaven yourselves. There is not one of you but wishes to be in happiness after death. But on what are your hopes founded? Heaven is a prepared place; they that shall dwell there are all of one character. The entrance into it is only by one door. Brethren, remember that. [ more… ]

[ J.C. Ryle ]

ARTICLE: https://www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com/documents/sermons/home-at-last.php#.ZElnJOzMK0p

“Home at Last: The Spectacular God at the Center”

In a few moments I’m going to read all of Revelation 21 and part of Revelation 22, but I want to begin with three prefatory remarks. First, there is a sense in which this sermon is bound to be a kind of review. A couple of us at Trinity teach first-year students an introductory course in biblical theology, and one of the things we sometimes require of our students is an essay explaining all the ways in which Revelation 21 and 22 pick up themes from elsewhere in the Bible. They’re everywhere, just everywhere.

The book of Revelation rarely quotes the Old Testament, but almost every verse alludes to it, picks up something from the Old Testament. The ideas of the book come to culmination here; this brings it all together. Do you want to know something more about the holiness of God or the temple? Do you want to know something more about the dwelling place of God? Something of the Lamb? Of the throne? They’re all here. They’re coming to culmination here. [ more… ]

[ Don Carson ]

ARTICLE: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/conference_media/home-at-last/

“Who will reside on the New Earth and in the New Jerusalem?”

2015DEC06 – Q&A-100

[ John Barnett ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvhJYoGgapo

“16 Questions on Heaven with Sean McDowell”

Randy Alcorn and Sean McDowell speak in depth about Heaven, and discuss the questions: Is it fun? Will we know everything? Will there be marriage? They also address other common questions people ask about Heaven and the New Earth.

[ Sean McDowell ]

INTERVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTDerxCqhOQ

“The GREATEST End Times Lie”

This week on the Tipping Point Show, I am bringing another teaching from my new book, Look Up. I’m answering the question: “can a loving God send people to Hell?” I discuss how our final redemption also includes the redemption of pleasure. I also describe what I think pleasure will look like in Heaven. In the subscriber portion, I’ll be answering your questions including, “if the dead are already with Jesus, why does He come to gather them at the rapture?”

[ Jimmy Evans ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RqdiFn77jk&t=334s

“Heaven Series: What To Expect With Your Resurrected Body”

Do you want a glimpse of what heaven is really like? Not what the movies portray, but the real heaven? Find out from God’s Word what it’s really like.

[ Chip Ingram ]

SERMON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYWrzvDiYgQ

“The New Heaven and the New Earth”

[ Dr David Jeremiah ]

SERMON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08tM6jELiI0

“Revelation 20 (Heaven On Earth)”

[ Ashland Christian Fellowship ]

SERMON: https://acfweb.org/media/qjx34p3/revelation-20-heaven-on-earth

“Heaven on Earth – Revelation 20:1-6″

Mankind long ago gave up on the idea of a future utopia. The thought of perpetual peace and undisturbed harmony became the stuff of fairy tales. But that is precisely what God promised He will bring to this earth one day. Though Satan has exercised a temporary authority over God’s creation for several millennia, the story isn’t over yet. Jesus will return to rule for a thousand years. And it won’t just be a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of His followers. This will be a literal dominion over a renewed earth. Let’s explore this thousand-year phase of your eternal future.

[ Skip Heitzig ]

SERMON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL06ruNZqvk

“The New Earth: Where God’s Children Will Live Forever!”

In 2019, Randy Alcorn gave a message on the subject of the New Earth at Good Shepherd Community Church, in Oregon.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

TEACHING: https://vimeo.com/337394274?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=1844598

“How the New Earth Relates To Our Present Lives”

Watch Randy Alcorn speak at our 2015 National Conference in Orlando, Florida.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVoGOefA1e0

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: https://www.epm.org/resources/2015/Apr/14/alcorntgc/

“The New Earth: Where God’s Children Will Live Forever!”

In 2019, Randy Alcorn gave a message on the subject of the New Earth at Good Shepherd Community Church, in Oregon.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jwTEl0zDRg

“The Future Glories of Heaven”

Part 1 of Heaven: What Will It Be Like? with Randy Alcorn and Dr. John Ankerberg.

[ John Ankerberg ]

PART 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNr6oJWA120

As guest Randy Alcorn and Dr. John Ankerberg continue our study, we’ll find that the future state of the believer will be one of much excitement and joy. Rather than merely singing songs, believers will be involved in a wide variety of activities in community with other believers and in new, perfect bodies fit for service to the King of kings.
(Part 2 of What’s So Exciting About Heaven with Dr. John Ankerberg and Randy Alcorn.)

PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwf1yA_A6cY

“The New Earth: A Real Earth? (Day 14, 50 Days of Heaven Devotional)”

I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:3

Everything will be glorified, even nature itself. And that seems to me to be the biblical teaching about the eternal state: that what we call heaven is life in this perfect world as God intended humanity to live it. When he put Adam in Paradise at the beginning, Adam fell, and all fell with him, but men and women are meant to live in the body, and will live in a glorified body in a glorified world, and God will be with them. [1]

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Many people can’t resist spiritualizing what the Bible teaches about Heaven. According to an evangelical theologian, “While heaven is both a place and a state, it is primarily a state.” [2] But what does this mean? Another theologian writes, “Paul does not think of heaven as a place, but thinks of it in terms of the presence of God.” [3] But when a person is “present,” doesn’t that suggest there’s a place?

One book puts place in quotation marks whenever it uses the word to describe Heaven or Hell. It says paradise is “a spiritual condition more than a spatial location.” [4] But Jesus didn’t say that Heaven was “primarily a state” or a “spiritual condition.” He spoke of a house with many rooms and said he would prepare a place for us (John 14:2). In Revelation 21–22, the New Earth and New Jerusalem are portrayed as actual places, with detailed descriptions of the most substantial, physical substances, including hard and heavy precious stones. These depictions could not be more tangible!

Jesus told the disciples, “I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:3). He uses ordinary, earthly, spatial terms to describe Heaven. The word where refers to a place, a location. Likewise, the phrase “come back and take you” indicates movement toward a physical destination.

If Heaven isn’t a place, would Jesus have said it was? If we reduce Heaven to something less than or other than a place, we strip Christ’s words of their meaning.

Sometimes Christians have overstated the notion that we are aliens in this world. For instance, the old gospel song, “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through,” conveys a half-truth. Yes, we may pass from the earth to the present Heaven through death, but eventually we’ll be back to live forever on the restored Earth. We are pilgrims in this life, not because our home will never be on Earth, but because our ultimate home isn’t on the present Earth (which is under the Curse). But just as the earth was once our intended home (before sin entered), it will one day again be our home (after sin is removed and the Curse is reversed).

Because the earth was damaged by our sin (Genesis 3:17), we have never known a world without corruption, suffering, and death. Yet we yearn for such a life and such a world. When we see a roaring waterfall, beautiful flowers, a wild animal in its native habitat, or the joy in the eyes of our pets when they see us, we sense that this world is—or at least was meant to be—our home.

Will the Eden we long for return? Will it be occupied by familiar, tangible, physical features and fully embodied people? The Bible clearly answers yes.

If we want to know what the ultimate Heaven, our eternal home, will be like, the best place to start is by looking around us. The present Earth is as much a valid reference point for envisioning the New Earth as our present bodies are for envisioning our new bodies. But can we look at the earth around us and imagine what it would be like to be unhindered by disease and death? Can we envision natural beauty untainted by destruction? Of course. People of all beliefs have long imagined such a world and have portrayed it in their art and literature and music.

The idea of the New Earth as a physical place isn’t an invention of a wishful human imagination. Rather, it reflects the plans of a transcendent God, who made physical human beings to live on a physical Earth, and an immanent God, who chose to become a man on that same Earth. He did this that he might redeem mankind and Earth. Why? To glorify himself and enjoy forever the company of men and women in the world that he made for us.

To have a biblical worldview, we must have a sense of our past, present, and future, and how they relate to each other. Without understanding God’s original plan for mankind and the earth, we cannot understand his future plan.

In the first two chapters of the Bible, God plants a garden on Earth; in the last two chapters of the Bible, he brings down the New Jerusalem, with a garden at its center, to the New Earth. In Eden, there’s no sin, death, or Curse; on the New Earth, there’s no more sin, death, or Curse. In Genesis, the Redeemer is promised; in Revelation, the Redeemer returns. Genesis tells the story of paradise lost; Revelation tells the story of paradise regained. In Genesis, humanity’s stewardship is squandered; in Revelation, humanity’s stewardship is triumphant, empowered by the human and divine King Jesus.

These parallels are too remarkable to be anything but deliberate. These mirror images demonstrate the perfect symmetry of God’s plan. We live in the in-between time, hearing echoes of Eden and the approaching footfalls of the New Earth.

Paul Marshall concludes, “This world is our home: we are made to live here. It has been devastated by sin, but God plans to put it right. Hence, we look forward with joy to newly restored bodies and to living in a newly restored heaven and earth. We can love this world because it is God’s, and it will be healed, becoming at last what God intended from the beginning.” [5]

Does it ring true to you that your home is not Earth in its present condition but Earth as it one day shall be?

Father, help us to be careful not to misstate our relationship to the earth. This is the home you made for us, and you will redeem it and refashion it into the New Earth, where we’ll live forever. Thank you, Lord, that the earth matters. Thank you that our bodies matter. Thank you that animals and trees and rivers matter and that matter itself matters. Open our eyes to the fact that you have created all things and intended them to manifest your glory. Thank you again that you have not given up on your creation any more than you have given up on us.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

“Heaven On Earth Part 1”
By: Dr. Robert Jeffreee

Next to the Rapture, no topic has caused more controversy among Bible scholars than the subject of the Millennium. Will Christ actually rule over a renovated Earth for a thousand years? Dr. Robert Jeffress answers that important question and explains what difference the future Millennium should make in our lives today.

PODCAST: https://www.oneplace.com/ministries/pathway-to-victory/listen/heaven-on-earth-part-1-1055967.html

“Q&A with Randy Alcorn at The Promise of the New Earth Book Launch”

At a celebration for his new book, The Promise of the New Earth, Randy shares some thoughts about grief and the eternal Heaven (the New Earth), and answers some questions related to the book.

[ Randy Alcron ]

PRESENTATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7e5aCOjkm4

“Philip Ryken: “A New Heaven and a New Earth” (Revelation 21:1–22:5)”

Watch Philip Ryken speak on Revelation 21:1–22:5 at our 2105 National Conference in Orlando, Florida.

[ Philip Ryken ]

PRESENTATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1Urqx3OKMg

“Is the New Jerusalem a Literal, Massive City?”

In describing the New Jerusalem, the apostle John writes, “The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass” (Revelation 21:21). The pearls John describes are gates set in walls that are two hundred feet thick.

Commentators routinely suggest, “Of course, these are not actual streets of gold.” But why do they say that? In part, at least, because of their christoplatonic assumptions. Disembodied spirits don’t need streets to walk on. Incorporeal realms don’t have real cities with real streets, real gates, and real citizens. But isn’t John’s description of gates and streets further evidence that Heaven is a physical realm designed for human citizens? Why wouldn’t a resurrected world inhabited by resurrected people have actual streets and gates?

Likewise, most books on Heaven argue that the city cannot really be the size it’s depicted as being in Revelation 21:15-17: “The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. . . . He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. He measured its wall and it was 144 cubits thick, by man’s measurement, which the angel was using.”

Twelve thousand stadia equates to fourteen hundred miles in each direction. According to one writer on Heaven, “It would dishonor the heavenly Architect to contend that its dimensions were meant to be taken literally.” He doesn’t say why it would dishonor God, and I have no idea why it would. But, as usual, taking Scripture allegorically or figuratively is considered the high ground, whereas literal interpretation is considered naive or crass.

If these dimensions are not literal, why does Scripture specifically give the dimensions and then say “by man’s measurement, which the angel was using” (Revelation 21:17)? The emphasis on “man’s measurement” almost seems to be an appeal: “Please believe it—the city is really this big!”

Suppose God wanted to convey that the city really is fourteen hundred miles wide and deep and high. What else would we expect Him to say besides what this passage says? Is it possible for God to make such a city? Obviously—He’s the creator of the universe. Is it possible for people in glorified bodies to dwell in such a city? Yes.

I have no problem believing that the numbers have symbolic value, with the multiples of twelve suggesting the perfection of God’s bride. However, most commentators act as if we must choose between literal dimensions and ones with symbolic significance. But we don’t. My wedding ring is a great symbol—but it’s also a real object.

Some argue, “But this city rises above the earth’s oxygen level.” Can’t God put oxygen fourteen hundred miles high on the New Earth if he wishes? Or can’t He make it so we don’t have to breathe oxygen? Such things are no problem for God.

Some argue that nothing could be that big. It would cover two-thirds of the continental United States. If the great pyramids of Egypt or the Great Wall of China amaze you, imagine a city that extends five miles into the sky—let alone fourteen hundred miles! Envision the city disappearing into the clouds.

Some claim anything that big would weigh so much it would disrupt the earth’s orbit. Of course, the New Earth could be much bigger than the present one. In any case, issues of mass and gravity are child’s play to the Creator.

That the dimensions are equal on all sides is reminiscent of the Holy of Holies in Israel’s Temple (1 Kings 6:20). This likely symbolizes God’s presence, because the city is called His new dwelling place (Revelation 21:2-3). By suggesting there’s symbolism, am I contradicting my suggestion that the measurements are literal? Not at all. Many physical objects, including the Ark of the Covenant and the high priest’s breastplate and its stones, had symbolic significance.

Is it possible that the city’s dimensions aren’t literal? Of course. The doctrine of the New Earth certainly doesn’t stand or fall with the size of the New Jerusalem. However, my concern is this: If we assume the city’s dimensions can’t be real, people will likely believe the city isn’t real. If it doesn’t have its stated dimensions, then it’s a short step to believing it doesn’t have any dimensions at all. Then we think of the New Earth as not being a resurrected realm suited for resurrected people.

Christoplatonism produces certain interpretive assumptions, which in turn reinforce the Christoplatonism that Scripture argues against.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

“What will the New Jerusalem be like? This is amazing!”

What happens when the old earth and old heaven disappear? What will the New Jerusalem be like and is it real!? In the end times, there is talk of a New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 and it brings clarity about these questions! In this video, we will be talking about the New Jerusalem! Thanks for being here!

[ Isaiah Saldivar ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7854b7NjAU

“The New Jerusalem”

Revelation 21:9–27

“The one who spoke with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates and walls. The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width. And he measured the city with his rod, 12,000 stadia. Its length and width and height are equal” (vv. 15ï¾–16).

Having finished our study of the book of Ezekiel, we will now turn to one key New Testament passage that depends upon the prophet’s vision. Revelation 21:9ï¾–27 presents John’s account of the New Jerusalem that he saw when Jesus came to him on the isle of Patmos and told him about the consummation of God’s plan. This New Jerusalem recalls Ezekiel 40ï¾–48 and Ezekiel’s prophecy of the temple to come after the Jews returned from their exile.

Many in the dispensational theological tradition interpret today’s passage in a woodenly literal fashion, reading John’s account as if he is describing a precise geographic space that will exist at the return of Jesus. Two things in Revelation 21, however, make this impossible. First, John calls the New Jerusalem “the Bride, the wife of the Lamb” (v. 9). Obviously, our Savior does not take a physical city for His wife; rather, as John indicates just two chapters earlier, the bride of Christ is the community of the saints, the people of God who have trusted in Jesus alone for their salvation (19:6ï¾–9; see also Eph. 5:25ï¾–33). If our Creator’s saints and the New Jerusalem are both referred to as the bride of Christ, the New Jerusalem must be a way to symbolically represent the church triumphant.

Second, the vast size of the New Jerusalem demonstrates that John does not want us to read Revelation 21 as a precise description of the physical dimensions of a restored city in the Promised Land. John’s city is a perfect cube, with sides that each measure 12,000 stadia (v. 16). This works out to a city that is 1,365 miles wide, 1,365 miles long, and 1,365 miles high. Such a city could not fit on Mt. Zion in Palestine, and it would reach far into the atmosphere, touching the orbits of several man-made satellites circling the earth today. Moreover, in the Jerusalem temple, only the Most Holy Place was a perfect cube, and Ezekiel looked forward to the day when this perfect cube would be rebuilt in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6:20; Ezek. 41:4). Given this background, John’s vision indicates that the Most Holy Place and the people of God will be identical in the consummation. That is, the Lord’s bride will be so pure and spotless that there will be no separation at all between Him and His people (see Rev. 21:3).

Ezekiel looked forward to this kind of purity (Ezek. 36:22ï¾–38). We look forward to this holiness as well, but we understand how it will come about better than Ezekiel did. At Jesus’ return, all sin will be gone and we will obey the Lord perfectly forever (1 John 3:2).

[ Ligonier ]

“New Jerusalem”

Revelation 20, 21, 22 (Summarized)

[ Seth Michael ]

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g65M14zL00

“Rapture Nugget — Glorious Liberty”

The believer will enjoy glorious liberty in the resurrection and eternal state. Freedom that vastly surpasses the best days of America. Freedom from every hindrance and restraint.

[ Lee Brainard ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGGBBghHZOg

“Heaven Came to Earth”

I used to worry that heaven sounded pretty boring. I couldn’t imagine what we’d do for eternity. It didn’t help that, as a kid, I pictured heaven as a place of harps, clouds, pearly gates, and streets of gold.

Of course, I knew I shouldn’t feel that way about heaven, but it just didn’t sound that interesting to me.

When I was in seminary, I was asked to give a talk to kids at a Christian school about what heaven would be like. I bombed. Kids ask honest questions, and my answers weren’t satisfying, even to myself. I left feeling discouraged on two counts: I didn’t know much about what the afterlife would be like, nor did it sound inviting to me.

It was only later that I discovered that our future is much different than I had thought. I finally paid attention to Revelation 21:2-3: “And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.’”

“We don’t hope merely for the day when we go to live with God, but ultimately for that final day when God comes to live with us,” writes Michael Wittmer in his book Heaven Is a Place on Earth. Randy Alcorn adds, “God’s plan for the eternal Heaven is a resurrected Earth, inhabited by resurrected people, doing physical activities. Not only is this the emphatic biblical teaching, it is also wonderfully good news to all who have imagined Heaven to be dull, boring, and unearthly, with nothing to do but sing or strum harps, nowhere to go and no one to see.”

From the beginning, God’s plan has always been to dwell on earth with his people. It’s like what Adam and Eve must have experienced when God walked in the garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). A disembodied existence in some spiritual realm is not what we can expect in eternity. An embodied existence in a restored earth in the very presence of God is what’s in our future.

The birth of Jesus gives us a preview. The Christmas story is about God himself taking up residence in our world. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth,” writes John (John 1:14). The Greek word for dwelt could be translated tabernacle: Jesus tabernacled among us. It brings to mind God’s words in Exodus 25:8: “And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.”

That’s what I long for: heaven coming to earth, God living among us. That’s what will happen one day in the future; it’s also what happened that first Christmas. Heaven came to earth. What a taste of our future. I can’t wait.

[ Darryl Dash ]

“New Jerusalem descending from Heaven, Revelation 21+22, Pictures New Heaven Earth, John’s Vision”

[ John8thirtytwo Publishing ]

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=270TG23ZmKc

“Return To Eden (2013) | Full Movie | Jimmy DeYoung | Rick DeYoung”

The Garden of Eden, the place where God created Man, the Eternal Home we were never meant to leave, the site of our first and gravest sin – Where was this natural paradise? Is there any way to find it? And more importantly – is there any way for us to ever return to this Heaven on Earth?

[ Jimmy DeYoung ]

PRESENTATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OSKja2YPOc

“Your Eternal Home with Christ”

Heaven. It’s a place we’ve all dreamed about since the day we first discovered God’s wonderful plan for our future. Almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus told His disciples He would go away to prepare a special place just for them. And for us! It’s been almost 2,000 years and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready and waiting for His return! As our world disintegrates into chaos right before our eyes, Larry takes our focus to an entirely new place … free of pain, tears, violence and death and the very best part? We’ll get to experience a lifetime of joy with Jesus. Join Mondo Gonzales and Larry Ollison as they discuss our journey home…our eternal home!!

[ Mondo Gonzalez interviewed Larry Ollison ]

INTERVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr6U4XBnvBs

“C.S. Lewis on Heaven and the New Earth: God’s Eternal Remedy to the Problem of Evil and Suffering”

[ Randy Alcorn ]

PRESENTATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs5VzPK8rw0

“The Resurrection Means We Will Never Pass Our Physical Peaks”

In our society many people look to cosmetic surgeries, implants, and other methods to remodel and renovate our crumbling bodies. We hold to youthfulness with a white-knuckled grip. Ultimately, it’s all in vain. But the gospel promises us eternal youthfulness, health, beauty, and happiness in the presence of our God and our spiritual family. It’s not ours now—but it will be, in the resurrection of the dead.

The following diagram illustrates the biblical view of the future for those who know Christ. The part of the graph below that depicts life on the present Earth is the only one that takes a dip, representing the physical and mental decline of old age that so many experience under the Curse. But at the point of death, it’s followed by a dramatic upward movement in which the believer goes immediately to be with Christ in the present Heaven. However, even though that’s a vast improvement, it’s not the believer’s peak. We’ll be resurrected, eventually living on a resurrected Earth. Our knowledge and life experiences, certainly, and probably our skills and strength, will continue to develop. In other words, we will never pass our peak.

I share more in this video, excerpted from my message “No More Curse”:

On the subject of Heaven, I recently did a podcast with Jordan Raynor to talk about the difference between Heaven and the New Earth, and what it means for our work. Also, how the certain hope of the Gospel is empowering my wife Nanci in her struggles with cancer. Listen to the podcast here.

[ Randy Alcorn ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKQmQ7eZRpw

“What Will We Look Like In Heaven?”

Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching biblical truth. He is also a NYT bestselling author who has written over fifty books including Courageous, Heaven, and The Treasure Principle.

[ Dr. Joel Woodruff interviews Randy Alcorn ]

INTERVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQbwnBMIvRQ

“New Jerusalem”

Video animation of New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:10-21.

[ BibliaPrints ]

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItG94vsaZXg

“The New Jerusalem”

A New Government for the Kingdom
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. And I John saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God” (Revelation 21:1-3).

by George Tabac

The present ecclesiastical heavens and the evil social structure of earth will pass away in Armageddon. It will be replaced by the earthly phase of God’s kingdom. The fact that this New Jerusalem is coming down from God out of heaven shows the first phase to be in operation will be the spiritual. When the church is glorified, it will begin setting up the earthly kingdom.

The word “tabernacle” means “dwelling place.” The dwelling of God will then be with men. It will be manifested through the visible earthly representatives of the new order, the Ancient Worthies. [ more… ]

[ Herald Magazine ]

ARTICLE: https://herald-magazine.com/2019/09/01/the-new-jerusalem/

“O Death, Where is Your Sting? – Dr. Ron Rhodes”

Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is Dr. Ron Rhodes. They consider the glories of Heaven where the former things will not be remembered. We will have transformed bodies. What will our roles be? What about infants and children? And what about those who are making trips to Heaven? Will we mourn those not in Heaven?

[ Jan Markell interviews Ron Rhodes ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaRfalEta30

“Revelation 20:1-6 – A Taste Of Heaven On Earth – Part1”

In this series Pastor Cucuzza takes us through the book of Revelation.

[ Thomas M. Cucuzza ]

SERMON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELTnDSNe0CE

“The Book of Revelation – Beatitude Number Seven”

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the City.” Revelation 22:12-14

There is reward according to works, Jesus had said. “Look, I am Coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done”, Revelation 22:12. He searches ‘hearts and minds’, Revelation 2:23, and sees what works flow from them. ‘Hearts and minds’ is translated in some Dutch translations: ‘heart and kidneys’, Psalm 7:9; 16:7; 26:2; 73:21; 139:13; Jeremiah 11:20; 17:10; 20:12; Lamentations 3:13. Some say that the shaking of the body that Orthodox Jews do while praying refers to this: shaking the ‘kidneys’ so that God will be able to search the hearts, minds and kidneys, the most inner parts of human beings thoroughly, through and through. ‘Thoughts and movements’, 1 Chronicles 28:9. Alas, not a lot of good comes from the natural human heart.

Jesus says about that: “Out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” These are the things that make a person unclean. The works that will be rewarded must flow from a pure source. The ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ stood in Paradise. Does this mean that good works must come from that tree? Good fruit instead of evil fruit from that tree? No, man was not allowed to eat fruit from that tree at all. Because as doing so would have produced self-righteousness based on our own good works; ‘good’ produced from an evil source. As Jesus said: “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” No, that tree’s relative goodness is nevertheless fruit from a wrong tree from which we were not allowed to eat at all in Paradise.

The ‘good works’ of a natural human being are fruits of the wrong tree. There are people—humanists—who do an impressive amount of good things. Sometimes they are an example to all of us! The Pharisees’ lives looked ‘spotless and blameless’. Those Pharisees have indeed acquired a negative image in the New Testament, but their lives were impeccable. They devoted all their energy to keeping God’s Law, all the 613 commandments they had derived from the Thora. Jesus even says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the ‘teachers of the Law’, we will certainly not enter the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. For example: they did not just give tithes (ten percent of their income), but as much as thirty or forty percent.

Paul was also able to say of himself: “As for righteousness based on the Law, faultless.” The rich young ruler declared, “All these (Commandments) I have kept since I was a boy.” Who can say the same? The ‘elder son’ in the parable of the ‘prodigal son’ even claims, “I have never disobeyed Your orders.” However relatively good (indeed, perhaps even really good, because they are in accordance with God’s Commandments) all those works actually are coming from, they all stem from a wrong source, from the unbroken self-righteous heart that is not ‘born-again’. They are full of ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘self’ and ‘ego’.

“Note that Isaiah calls our good works and good deeds that they are nevertheless like filthy rags.”

Isaiah says: “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” Note that Isaiah calls our good works and good deeds that they are nevertheless like filthy rags.

Jesus says, “Blessed are those who wash their robes.” He is speaking in Revelation chapter 22 from verse 12 onwards. “I am (1) the Alpha and the Omega, (2) the first and the last, (3) the beginning and the end.” He is ‘threefold’, and thus identical to God the Father. This what God said about Himself. “I am (1) the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “(2) who is and who was and (3) who is to come, the Almighty.”

“You are blessed if you have washed your robes in the blood of the Lamb”.

Revelation 7:14 is yet another tremendous beatitude. “You are blessed if you have washed your robes in the blood of the Lamb”. That gives a right to the tree of life. Then you are connected to the good tree: the ‘tree of life’ that also stood in Paradise, but to which access was blocked after man’s Fall. A ‘new heart’ comes when the new birth takes place, and from this come new works, new fruits. As works they perhaps look as ‘two drops of water’ like the ‘good works’ of the Pharisee or the ‘humanist’, but they come from a different interior motive. They come from the right tree. They come from a new heart, by the Holy Spirit. They are fruits of the true Vine —of Jesus Himself, the nine-fold fruit of the Holy Spirit —and that is why they are really good, for there is but One who is good, God Himself. Only that which emanates from Him can have the mark ‘good’ stamped on it.

“Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”

Galatians 5:13-25 “For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no Law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”

Everyone who belongs to Him has the right to enter through the Gates of the New Jerusalem. Whoever accepts Him as Saviour, and serves Him as Lord, will enter in. This is absolutely sure, absolutely certain, for whoever is connected to the “Tree of Life”, he or she is a branch of the true Vine, because by the ‘works of the Law’ no one will be justified.

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. “

A lot is said in the United Nations about natural ‘human rights’. Yet this Biblical right in faith, this ‘right in Christ’ is really and truly a wonderful ‘right’! Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. They are no longer expecting or claiming their ‘rights’ on the basis their own righteous deeds. Paul says in Romans 7:18 “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.“ Yet Christian believers know that they have a right, because everyone who has died in Christ has been set free from the power of sin. They have the ‘right’ to be free! They now claim ‘rights’ only on the basis of the completed, finished work of Christ and, because of it, have the right to enter into the eternal City! Blessed, because washed by the blood of the Lamb.

[ Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer ]

FROM: GotQuestions

What is the purpose of the thousand year reign of Christ?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VzA9e6_zLQ

Are there different levels of heaven? Are there three heavens?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58sbKJypD9c

What are the New Heavens and the New Earth?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiOili7CB80

What will we look like in heaven?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by8cwpIm0YI

What does it mean that the Church is the Bride of Christ?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeG1GGf0OYg

What is the Great White Throne Judgment?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRfL4bW-e6Y

Can people in heaven look down and see us?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqnTEcQDpkI

If God knew that Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIblBQoVME0

What is the Millennial Kingdom, and should it be understood literally?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v29Rip_RmXs

Who will go to heaven?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VdNBFB4hJ4

Why did God create such a vast universe and other planets if there is only life on Earth?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYRTXmF8tH4

Going to Heaven – How can I Guarantee my Eternal Destination?
TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLaS8AIMnMc

[ GotQuestions ]

“A Remembrance: Billy Graham, home at last”

Graham’s life has been marked by two qualities that truly great men possess: integrity and humility.

Concerning integrity, one blogger wrote, “One of the major hallmarks of Graham’s ministry has always been his scandal-free ministerial career. When ministers speak of how to handle oneself in ministry while maintaining integrity, Graham’s name is frequently cited as a model for all ministers. His crusades, his leadership, and his personal character serve as a model for those who would be leaders in a time of awakening.”

Concerning humility, in his autobiography Just As I Am Graham wrote, “Most of all, if anything had been accomplished through my life, it has been solely God’s doing, not mine, and He – not I—must get the credit.”

Prior to his birthday a few years ago, Graham released a letter stating, “I’ve recently prepared what may well be my last message to our nation. With all my heart, I want to remind Americans of God’s amazing love and, as simply and clearly as I can, call people to ‘a repentance that leads to salvation.’”

Graham has been a household word in America and much of the world for more than six decades. He has preached to more people than any other person in history. [ more… ]

ARTICLE: https://christianindex.org/stories/a-remembrance-billy-graham-home-at-last,2171

“Five Future Events. Lesson 1 Speaker: Dr. John Walvoord”

Dr. John Walvoord teaches these five lessons on end time events. He addresses such topics as various views of Jesus’ Second Coming, the Tribulation, the Marriage Feast, the Millennial reign, Armegeddon, the evil “triology:, and future worship. Dr. John Walvoord was Professor of Systematic Theology at Dallas Seminary for many years. He was also the second President of the Seminary. Dr. Walvoord was widely respected for conservative Biblical scholarship. In 2010 at the age of 92, Dr Walvoord went home to heaven.

[ Dr. John Walvoord ]

TEACAHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alRfWjdyrXA&list=PL8jgjAovFXS2jzc4P0ycku9amYmJMuJdi

“The Pilgrim’s Progress” (Chapter Thirty-Five)

“Christian and Hopeful are welcomed into heaven”

A. The Reassuring Welcome Safe on the Other Side.
Now have the pilgrims reached the very heights of heaven, well almost, that is. The geography here suggests that this spiritual realm is not heaven as a whole, but rather that region where heaven is located. For hell too is in this spiritual region. Protection is still needed; glorification is not yet complete, although the pilgrims have lost their earthly carnal dress. Thus Christian and Hopeful have still to climb to the highest heights to gain entrance into the Celestial City that there reigns over all. However, new anticipations are before them for they can now hear the voices of their kinsmen, and quite possibly they identify the jubilation of Faithful. [ more… ]

[ John Bunyan ]

DOCUMENT: https://www.bunyanministries.org/pp_commentary/35%20_com%20_christian_and_hopeful_welcomed_into_heaven.pdf

Notes and Commentary on John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress

The talk they had with the Shining Ones was about the glory of the place; who told them that the beauty and glory of it was inexpressible. There, said they, is the Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, the innumerable company of angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect. You are going now, said they, to the paradise of God, wherein you shall see the tree of life, and eat of the never-fading fruits thereof; and when you come there, you shall have white robes given you, and your walk and talk shall be every day with the King, even all the days of eternity. There you shall not see again such things as you saw when you were in the lower region upon the earth, to wit, sorrow, sickness, affliction, and death, for the former things are passed away. You are now going to Abraham, to Isaac, and Jacob, and to the prophets—men that God has taken away from the evil to come, and that are now resting upon their beds, each one walking in his righteousness. The men then asked, What must we do in the holy place? To whom it was answered, You must there receive the comforts of all your toil, and have joy for all your sorrow; you must reap what you have sown, even the fruit of all your prayers, and tears, and sufferings for the King by the way. In that place you must wear crowns of gold, and enjoy the perpetual sight and vision of the Holy One, for there you shall see him as he is. There also you shall serve him continually with praise, with shouting, and thanksgiving, whom you desired to serve in the world, though with much difficulty, because of the infirmity of your flesh. There your eyes shall be delighted with seeing, and your ears with hearing the pleasant voice of the Mighty One. There you shall enjoy your friends again that are gone thither before you; and there you shall with joy receive, even every one that follows into the holy place after you. There also shall you be clothed with glory and majesty, and put into an equipage fit to ride out with the King of Glory. When he shall come with sound of trumpet in the clouds, as upon the wings of the wind, you shall come with him; and when he shall sit upon the throne of judgment; you shall sit by him; yea, and when he shall pass sentence upon all the workers of iniquity, let them be angels or men, you also shall have a voice in that judgment, because they were his and your enemies. Also, when he shall again return to the city, you shall go too, with sound of trumpet, and be ever with him.

Notes and Commentary

At last Christian and Hopeful have arrived at the Gates to the Celestial City. The city represents heaven, where all who have found rest and refuge in Christ will complete their journey and find eternal joy in His presence. The pilgrims have long looked forward to the day when they would finally reach their destination and see with their eyes what they sought by faith. The Shining Ones “told them that the beauty and glory of it was inexpressible.” For those of us who are still on the journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, it is impossible to fully grasp and describe the splendor of heaven. Bunyan, however, provides a glimpse of its wonder.

The pilgrims talk with the Shining Ones “about the glory of the place.” Their discussion is not wistful conjecture or mere speculation. Bunyan again points us to Scripture. What we know of heaven for certain is only what God has revealed to us in His Word. Through the testimony of the Shining Ones, Bunyan weaves together several verses that offer a foretaste of the joy that awaits us. [ more… ]

[ Ken Puls ]

ARTICLE: https://kenpulsmusic.com/pilgrimsprogress133.html

“Narnia Talk: The Last Battle – Death & The World’s End, Joy & Hope | Theological Review”

“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle” is a book about the end of Narnia. Never have I read a book that deals with the end of the world and death and leaves me with such hope and joy. Join me as I give a play-by-play and review of the final book in “The Chronicles of Narnia” series.

[ Durban ]

REVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU-v3OhFC10&t=2059s

“The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis”
(illustrated by Pauline Baynes)

Title: The Last Battle.
Author: C.S. Lewis (illustrated by Pauline Baynes).
Genre: Literature, fiction, YA, children’s lit, fantasy, religion, adventure.
Country: England, U.K.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 1952.
Summary: During the last days of Narnia, the land faces its fiercest challenge — not an invader from without, but an enemy from within. Lies and treachery have taken root, Aslan hasn’t been seen in centuries, and only the king and a small band of loyal followers, including Eustace and Jill, can prevent the destruction of all they hold dear.

My rating: 7.5/10
My review: (Click Link for review)

REVIEW: https://margot-quotes.livejournal.com/183338.html

“Narnia and Philosophy Exclusive Chapter: Time in the Chronicles of Narnia”

Time in the Chronicles of Narnia
Michael Peterson and Adam Peterson

In a deceptively simple way, Lewis weaves into the tales of Narnia many complex ideas that are widely discussed in the intellectual arena. One of these is the concept of time, which is a recurrent motif throughout the Chronicles. As we shall see, Lewis’s ideas about time lead us into philosophical reflection on extraordinary scientific findings, difficult metaphysical problems, and profound theological themes. [ more… ]

[ Paul Martin ]

ARTICLE: https://narniafans.com/2005/04/narnia-and-philosophy-exclusive-chapter-time-in-the-chronicles-of-narnia/

“Inquiring Minds Want To Know”

We are made in God’s image, which gives us the ability to think and reason and means that we can find answers to our questions and doubts when they arise. So why wait? Ask the God of the Bible to reveal Himself and choose to trust in Him today!

[ Jack Hibbs ]

SERMON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DR2it6OJQU

”How Can I Know If I’m Going To Heaven?”

Greg Laurie and Randy Alcorn discuss Heaven and how to be sure if you are going there. Taken from the message, “Big Life Issues” by Pastor Greg Laurie.

[ Greg Laurie ]

SERMON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8d7HSci23k

“Are You Going to Heaven? | Preparing for Heaven”

How did you feel when you first realized you were spiritually lost? Before you obeyed the Gospel, did recognizing your lost condition create a heavy weight on your heart and mind? Did it keep you up at night? Join Don Blackwell as he discusses obeying the Gospel and making sure you are going to heaven.

[ Don Blackwell ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-mT-7Ja7VQ

“How Can You Be Sure You are Going to Heaven?”

In this session, Dr. Ankerberg and Randy Alcorn discuss what the Bible teaches about salvation as well as how to be saved and to know for certain where you will spend eternity. This confidence can help during even our weakest moments in this life as we look forward to eternity with Christ in the next life.

(Part 3 of Heaven: What Will It Be Like?)

[ John Ankerberg – Interviews Randy Alcorn ]

INTERVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yVTi0KLmrI

“Are you Sure You’re Going To Heaven?”

Do you ever feel lost? Do you ever feel empty – like something is missing? And no matter what you try to fill that empty space with, whether it’s friends, family, partying, relationships, money, etc… you still come up feeling empty? And you think to yourself, “If I could only fill that emptiness in my heart, I would be truly happy?”

There’s only one thing that can fill that space and make you whole.

Jesus. Period. He is the only One that can save you. He is the Ultimate Satisfaction. He is the Answer.

Take a moment to watch this video. Please message me if you have questions! I’d love to talk with you.

[ YouTube channel of “MJoftheday” ]

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuadeVAg6Kk

“What did Jesus mean when He said, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me’?”

Jesus said, “Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:23). It seems strange to hear our all-knowing Lord say there’s something—or someone—He doesn’t know. Jesus refers not to an intellectual knowledge here but to a relational knowledge.

To understand a verse, always start with the context. Jesus is wrapping up His Sermon on the Mount with a final warning about true faith. Jesus predicts that false Christian prophets will be coming as wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). They may use all the right “God talk” and even make impressive displays of power, but they will not belong to the Lord:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:21–23).

In Jesus’ words on Judgment Day, we see several important truths: it’s not a verbal claim that one follows Jesus that saves (Matthew 7:21). Nominal Christianity cannot save. Also, it’s not a demonstration of spiritual insight or power that saves (verse 22). A person can seem like a Christian in the eyes of other people, yet still be an “evildoer” in God’s sight and sent away from His presence (verse 23). Only those who do the Father’s will and who are known of God will enter heaven.

So, what is the Father’s will? Some men came to Jesus once with a question about what God required of them: “They asked him, ‘What must we do to do the works God requires?’ Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent’” (John 6:28–29). God wants us to have faith in His Son: “This is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John 3:23). Those who are born again by faith in Christ will produce good works to the glory of God (Ephesians 2:10).

When Jesus said, “I never knew you,” to the feigned disciples, He meant that He never recognized them as His true disciples or His friends. He never had anything in common with them nor approved of them. They were no relations of His (Mark 3:34–35). Christ did not dwell in their hearts (Ephesians 3:17), nor did they have His mind (1 Corinthians 2:16). In all these ways and more, Jesus never knew them. Note that Jesus is not breaking off the relationship here—there was never a relationship to break off. Despite their high-sounding words and showy displays of religious fervor, they had no intimacy with Christ.

So it turns out that what matters isn’t so much that we know God on some level, but that God knows us. As Paul explained, “Whoever loves God is known by God” (1 Corinthians 8:3; also see Galatians 4:9). The Lord “tends His flock like a shepherd” (Isaiah 40:11), and He knows who are His sheep (John 10:14).

Those somber words “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” in Matthew 7:23 (KJV) show that Jesus is indeed omniscient. He did not “know” them in the sense He would if they were His followers, but He knew their hearts—they were full of iniquity! Isaiah’s condemnation of hypocrisy fits this group well: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” (Isaiah 29:13). The evildoers whom Jesus does not know are fake Christians, false teachers, and nominal adherents of religion.

Those who are bid depart from the presence of the Lord will not partake of the blessings of the kingdom: “Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood” (Revelation 22:15). They will be cast “into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12). Those fake Christians whom Jesus says He never knew will not produce the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23); rather, they will produce the opposite, the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19–21).

Jesus warns that one day He will tell a group of religious practitioners, “I never knew you.” God takes no delight in sending people to hell (2 Peter 3:9). But those who are told to depart have rejected God’s eternal purpose and plan for their lives (Luke 7:30). They have spurned the light of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4), choosing the darkness instead, because their deeds were evil (John 3:19). At the judgment, they try to justify themselves as worthy of heaven on the basis of their works (prophecies, exorcisms, miracles, etc.), but no one will be justified by his own works (Galatians 2:16). While claiming to do all these good works in Christ’s name, they failed to do the only work of God that counts: “to have faith in the one he sent” (John 6:29, CEV). And so Jesus, the Righteous Judge, condemns them to eternal separation from Him.

[ Got Questions ]

TEACHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1KP78PMVdQ

<<< SONGS >>>

New Jerusalem

Verse 1
I’m looking for a city not made by human hands
I’m longing for the garden where God once walked with man
For eternity is written on my heart
I’m longing for the day when we will never be apart

Verse 2
I looked and saw a city descending down from heaven
Prepared just like a bride for the Son of Man
There’s a day of gladness written on His heart
He is longing for the day when we will never be apart

Every tear will be wiped away, there’ll be no sorrow, hurt, or pain
There’ll be no more night
All things will be made new, it will be a brand-new day
And in righteousness
He’ll reign and the Lamb will be the light

Behold the tabernacle of God will be with men
And He will be our God, and we will be His people
And the bride she will marry the Lamb
But until that day I’m longing for the New Jerusalem

I love the day of Your appearing, I want to hasten Your return
The Spirit and the bride say, come for Your beloved ones.

[ Matt Gilman Live Worship – “Endless: Songs of Eternity” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxNzSrneOLM


This world is not what it was meant to be
All this pain, all this suffering
There’s a better place waiting for me
In Heaven

Every tear will be wiped away
Every sorrow and sin erased
We’ll dance on seas of amazing grace
In Heaven
In Heaven

I’m goin’ home
Where the streets are golden
Every chain is broken
Oh I wanna go
Oh I wanna go
Where every fear is gone
I’m in your open arms
Where I belong

Lay down my burdens, I lay down my past
I run to Jesus, no turning back
Thank God Almighty, I’ll be free at last
In Heaven
In Heaven

I’m goin’ home
Where the streets are golden
Every chain is broken
Oh I wanna go
Oh I wanna go
Where every fear is gone
I’m in your open arms
Where I belong

Blinded eyes
Will finally see
The dead will rise
On the shores of eternity
The trump will sound
The angels will sing
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

I am
Goin’ home
Where the streets are golden
Every chain is broken
Oh I wanna go
Oh I wanna go
Where every fear is gone
I’m in your open arms
Where I belong
Where I belong

I’m goin’ home
I’m goin’ home
I’m on my way home
I’m goin’ home

[ Chris Tomlin – “Home” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twL3v5r8s6o


John saw a city that could not be hidden
John saw the city, oh yes he did
John caught a glimpse of the golden throne
Tell me all about it, go right on
Around the throne he saw the crystal sea
There’s got to be more, what will it be
I want to go, to that city he saw
New Jerusalem

I want to walk your streets that are golden
And I want to run where the angels have trod
I want to rest on the banks of your river
In that city, the city of God

John saw the lion lay down by the lamb
I want to know everything about that land
John saw the day but he did not see night
The lamb of God well, he must be the light
And he saw the saints worship the great I am
Crying worthy, worthy is the lamb
I want to go to that city he saw
New Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Sing for the night is over
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna forever
Forever more

I want to walk your streets that are golden
And I want to run where the angels have trod
I want to rest on the banks of your river
In that city, the city of God
The city of God
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
The city of God, is the city of God

[ The Hopper – “Jerusalem” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hy5VxG6q98

New Jerusalem

Somewhere we know but haven’t been, Like a song forgotten
A place prepared beyond the end, Our home in new Jerusalem
A palace made of promises, A garden and a fortress
A world that’s built on what you said, Our home in new Jerusalem
Our home in new Jerusalem

Standing there in purest light, with no more pain and no more night
He holds the tears her ears have cried, The bride of new Jerusalem
Who filled with love would give his life, To save his one and only bride
Who’s name is true and lifted high, The king of new Jerusalem
The king of new Jerusalem

His will is done, his kingdom come, Eternity has just begun
The multitude will sing as one, The song of new Jerusalem
A music free from bars or time, A symphony of His design
The Lamb of God enthroned on high, The hope of new Jerusalem
The hope of new Jerusalem

A music free from bars or time, A symphony of His design
The Lamb of God enthroned on high, The hope of new Jerusalem
The hope of new Jerusalem

Somewhere we know but haven’t been, like a song forgotten
A place prepared beyond the end , Our home in new Jerusalem
Our home in new Jerusalem

[ Vertical Worship – “Grace Is On Our Side” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3pYnUhuQS4

Safely Home

Children, precious children
I know you’re shaken
A loved one taken.
Oh but hear me.
Come, draw near me.
Their pain is passed now.
They rest at last now, safely home

They are strong and free.
They are safe with me
This life is nearly shadow.
Today they’re sorrow,
But joy tomorrow.
Safely home.

They are strong and free.
They are safe with me
One day you will join them, all together,
This time forever,
Safely home
Safely home.

One day you will join them,
all together, this time forever,
Safely home. Safely home

[ Steve Green – “Safely Home” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96IqfXEr2BM

Safely Home at Last

[ Claire Baldwin Romero ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpOGuJ6g5Go

Safely Home

[ Kent Bottenfield – “Back In The Game” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4c7ROyHtk8

Safely Home

[ The Primitive Quartet- “Through the Years, Vol. 3” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1xS4XZ6lcU

“Safely Home”

[ Jeff Wilson – “Progressions” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp3HPibj7D8

Safely Home

[ Friends Singing the Gospel – “I’ve Got To Sing” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0ziv1vntGc

Revelation 21-22: A New Heaven, A New Earth, And New Jerusalem

An HD presentation of Revelation 21-22 set to Matt Gilman’s “New Jerusalem”. It is all about the new heaven, new earth, and New Jerusalem that will appear at the end of history.

Anyone can experience eternal life in the New Jerusalem if they accept the good news of Jesus Christ

[ New Jerusalem – “Endless: Songs of Eternity” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soB6ke6ydnA

Finally Home

I’m gonna wrap my arms around my daddy’s neck
And tell ’em that I’ve missed him
And tell ’em all about the man that I became
And hope that it pleased him
There’s so much I wanna say
So much I wanted you to know

When I finally make it home
When I finally make it home

Then I’ll gaze upon the throne of the King
Frozen in my steps
And all the questions that I swore I would ask
Words just won’t come yet
I’m so amazed at what I’ve seen
So much more than this old mind can hold

When I finally make it home
When I finally make it home

And the sweetest sound these ears have yet to hear
The voices of the angels

When I finally make it home
When I finally make it home

[ Mercy Me – “All That Is Within Me” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlxFee1mRtE

Hallelujah, Home At Last!

[ V.O.P Family Reunion Concert – “The Promise” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVcvwjjQh0c

Face to Face With Christ, My Savior

Face to face with Christ, my Savior,
Face to face- what will it be
When with rapture I behold him,
Jesus Christ who died for me?

Face to face I shall behold him,
Far beyond the starry sky;
Face to face in all his glory,
I shall see him by and by.

2 Only faintly now I see him
With the darkened veil between,
But a blessed day is coming
When his glory shall be seen. [Refrain]

3 What rejoicing in his presence,
When are banished grief and pain;
When the crooked ways are straightened
And the dark things shall be plain. [Refrain]

4 Face to face- oh, blissful moment!
Face to face- to see and know;
Face to face with my Redeemer,
Jesus Christ who loves me so. [Refrain]

[ Written by Carrie Ellis Breck – Sung by: SE Samote – “Great God of Wonders” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuLig-W4wSU

Going Home

I’ve been feeling kind of restless
I’ve been feeling out of place
I can hear a distant singing
A song that I can’t write
And it echoes of what I’m always trying to say

There’s a feeling I can’t capture
It’s always just a prayer away
I want to know the ending
Things hoped for but not seen
But I guess that’s the point of hoping anyway

Of going home, I’ll meet you at the table
Going home, I’ll meet you in the air
And you are never too young to think about it
Oh, I cannot wait to be home

I’m confined by my senses
To really know what you are like
You are more than I can fathom
And more than I can guess
And more than I can see with you in sight

But I have felt you with my spirit
I have felt you fill this room
And this is just an invitation
Just a sample of the whole
And I cannot wait to be going home

Going home, I’ll meet you at the table
Going home, I’ll meet you in the air
And you are never too young to think about it
Oh, I cannot wait to be going, to be going home

Face to face, how can it be
Face to face, how can it be
Face to face, how can it be

Because this is just an invitation
Just a sample of the whole
And I cannot wait to be going home

[ Sara Groves – “Conversations” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T4E2i9Po5I

This Is My Father’s World

This is my Father’s world
And to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings
The music of the spheres
This is my Father’s world
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas
His hand the wonders wrought

This is my Father’s world
The birds their carols raise
The morning light, the lily white
Declare their Maker’s praise
This is my Father’s world
He shines in all that’s fair
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass
He speaks to me everywhere

This is my Father’s world
O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong
God is the Ruler yet
This is my Father’s world
The battle is not done
Jesus who died shall be satisfied
And earth and Heav’n be one

This is my Father’s world
Why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King: let the heavens ring!
God reigns; let earth be glad!

The Lord is King: let the heavens ring!
God reigns; let earth be glad!

[ Keith and Kristyn Getty – “This Is My Father’s World With Runkerry Reel” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwqTvmpnKeE

I’m Going To That City

Sister O.M. Terrell ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd5JmVtlPds

I’m “Going To a City

I’ve been thinking about a city, a land not far away;
Soon I am going to be leaving, I’m moving up there to stay;
Friends and loved ones are waiting, they’re learning a brand new song;
Soon we’re going to be singing when we reach our heavenly home.

I’m going to a city, not made by man;
I’m going to a city and it’s made by God’s own hand;
There’s only one city, not far away;
I’m going to a city some wonderful day.

Walls are made of Jasper, streets of purest gold;
There’s a crystal river where we will never grow old;
Mansions now are waiting, Jesus said it was so;
To that city called Heaven I am ready to go.

I’m going to a city, not made by man;
I’m going to a city and it’s made by God’s own hand;
There’s only one city, not far away;
I’m going to a city some wonderful day.

I’m going to a city, not made by man;
I’m going to a city and it’s made by God’s own hand;
There’s only one city, not far away;
I’m going to a city some wonderful day.

I’m going to a city some wonderful day!

[ Higher Ground Trio – “New Water From The Well” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b03r_k4yvrw

I Am Going To A City

I am going to a city where the streets are paved with gold
Where the angels are singing and the half has not been told
There my loved ones are so happy praising God over there
and the sun is always shining; no more burdens to bear

I am looking for that city to see Jesus on His throne
Then we’ll bow there before Him when He calls His children home
There are many that won’t make it to that city over there
where the sun is always shining; no more burdens to bear

Let us pray for that lost sinner as we’ve never prayed before
for the time is drawing nearer. it is even at the door
But we’re going to a city to see Jesus over there
where the sun is always shining no more burdens to bear
where the sun is always shining no more burdens to bear

[ The Singing Cookes ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59oLkPlcDE4

I Am Going To A City

[ Under One Heaven Music ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5jKS8E4fy0

I Am Going To A City

[ Master’s Voice ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME3MZtSgClU

Going To A City

I’m going to a city there’ll be no more night
I’m going to a city where Jesus is the light
The trumpets gonna sound and I’ll be called away
I’m going to a city someday

All of the trials I’ve known down here
will all be over no more doubt no more fear
I’m gonna see my Loved ones who’ve gone on befor
with Jesus my savior were gonna live forever more
I’m going to a city

They’ll be no more crying, when I get up there
no more sadness, no burdens to bear,
there’ll be no sickness, ain’t gonna be no more pain
and best of all I’m gonna see Jesus, he’s gonna call me by name
I’m going to a city


SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z2oIHgkPrg

Home At Last

[ Levi Longoria ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeZ3LWnCY7Y

Home At Last

[ Ron and Shelly Hamilton – “Only By His Grace” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsNQFNkIXnw

The New Jerusalem Song

Come and see… the Holy City, Bride of the Lamb
The New Jerusalem… coming down from heaven…
[CH[ I could not see any temple in the city
For the temple is the Lord Almighty and the Lamb
And the City has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it,
For its light, is God’s glory and its lamp is the Lamb x[2]

The people of the world will walk by its light
And the kings of the earth will bring their treasures…
The gates of the city will stand open all day
For in the city there will never be night!

And nothing that’s unclean will come into the city
And nothing that is shameful and no one who lies
The only ones who’ll enter the City of the Lamb
Will be the ones whose names are written in the Book of Life [CH]

Come and the Holy City… Bride of the Lamb! [CH]

I could not see any temple in the city
For the temple is the Lord Almighty and the Lamb
And the City has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it
For its glory is the light of New Jerusalem!

[ Pauline Communications – “O Bless The Lord” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn0eY4aS0LY

Hallelujah, Home at Last

Hallelujah, home at last
The redeemed are home at last!
All heaven is filled with happiness
For the age of sin is past
See the gates as they open wide
See the saints as they walk inside
Singing, hallelujah, home at last
The redeemed are home at last!

See the lame come a’ runnin’
Hear the dumb sing a song of praise
The blind are out sight-seeing
While the old folks stand in place
Around the great white throne
Near the King of Kings
They clap their hands
‘Til the heavens ring
Singing, hallelujah, home at last
The redeemed are home at last!

Verse 2
Hallelujah, all day long
I can hear the angels sing
Then suddenly I hear Moses’ song
And the angels fold their wings
See the Lamb as He beckons me
Hear Him say, “Come and dine with Me!”
Singing, hallelujah, home at last
The redeemed are home at last!

[ JRP ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLNQ8suI8lY


From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creations revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God

All powerful, untameable
Awestruck, we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go?
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light?
Yet, conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God

All powerful, untameable
Awestruck, we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God

You are amazing, God

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God

All powerful, untameable
Awestruck, we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God

Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart
And You love me the same
You are amazing, God
You are amazing, God

[ Chris Tomlin – “Arriving” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IlVfkY5q54

My Savior First of All

“When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide,
When the bright and glorious morning I shall see,
I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side,
And His smile will be the first to welcome me.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side, I shall stand.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand.

Oh, the soul thrilling rapture when I view His blessed face
And the luster of His kindly beaming eyes;
How my full heart will praise Him for the mercy, love, and grace
That prepared for me a mansion in the sky.

Oh, the dear ones in glory, how they beckon me to come,
And our parting at the river I recall;
To the sweet vales of Eden they will sing my welcome home,
But I long to meet my Saviour first of all.

Thro’ the gates to the city in a robe of spotless white,
He will lead me where no tears will ever fall;
In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight,
But I long to meet my Saviour first of all.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side, I shall stand.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand.
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand.
By the print of the nails in His hand.”

[ Written by Fanny Crosby; Sung on Gaither Music TV ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS58cuDHkZI

Home At Last

Hark the song of holy rapture,
Hear it break from yonder strand,
Where our friends for us are waiting,
In the golden summer land;
They have reach’d the port of glory,
O’er the Jordan they have passed,
And with millions they are shouting,
Home at last, home at last:
And with millions they are shouting,
Home at last, home at last.

Oh, the long and sweet reunion,
Where the bells of time shall cease,
Oh, the greeting, endless greeting,
On the vernal heights of peace;
Where the hoping and desponding
Of the weary heart are past,
And we enter life eternal,–
Home at last, home at last:
And we enter life eternal,–
Home at last, home at last.

Look beyond, the skies are clearing;
See, the mist dissolves away;
Soon our eyes will catch the dawning
Of a bright, celestial day;
Soon the shadows will be lifted
That around us now are cast,
And rejoicing we shall gather
Home at last, home at last:
And rejoicing we shall gather
Home at last, home at last.

[ Fanny Crosby ]

I’m Going Home At Last

When I see life’s golden sunset lighting up the rosy West,
When the shadows backward o’er my way are cast;
I shall look upon that moment as the one supremely blest,
I’m going home at last.

I’m going home at last,
I’m going home at last;
When my work on earth is ended and my race below is run,
I’m going home at last.

2 Tho’ the road at times was weary, over which my feet have trod,
Tho’ thro’ many tribulations I have passed;
Yet I soon will reach my mansion in the city of our God,
I’m going home at last. [Chorus]

3 When I pass down thro’ the valley and the shadow of the dead,
To my blessed Saviour’s hand I will hold fast
He has promised to go with me, so my soul will have no dread,
I’m going home at last. [Chorus]

[ Johnson Oatman, Jr. ]


Holiness, holiness is what I long for
Holiness is what I need
Holiness, holiness is what You
Want from me

Holiness, holiness is what I long for
Holiness is what I need
Holiness, holiness is what You
Want from me

So, take my heart and form it
Take my mind and transform it
Take my will and conform it
To Yours, to Yours, oh, Lord

Faithfulness, faithfulness is what I
Long for
Faithfulness is what I need
Faithfulness, faithfulness is what
You want from me

Brokenness, brokenness is what I
Long for
Brokenness is what I need
Brokenness, brokenness is what
You want from me
What you want from me
It’s what I want.

[ SonicFood – “SonicFlood” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJlilCxnnxg


Very Last City
(Parody of “Paradise City” by Guns N’ Roses)

Take me now to the very last city
Where they have safe streets and they’re gold and pretty
(Take me home!) Oh, won’t you please take me home
Take me now to the very last city
Where the massive gates have a pearly finish
(Take me home!) Oh, won’t you please take me home

Brand-new Earth and Heaven under His feet
C’mon! Our King says come to Me
I’m preparin’ a place for all the ones who believe
I’ll see you on the other side
It’s waitin’ at the end of the line

The righteous risen Lord showed the way
You gotta – keep pushin’ toward that fortress of faith
You know it’s – it’s all in Revelation – just you wait
You read in all the chapters you’ll find
21 and 22 are sublime

Take me now to the very last city
Where they have safe streets and they’re gold and pretty
Oh, won’t you please take me home, yeah, yeah
Take me now to the very last city
Where the massive gates have a pearly finish
Take – me – home!

After we’re there in the city, past danger
He’ll wipe our tears, so just try to remember
A certain Gentleman from Nazareth decreed
We have another city naked eyes can’t see
Tell me who you’re gonna believe

Take me now to the very last city
Where they have safe streets and they’re gold and pretty
Take — me – home, yeah, yeah
Take me now to the very last city
Where the massive gates have a pearly finish
Oh, won’t you please take me home – oh yeah!

No more delay — no more decay
No more dismay — still more to say

Have to remember this important part
Now we can only enter with an open heart
He said, don’t wait around for any action to start
You just believe and you’ll find
What are you, blind?
He said it all a million times!

Take me now to the very last city
Where they have safe streets and they’re gold and pretty
Take — me – home, yeah, yeah
Take me now to the very last city
Where the massive gates have a pearly finish
Oh, won’t you please take me home

Take me now to the very last city
Where they have safe streets and they’re gold and pretty
Take — me – home, yeah, yeah
Take me now to the very last city
Where the massive gates have a pearly finish
Oh, won’t you please take me home

I wanna go, I’m gonna go
Oh, won’t you please take me home
I wanna see, I wanna be
Oh, won’t you please take me home
Take me now to the very last city
Where they have safe streets and they’re gold and pretty
Take – me — home!
Take me now to the very last city
Where the massive gates have a pearly finish
Oh, won’t you please take me home
Take me now, take me now
Oh, won’t you please take me home
I wanna see, I’m gonna be
Oh, won’t you please take me home

I wanna see — where I’m gonna be
Oh — oh, take me home
Take me now to the very last city
Where they have safe streets and they’re gold and pretty
Oh, won’t you please take me home
I wanna go, I — wanna go
Oh, won’t you please take me home
Yeah, baby! Whee!

[ ApologetiX – “Nichey” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XaoPDNDQco

Verynice City
(Parody of “Paradise City” by Guns N’ Roses)

Take me up to the Verynice City
Where the Bible stops with a new beginning
(Take — me — home) In Revelation 21, yeah-eh, yeah
Take me up to the Verynice City
Where there’s no more pain and there’s no more sinning
(Take — me — home) In Revelation 21

A brand new earth and heaven that’s what I see, but
I know Revelation’s tough to read
But, baby, there is a place in there that I wanna be
I’ll be there at the end of time
Everything is gonna be fine

All the Christians that have ever been
Will be livin’ in the city New Jerusalem
You know, they — gotta have a lot of room for them
They say it’s 1,500 miles wide
And it’s 1,500 miles high

Take me up to the Verynice City
Where the Bible stops with a new beginning
In Revelation 21, yeah, yeah
Take me up to the Verynice City
Where there’s no more pain and there’s no more sinning
Take — me — home

Chapter 21 and 22 in Revelation
They got the trees for healin’ the nations
They got a river in the middle of the street
You’ll never have to think about the judgment seat
Because the wrath of God is complete

Take me up to the Verynice City
Where the Bible stops with a new beginning
Take — me — home, yeah-eh yeah
Take me up to the Verynice City
Where there’s no more pain and there’s no more sinning
In Revelation 21, oh yeah

Come home with me (4X)
After the devil’s been thrown in the fire
Now we can all commence to start to praisin’ God
We’ll be livin’ in the city comin’ down from the sky
Havin’ a wonderful time — What’ll we find? Hah! Hah!
It hasn’t even entered your mind!

Take me up to the Verynice City
Where the Bible stops with a new beginning
Take — me — home, yeah-eh yeah
Take me up to the Verynice City
Where there’s no more pain and there’s no more sinning
In Revelation 21, oh yeah

Take me up to the Verynice City
Where the Bible stops with a new beginning
Take — me — home, yeah-eh yeah
Take me up to the Verynice City
Where there’s no more pain and there’s no more sinning
In Revelation 21, oh yeah
I wanna go on the streets of gold
Oh, won’t You please take me home?
I wanna be with the Trinity
Oh, Jesus, please take me home

[Repeating lines and ad libs that are difficult to discern and transcribe …]

I wanna be, I wanna be
Oh, won’t You please take me home — yeah, baby, huh!

[ ApologetiX – “Isn’t Wasn’t Ain’t” album ]

I Want in That Place
(Parody of “I Want it That Way” by The Backstreet Boys)

You are much higher – I want inside there
Beneath heav’n I pray – I want in that place
But we are two worlds apart – You speak to my heart
Then You say, “I want in that place”
Tell me why – (You) came knockin’ on my heart today
Tell me why – I’m nothin’ but a disgrace
Tell me why – Why You’d ever come to me and say
I want in that place
Can I soar higher? I want inside there
Yes I know – it’s two-way
But I want in that place
Help me Christ – I’m nothin’ but I’m sorry
Help me Christ – I’m knockin’ but I need grace
Help me Christ – I’m never gonna get it straight
But I want in that place
Now I can see that we’ve fallen so short
From the way we’re supposed to be (Yeah)
No man in existence is righteous enough
I need You inside of me
You are Messiah – You want inside of
My heart – C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!
(C’mon I need you)
(You) came knockin’ on my heart today
Tell me why – I’m nothin’ but a disgrace
Tell me why – in Revelation 3 You say
I want in that place
Help me Christ – I’m nothin’ but I’m sorry
Help me Christ – I’m knockin’ but I need grace
Help me Christ – I hear Heaven’s gonna be great
I want in that place
And I want in that place

[ ApologetiX – “Spoofernatural” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mh_4oaDezM

Straight On Through
(Parody of “Break On Through (To the Other Side)” by The Doors)

You know the day you come to Christ
Christ provides the way
Guides you from death to life
Straight on through to the other side
Straight on through to the other side
Straight on through to the other side, yeah

Forsake your pleasures here
Store up treasures there
Because He will recall the times we’re kind
They go through to the other side
Straight on through to the other side

Ah c’mon — heyy!

Everyone that — trusts my Savior
Never comes into — condemnation
Seek Him! Seek Him! Seek Him! Seek Him!
Heyy-eh yeah!

I’ve found if Christ lives in your heart
God redeems your life
All it takes is Christ inside
To bring us through to the other side
Straight on through to the other side
Straight on through oh
Oh yeah-eh-ehh!

It’s plain to see — we can be
Saved today — now’s the hour
Get His grace — seek and find
Streak on through to the other side
Straight on through to the other side

Straight on through, straight on through
Straight on through, straight on through
Straight! Straight! Straight! Straight!
Straight! Straight! Straight! Straight!

[ ApologetiX – “Braggadocious” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9bDhhR2KXA

If You Really Wanna Get to Heaven
(Parody of “If You Wanna Get to Heaven” by The Ozark Mountain Daredevils)

I never read it in a book
I never thought it on my own
But I heard a man from Galilee
Loud and clear make it known

If you wanna please the Father
You’ve got to let His Son indwell
If you wanna get to Heaven
You’ve got to save yourself from Hell

I knew that fella’s name was Pete
I never dreamt he’d be so bold
But I heard him at the rally
Tryin’ to cleanse my rotten soul

If you wanna know a secret
He got me traumatized as well
If you wanna get to Heaven
You’ve got to save yourself from Hell

I never thought I’d preach ’bout Jesus
I never thought I’d be so blunt
But I turned to Him and now I know
He’s God’s begotten Son

If you wanna speak to strangers
You’ve got to find a tale to tell
If you wanna get to Heaven
You’ve got to save yourself from Hell

Do you wanna get to Heaven?
Do you wanna get to Heaven?
Do you wanna get to Heaven?
Do you wanna get to Heaven?

[ ApologetiX – “Come See, Come Saw” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__d7TE7A6v0

I’ll Prepare For You
(Parody of “I’ll Be There for You” by The Rembrandts)

So Jesus told His disciples, I’m gonna go away
But where I go you know. They all cried, Please explain.
He said, You’ve all been stuck in second grade
If you haven’t seen the Way, the Truth, the Life is here in your face … but
I’ll prepare for you … prepare a place up above
I’ll prepare for you … ’cause I’ve been there before
I’ll prepare for you … and you prepare for me, too.
I’ll send another friend to help you on your way
You’ll learn from Him, you’ll go far. Please don’t be afraid
The Father helped me do the things I did
But you even will do greater works than that if you believe — that

The world could never know Him — The world could not receive Him
So you’re the only ones who know what it’s like to know Him
There’ll come a place and day when He’ll come to live inside you
Soon when all of this happens you will know the words I said were true.

Seems like you’ve all been stuck in second grade
If you haven’t seen the Way, the Truth, the Life is here in your face, but


[ ApologetiX – “Jesus Christ Morningstar” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pa-TworQD4

Young As You Are
(Parody of “Come as You Are” by Nirvana)

Young as you are, as you were
As we want you to be
Kurt Cobain lives again
In our own memories
Tape rewinds; there you are
The voice is yours and the face
Stays preserved evermore
When you’re on MTV, yeah
MTV, yeah … MTV, yeah … MTV, yeah

Young as you are, can’t you see
That that’s no way to be?
Kurt is dead — that’s the end
And there’s no Remedy, yeah
Remedy, yeah … remedy, yeah … remedy, yeah

It’s a chance that he won’t have again
No, he won’t have again
No, he won’t have again

Please, yeah …. let him be, yeah
Let him be, yeah … let him be, yeah

Young as He was — 33
Jesus died for you and me
Let Him in as a friend
And you know where you’ll be, yeah
Heavenly, yeah … eternity, yeah … Heavenly, yeah

And God’s Word says you’ll be born again Yeah, you’ll be born again
Yeah, you’ll be born again
Yeah, you’ll be born again
Heavenly, yeah … eternity, yeah

[ ApologetiX – “Ticked” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrsD3IIG85M

Yes Today
(Parody of “Yesterday” by The Beatles)

If today
You should hear His voice don’t turn away
Now’s the time that you should kneel and pray
And finally say yes today

You might have to spend eternity
In a place you never want to be
Say yes today and just believe

Christ, He died for all
There’s no soul He wouldn’t save
There’s just one thing you
Have to do — say yes today

Yes today
Seems like such an easy thing to say
All you need is faith, so why delay?
Say, “I believe,” and “yes” today

Why you might say no
I don’t know — I couldn’t say
I’d say something’s wrong
If you don’t say “Yes” today

Yes, today
Might just be your final chance to pray
All you need is faith, so why delay?
Say, “I believe,” and “yes” today

[ ApologetiX – “Apol-acoustiX” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJQguk4JvCk

Book Of Life
(Parody of “Walk of Life” by Dire Straits)

Here comes Johnny bringing scrolls he’s holding He got illuminated, some might say
Here comes Johnny saying, I got a vision
Found in the Bible on the latest page
It’s got real action and raw emotion
Oh yeah, the boy can say
The Revelation — he wrote it
And Terminator’s right ‘bout Judgment Day Dude, it’s wrong about the mean and ugly robot But still there’s someone that arrives
Yeah, have you been logged — into the Book of Life? Yeah, into the Book of Life

Here comes Johnny gonna tell what the Lord said And He tells us what ensues
He’ll come down here with the power and the glory Bad deeds He’ll not excuse
He wants compassion, He wants devotion
Oh yeah, and boisterous faith
But hesitation revolts Him
He’s turning out the lights at the end of the day But some will have a single-minded moment And choose the Son of God tonight
Yeah, those who were logged — into the Book of Life Yeah, into the Book of Life

Here comes Johnny bringing holy warning: Hey, Babylonia, take heed what I say
Here comes Johnny sayin’ my God is comin’ Now you’re in trouble gonna make you pay He saw your actions, He saw your motives Oh yeah, and choices made
And yet He gave us the notion
Eternity’s a nice time if you’re saved
And after all Messiah did upon the cross
He saves us from the coming trouble and the strife If you’ve been logged — yeah, into the Book of Life Mm … into the Book of Life

[ ApologetiX – “Alien Invasion” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCVnz_RwyrY

Something Of Value
(Parody of “Something About You” by Level 42)

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

How proud can we be when our lives start out with parents
Passing down traits — with some good, some not
And our ways stray much too often?
But taking His grace is the start of finding redemption
We’re all made in the image of God — like the humans at the fall

Oh, drawn into a scheme — we run to substitutions
Gold, diamond rings — and fancy kinds of jewels
But there is something of value greater — your life
I wouldn’t preach without proof, baby — would I?

Since that first garden was concealed, no one can say that
We didn’t deal with myriad sins or deserved the Tree of Life
Gone — Adam and Eve could have stayed in there forever
If not for the stuff — (they) did that’s so wrong — the only humans at the fall

Though it’s strange and weird, we have their constitution
Romans you need to hear — in 5 verse 12, it’s true
But there is something of value they had — no lie
(Something about — the way you are designed)
Those ones who sinned defiled you — made you to die
(Though I can see — we’re bound to sin and die)
But God shared something of value — later — so high
(Something about — the grace that God provides)
Come like a little child, too — baby — to Christ — yeah-eh, yeah
(I couldn’t list — the value; it’s too high)

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Come now to Psalms if doubt proof, yeah-eh, yeah
Better look at 51:2 through 5

[ ApologetiX – “Never Before, but Then Again…” album ]

SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MrI80PgiQ8

Good News/Bad News

This is a Gospel presentation and personal testimony of J. Jackson, lead vocalist of ApologetiX from their 20th anniversary concert. It is available on 20:20 Vision.

VIDEO (audio only): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q21Jnaq-EL8


“But then God promises that the glory of his people will demand a glorious creation to live in. So the fallen creation will obtain the very freedom from futility and evil and pain that the church is given.

So when God makes all things new, he makes us new spiritually and morally, he makes us new physically, and then he makes the whole creation new so that our environment fits our perfected spirits and bodies.”
[ John Piper ]

“Everything will be glorified, even nature itself. And that seems to me to be the biblical teaching about the eternal state: that what we call heaven is life in this perfect world as God intended humanity to live it. When he put Adam in Paradise at the beginning, Adam fell, and all fell with him, but men and women are meant to live in the body, and will live in a glorified body in a glorified world, and God will be with them.”
[ Martyn Lloyd-Jones ]

“Because of man’s fall into sin, a curse was pronounced over the creation. God now sent His Son into this world to redeem that creation from the results of sin. The work of Christ, therefore, is not just to save certain individuals, not even to save an innumerable throng of blood-bought people. The total work of Christ is nothing less than to redeem the entire creation from the effects of sin. That purpose will not be accomplished until God has ushered in the new earth, until Paradise Lost become Paradise Regained.”
[ Anthony Hoekema ]

“The whole course of history [is] a movement from a garden to a city, and it fundamentally affirms that movement… Redemption in Jesus Christ reaches just as far as the fall. The horizon of creation is at the same time the horizon of sin and of salvation. To conceive of either the fall or Christ’s deliverance as encompassing less than the whole of creation is to compromise the biblical teaching of the radical nature of the fall and the cosmic scope of redemption.”
[ Albert Wolters ]

“Since where God dwells, there heaven is, we conclude that in the life to come heaven and earth will no longer be separated, as they are now, but will be merged. Believers will therefore continue to be in heaven as they continue to live on the new earth.”
[ Anthony Hoekema ]

“According to Scripture the present world will neither continue forever nor will be destroyed and replaced by a totally new one. Instead it will be cleansed of sin and re-created, reborn, renewed, made whole. While the kingdom of God is first planted spiritually in human hearts, the future blessedness is not to be spiritualized. Biblical hope, rooted in incarnation and resurrection, is creational, this-worldly, visible, physical, bodily hope. The rebirth of human beings is completed in the glorious rebirth of all creation, the New Jerusalem whose architect and builder is God Himself.”
[ Herman Bavinck ]

“I shall rise from the dead… I shall see the Son of God, the Sun of Glory, and shine myself as that sun shines. I shall be united to the Ancient of Days, to God Himself, who had no morning, who never began … No man ever saw God and lived. And yet, I shall not live till I see God; and when I have seen him, I shall never die.”
[ John Donne ]

“We shall in the future world see the material form of the new heavens and the new earth in such a way that we shall most distinctly recognize God everywhere present and governing all things, material as well as spiritual.”
[ Augustine of Hippo ]

“The vision of God has a transforming power… Thus the soul, because she only sees God as He is, is filled to overflowing with all knowledge; she becomes beautiful with the beauty of God, rich with His wealth, holy with His holiness, and happy with His unutterable happiness.”
[ J. Boudreau ]

“If the goodness, beauty, and wonder of the creatures are so delightful to the human mind, the fountainhead of God’s own goodness (compared with the trickles of goodness found in creatures) will draw excited human minds entirely to itself.”
[ Thomas Aquinas ]

“[The essence of heaven is the] beatific vision, love, and enjoyment of the triune God. For the three divine persons have an infinitely perfect vision and love and enjoyment of the divine essence and of one another. And in this infinite knowing, loving and enjoying lies the very life of the triune God, the very essence of their endless and infinite happiness. If the blessed are to be endlessly and supremely happy, then, they must share in the very life of the triune God, in the divine life that makes them endlessly and infinitely happy.”
[ E. J. Fortman ]

Those who live and reign with Christ forever will find the diversity and complexity of their worship of God not less, but richer, in the life to come. Every legitimate activity of new creaturely life will be included within the life of worship of God’s people.”
[ Cornelius Venema ]

“Hearts on earth may say in the course of a joyful experience, ‘I don’t want this ever to end.’ But invariably it does. The hearts of those in heaven say, ‘I want this to go on forever.’ And it will. There is no better news than this.”
[ J. I. Packer ]

“The future heaven is centered more on activity and expansion, serving Messiah and reigning with Him … The emphasis in the present heaven is on the absence of earth’s negatives, while in the future heaven it is the presence of earth’s positives, magnified many times through the power and glory of resurrected bodies on a resurrected earth, free at last from sin and shame and all that would hinder both joy and achievement.”
[ René Pache ]

“When Christ calls me home I shall go with the gladness of a boy bounding away from school.”
[ Adoniram Judson ]

“This earthly body is slow and heavy in all its motions, listless and soon tired with action. But our heavenly bodies shall be as fire; as active and as nimble as our thoughts are.”
[ Benjamin Calamy ]

“How great shall be that felicity, which shall be tainted with no evil, which shall lack no good, and which shall afford leisure for the praises of God, who shall be all in all!”
[ Augustine of Hippo ]

“How happy is that love, in which there is an eternal progress in all these things; wherein new beauties are continually discovered, and more and more loveliness, and in which we shall forever increase in beauty ourselves; where we shall be made capable of finding out and giving, and shall receive, more and more endearing expressions of love forever: our union will become more close, and communication more intimate.”
[ Jonathan Edwards ]

“No inhabitants of that blessed world will ever be grieved with he thought that they are slighted by those that they love, or that their love is not fully and fondly returned … There shall be no such thing as flattery or insincerity in heaven, but there perfect sincerity shall reign through all in all. Everyone will be just what he seems to be, and will really have all the love that he seems to have. It will be not as in this world, where comparatively few things are what they seem to be, and where professions are often made lightly and without meaning. But there, every expression of love shall come from the bottom of the heart, and all
that is professed shall be really and truly felt.”
[ Jonathan Edwards ]

“When I get to heaven I shall see three wonders there. The first wonder will be, to see many people there whom I did not expect to see—the second wonder will be, to miss many people whom I did expect to see; and the third and greatest wonder of all, will be to find myself there.”
[ John Newton ]

“If there be so certain and glorious a rest for the saints, why is there no more industrious seeking after it? One would think, if a man did once hear of such unspeakable glory to be obtained, and believed what he heard to be true, he should be transported with the vehemence of his desire after it, and should almost forget to eat and drink, and should care for nothing else, and speak of and inquire after nothing else, but how to get this treasure. And yet people who hear of it daily, and profess to believe it as a fundamental article of their faith, do as little mind it, or labour for it, as if they had never heard of any such thing, or did not believe one word they hear.”
[ Richard Baxter ]

“[In heaven] God will be seen without end, loved without cloying, praised without weariness.”
[ Francis Turretin ]

“Enter into joy without sorrow, which contains all pleasure, where every good will be, and not any evil. Where life will be vital, sweet and lovable, and always memorial; where there will be no assaulting enemy, nor any snares, but supreme and certain security, secure tranquility and tranquil pleasure and pleasurable happiness; a happy eternity, eternal blessedness and the blessed vision of God, which is the joy of the Lord thy God. O joy above joy! Joy overcoming all joy; joy besides which there is no joy … When shall I enter into thee, that I may see my God, who dwells in thee?”
[ Augustine of Hippo ]

“Everlasting life consists in the eternal habitation of God in the faithful through the Holy Spirit; in a true and perfect knowledge of God, and of His works and will, kindled in the heart immediately by the same Spirit; in true and perfect wisdom and righteousness, together with a perfect conformity of all the strength and powers of the mind and will, with the mind and will of God, having respect both to the body and soul, which joy is freely given of God, by and for the sake of Christ, and is begun already in this life, to be fully perfected in the life to come, that so God may to all eternity be praised and glorified by His saints.”
[ Zacharias Ursinus ]

“In the beginning man was given the so-called cultural mandate—the command to rule over the earth and to develop a God-glorifying culture. Because of man’s fall into sin, that cultural mandate has never been carried out in the way God intended. Only on the new earth will it be perfectly and sinlessly fulfilled. Only then shall we be able to rule the earth properly.”
[ Anthony Hoekema ]

“Some people may find it difficult to envision drama or literature without plots involving villainy, deceit, violence, or adulter… Such fears are understandable, because it is difficult to see beyond the horizon of our experience. These questions reflect an inadequate vision of resurrected life. Consider comedy that makes you laugh but not at the expense of another. Reflect upon poetry that brings tears to your eyes, paintings that put you in raptures, music that gives you goose bumps,… Do our aesthetic adventures depend upon sin for flavor? I think not. In heaven, as on earth, effective drama portrays a triumph of good over evil. I daresay the vastness and the openness of the renewed cosmos offers adventures adequate for epic tales, just as it provides raw material for the visual arts, for painting, for sculpture, for architecture.”
[ Arthur Roberts ]

“God may ultimately choose not to preserve this book or that building, but he will spare enough authors and architects to re-create the best of whatever is lost.”
[ Michael Wittmer ]

“When you painted on earth… it was because you caught glimpses of Heaven in the earthly landscape.”
[ C. S. Lewis ]

“The rise of human civilization hints at a coming splendor. Civilization has brought health and safety. It has brought freedom from toil and provided creative enjoyment to millions of persons. How much more, freed from the curse of sin, will civilization flourish! Heaven will provide for urban as well as pastoral living… Already the city of man is probing the galaxies. Already it has catalogued the human genome… With the curse of sin gone, apocalypses past, surely human beings in heaven will become active stewards of the Lord in completing or extending the universe of things and ideas… Civilization is not old; it has barely begun!”
[ Arthur Roberts ]

“We have a creative task in the world. We must shape things in ways for which there is sometimes no clear direction. This is why imagination is not just a feature of the arts; it is a feature of human life itself. Without imagination, without experimentation, without openness to new questions and new possibilities, there can be no science and no technology. We are not challenging God when we do this, at least not when we do it in humility and faith. We are not stealing fire from the gods. We are taking up our responsibility before God to shape what he has placed in our hands.”
[ Paul Marshall ]

“Part of God’s plan for the earth is that it be filled and subdued by humankind, that its latent possibilities be unlocked and actualized in human history and civilization. A good deal of that development has already taken place, though it is distorted by humanity’s sinfulness.

We must choose restoration rather than repristination. It would be a profound mistake to attempt to go back to the original stage of the earth’s development, to the sort of world exemplified by the garden of Eden. From a cultural point of view, that situation was primitive and undeveloped. It preceded Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal Cain (sons of Lamech), for example, who introduced a number of historical advances (animal husbandry, music making, metalworking) that contributed significantly to the furtherance of civilization (Genesis 4:20-22). It is doubtful whether Adam and Eve were acquainted with the wheel; it is certain that they had not yet discovered how to make textiles (Genesis 3:21) or bake bricks (Genesis 11:3)… Repristination would entail the cultural return to the garden of Eden, a return that would turn back the historical clock.”
[ Albert Wolters ]

“Salvation in Jesus Christ, conceived in the broad creational sense, means a restoration of culture and society in their present stage of development. That restoration will not necessarily oppose literacy or urbanization or industrialization or the internal combustion engine, although these historical developments have led to their own distortions or evils. Instead, the coming of the kingdom of God demands that these developments be reformed, that they be made answerable to their creational structure, and that they be subjected to the ordinances of the Creator.

Biblical religion is historically progressive, not reactionary. It views the whole course of history as a movement from a garden to a city, and it fundamentally affirms that movement. Once again, the kingdom of God claims all of creation, not only in all its departments, but also in all its stages of development.”
[ Albert Wolters ]

“Scientists, teachers, artisans, farmers, merchants, and artists require a social structure to find personal fulfillment and to contribute value to others. The word commonwealth conveys this idea. Heaven will be a wealth of people from every cultural and linguistic group, with diverse traditions and customs. With a cosmos freed from sin and with inhabitants guided by the twin goals of truth and love, human beings can become fully co-creators with God.”
[ Arthur Roberts ]

“Life in the new creation will not be a repristination of all things—a going back to the way things were at the beginning. Rather, life in the new creation will be a restoration of all things—involving the removal of every sinful impurity and the retaining of all that is holy and good. Were the new creation to exclude the diversity of the nations and the glory of the kings of the earth, it would be impoverished rather than enriched, historically regressive and reactionary rather than progressive. To express the point in the form of a question: is it likely that the music of Bach and Mozart, the painting of Rembrandt, the writing of Shakespeare, the discoveries of science, etc., will be altogether lost upon life in the new creation?”
[ Albert Wolters ]

“Everything which authentically reflects the God of truth, all that is of abiding worth from within the national stories and the cultural inheritance of the world’s peoples, will find its place in the New Jerusalem. This will hardly surprise us if we have drunk at the wells of human culture and have experienced the deepening of sensitivity, broadening of understanding and enlargement of heart and mind which such engagement can promote.

The one who is Lord of the whole of life was never going to bring us at the end into an eternal existence of mental constriction, or of emotional and creative impoverishment. Creativity will surely be valued, for such an anticipation must be in keeping with the nature of him who set the morning stars a-singing when he created them at the beginning, and whose joyful, uninhibited cry echoes across the battlements of the new creation. “See, I am making everything new!”

In other words, the “glory and honour of the nations” will only provide a starting point. What creative possibilities await us in the unfolding of the eternal ages no present imagination can begin to unravel. And since we are going to a heaven of, among other things, unprecedented cultural creativity, what authentication this gives to the worthwhileness of all such endeavour in the present. In this, too, we may dare to believe, “[our] labour in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58).”
[ Bruce Milne ]

“What we need is not to be rescued from the world, not to cease being human, not to stop caring for the world, not to stop shaping human culture. What we need is the power to do these things according to the will of God. We, as well as the rest of creation, need to be redeemed.”
[ Paul Marshall ]

“What we need is not to be rescued from the world, not to cease being human, not to stop caring for the world, not to stop shaping human culture. What we need is the power to do these things according to the will of God. We, as well as the rest of creation, need to be redeemed.”
[ Paul Marshall ]

“Every legitimate and excellent fruit of human culture will be carried into and contribute to the splendour of life in the new creation. Rather than the new creation being a radically new beginning, in which the excellent and noble fruits of humankind’s fulfillment of the cultural mandate are wholly discarded—the new creation will benefit from, and be immensely enriched by, its receiving of these fruits.”
[ Cornelius Venema ]

“Nothing of the diversity of the nations and peoples, their cultural products, languages, arts, sciences, literature, and technology—so far as these are good and excellent—will be lost upon life in the new creation.”
[ Cornelius Venema ]

[Critiquing what Paul Marshall calls “lifeboat theology”:] “It is as if the creation were the Titanic, and now that we’ve hit the iceberg of sin, there’s nothing left for us to do but get ourselves into lifeboats. The ship is sinking rapidly, God has given up on it and is concerned only with the survival of his people. Any effort we make to salvage God’s creation amounts to rearranging the deck chairs. Instead, some say, our sole task is to get into the lifeboats, to keep them afloat, to pluck drowning victims out of the water, and to sail on until we get to heaven where all will be well.

[Proposing the alternative of “ark theology”:] Noah’s ark saved not only people, but it preserved God’s oher creatures as well. The ark looked not to flee but to return to the land and begin again. Once the flood subsided, everyone and everything was intended to return again to restore the earth.”
[ Paul Marshall ]

“Kings in those days were more than political rulers; they were the representatives and bearers of the cultures of the nations over which they ruled. John is here speaking [in Revelation 21:24] about the cultural and artistic contributions of various national groups which shall then have made their home in the new Jerusalem. . . . [I]n the life to come various types of people will retain their unique gifts. These gifts will develop and mature in a sinless way, and will be used to produce new cultural products to the everlasting glory of God’s name. . . .

The fact that not only kings but nations are mentioned implies that the various cultural contributions of different ethnic groups will then no longer be in competition with each other, but will harmoniously enrich life in the Holy City. Christ, who is the lamp of that city, will then draw all these cultural products into his service, for the glory of his Father.”
[ Anthony Hoekema ]

“The possibilities that now rise before us boggle the mind. Will there be ‘better Beethovens’ on the new earth?… better Rembrandts, better Raphaels? Shall we read better poetry, better drama, and better prose? Will scientists continue to advance in technological achievement, will geologists continue to dig out the treasures of the earth, and will architects continue to build imposing and attractive structures? Will there be exciting new adventures in space travel?… Our culture will glorify God in ways that surpass our most fantastic dreams.”
[ Anthony Hoekema ]

“At Christ’s return, the earth will be healed from sin’s wounds. These include not only toxic waste and chemical pollution but also cultural and moral pollution. The healing of wounds implies the return to an original condition. If our new bodies will look enough like the old bodies to be recognizable, doesn’t this suggest that the New Earth will look enough like the old Earth for us to recognize it?

…The New Earth will still be just as much Earth as the new us will still be us. Our resurrection bodies will have our eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Like Christ’s body, ours will maintain their distinguishing features. If our new bodies will so closely correspond to the present ones, won’t the New Earth just as closely correspond to the present one? Will there be a New Mount Saint Helens and New Himalayas and a New Alaska under the new northern lights? Will there be a New Bermuda, a New Canada, a New Australia?

…My understanding of Scripture suggests that the New Earth will include not only resurrected geographical locations but also resurrected cultures. The kings of the nations will bring their tribute, splendor, and glory into the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:24, 26). There will be not one nation but many. This reference gives us biblical basis to suppose that the best culture, history, art, music, and the languages of the old Earth will be redeemed, purified, and carried over to the New Earth.

Surely these kings and cultures who bring their “splendor” and “glory” into the new world won’t start from scratch. They’ll bring into the new world a national and personal history, an ethnic identity, and a wealth of customs, art forms, and knowledge. All these will be purified, but that leaves plenty of room for distinctive cultural celebrations, holidays, meals, sports, and many customs.”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“Some people expect the New Earth to be a return to Eden, with no technology or the accomplishments of civilization. But that doesn’t fit the biblical picture of the great city, the New Jerusalem. Nor is it logical. Would we expect on the New Earth a literal reinvention of the wheel?”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“In the movie Babette’s Feast, a Parisian chef is forced to leave her home through the misfortunes of war. Babette ends up in a windswept Danish coastal village, working as a maid for two women who lead a small, austere Christian sect that frowns on such worldly things as gourmet cooking. Babette grows to love these elderly sisters. When she comes into a large sum of money, she spends it all on giving a single dinner party for the sisters and their friends. It’s a picture of God’s extravagant grace. Babette realizes that she’ll never again be able to afford to give such a gift or to prepare such a meal. One of the sisters is a talented singer who had little opportunity to use her gift. Touched by Babette’s generosity, she consoles her: “I feel, Babette, that this is not the end. In Paradise you will be the great artist that God meant you to be!… Ah, how you will enchant the angels!”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“If mankind had never sinned, would we have invented the wheel and created machinery? Certainly. On the New Earth, shouldn’t we expect machinery made for the good of mankind and the glory of God? On the New Earth people might invent machinery that could take us to the far ends of the New Milky Way, to other galaxies and beyond. Why not? Is this notion more unthinkable than it once was to imagine sailing a ship across an ocean or flying a plane across the world or landing a spacecraft on the moon? Because people in this fallen world have extended their dominion beyond our current Earth, might we not expect people on the New Earth to extend their Christ-exalting reach into the new universe? . . . From the night I first saw Andromeda’s galaxy, I’ve wanted to go there. I now think it’s likely I will.”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“Will the new planets be mere ornaments, or does God intend for us to reach them one day? Even under the Curse, we’ve been able to explore the moon, and we have the technology to land on Mars. What will we be able to accomplish for God’s glory when we have resurrected minds, unlimited resources, complete scientific coopera­tion, and no more death?”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“I want to be part of a group that explores the vast reaches of the new cosmos. When my fellow explorers and I return home to Earth, the capital planet, and enter the gates of the capital city, we’ll gather for food and drinks, and catch up on our stories. I’ll listen to your stories; maybe you’ll listen to mine. Perhaps I’ll write about great planets of star systems far away. I’ll tell how my explorations deepened my love for Jesus. And you’ll play or sing for me the music of praise you composed while I was gone. I’ll marvel at its beauty, and I’ll see Jesus in it and in you. Maybe I’ll write a book about the Omega galaxy, while you’ll write one about the music of the heart. We’ll exchange manuscripts, stimulate new insights, and draw each other closer to God.”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“In this world, even under the Curse, human imagination and skill have produced some remarkable works. The statues of Easter Island. Stonehenge… The Golden Gate Bridge. Baseball. Heart transplants. Prenatal surgery. Microwave ovens. DVDs. The space shuttle. Chocolate ice cream. Pecan pie. Sports cars. It’s a list that never ends.

With the resources God will lavishly give us on the New Earth, what will we be able to accomplish together? When we think about this, we should be like children anticipating Christmas—sneaking out of bed to see what’s under the Christmas tree…

Angels could have maintained the world as God created it. But it takes God’s image-bearers to develop, expand, and enrich the earth. That is culture.”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“This reigning, expanding, culture-enriching purpose of God for mankind on Earth was never revoked or abandoned. It has only been interrupted and twisted by the Fall. But neither Satan nor sin is able to thwart God’s purposes. Christ’s redemptive work will ultimately restore, enhance, and expand God’s original plan.”
[ Randy Alcorn ]

“Life is eternity’s sunrise.”
[ Mark Besh ]


Garden of Eden:

Longing For Eden:

The Millennium:

New Heaven:

New Earth:

New Jerusalem:

Resurrected Body:

Imperishable Body:

Heaven On Earth:




“A quick summary of the Christian “Gospel”:
[ Mark Besh ]

Hope you enjoyed some of these insights—share them with your friends and colleagues—so we can have a larger ’pool’ to receive from, and more to share with! Also, remember to include your name as the “source,” if some of this wisdom is of your doing. I would like to give credit where credit is due!


“The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moonshine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.”
[ Isaiah 60:19 ]

“The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.”
[ Isaiah 65:17 ]

“But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy, and her people to be a gladness. I will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress.”
[ Isaiah 65:18-19 ]

“They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.”
[ Isaiah 65:21 ]

“The wolf in the lamb shelf feed together, the lion shell eat straw like the ox… They shall not hurt or destroy in all my Holy Mountain.”
[ Isaiah 65:25 ]

“These will be the exits of the city: Beginning on the north side… the gates of the city will be named after the tribes of Israel. The three gates on the north side will be the gate of Reuben, the gate of Judah and the gate of Levi. On the east side… will be three gates: the gate of Joseph, the gate of Benjamin and the gate of Dan. On the south side… will be three gates: the gate of Simeon, the gate of Issachar and the gate of Zebulun. On the west side… will be three gates: the gate of Gad, the gate of Asher and the gate of Naphtali.”
[ Ezekiel 48:30-34 ]

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’”
[ Matthew 7:21-23 ]

“The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent.”
[ John 6:28-29 ]

“Come and have breakfast.”
[ John 21:12b ]

“Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
[ Romans 8:17 ]

“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”
[ Romans 8:19-23 ]

“Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are those who are of Heaven.”
[ 1 Corinthians 15:45-48 ]

“Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
[ 2 Corinthians 7:1 ]

“To bring all things in Heaven and on Earth together under one head, even Christ.”
[ Ephesians 1:10 ]

“Who is able to do immesurably more than all we ask or imagine.”
[ Ephesians 3:20 ]

“Our citizenship is in Heaven, and from it, we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power of that enables Him, even to subject all things to Himself.”
[ Philippians 3:20-21]

“Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
[ Colossians 3:1-2 ]

“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.”
[ Colossians 3:4 ]

“Whose designer and builder is God.”
[ Hebrews 11:10 ]

“Without holiness no one will see the Lord.”
[ Hebrews 12:14 ]

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
[ 1 Peter 1:15-16 ]

“But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly… But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies[b] will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed

Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise we are waiting for New Heavens and a New Earth in which righteousness dwells.”
[ 2 Peter 3:7, 10-13 ]

“This is His command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ.”
[ 1 John 3:23 ]

The Thousand Years
“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit[a] and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.

Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.”
[ Revelation 20:1-6 ]

The New Heaven and the New Earth
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

The New Jerusalem
Then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues and spoke to me, saying, “Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed—on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

And the one who spoke with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates and walls. The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width. And he measured the city with his rod, 12,000 stadia. Its length and width and height are equal. He also measured its wall, 144 cubits by human measurement, which is also an angel’s measurement. The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, like clear glass. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.

And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it, and its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there. They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations. But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
[ Revelation 21:1-27 ]

The River of Life
“Then the angel[a] showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life[b] with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.”
[ Revelation 22:1-5 ]

If you have a ‘neat’ story or some thoughts about an issue or current event that you would like me to try to respond to, I would be glad to give it a try…so, send them to me at: mbesh@comcast.net

Disclaimer: All the above jokes and inspirations are obtained from various sources and copyright is used when known. Other than our name and headers, we do not own the copyright to any of the materials sent to this list. We just want to spread the ministry of God’s love and cheerfulness throughout the world.


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