Be a ‘Light’ [v190]


Be a ‘Light’

Two weekends ago, my church, Faith Covenant, started the Christmas season off with their presentation of a wonderful Swedish tradition called “Saint (Sankta) Lucia.” It was the 33rd annual that started when they moved into their new church in Farmington Hills, Michigan in 1980—and they wanted to share their Swedish heritage with the surrounding community.

See a summary of the Faith Covenant Church Saint Lucia presentation here:

Faith Covenant was founded exactly 100 years ago by Oscar Palm, a Swedish immigrant to Detroit, Michigan. All of its services were in Swedish until 1938. Though today there are over 20 different nationalities represented in the congregation, they continue to ‘honor’ their Swedish heritage with the “Santa Lucia” presentation the first Saturday in December.

FYI: Centennial video summarizing Faith Covenant’s history here:

It’s kind of ‘puzzling’ how a martyred maiden, canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, became almost the “patron saint” of Sweden—but it has definitely become one of the best-loved holidays in this Scandinavian land. It probably has something to do with the celebration of “light” (“Lucia” is derived from “lux,” meaning “light”) against the backdrop of the most dark and forbidding winters on the planet. It also has to do with the fact that it ‘embodies’ love and sacrifice for others.

Some say that Sweden was in the midst of a terrible famine one winter, and when things were at their worst, a ship sailed across Lake Vannern with a beautiful young woman dressed in white at its helm. She was radiant, and there was a glow of light about her head. It was Saint Lucia with a ship full of wheat.

Whatever the origin of the Swedish reverence for Saint Lucia, Christians around the year 1,000 AD developed a special devotion for the saint, whose feast day marked the ‘return’ of the sun. (Before the 16th century Gregorian calendar reform, when December 13th was the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year).

[ More info about the Saint Lucia celebration:’s_Day ]

Let me start with a bit of history. In the year 284, a baby girl was born to a prosperous family of nobility in Syracuse, Italy, on the island of Sicily.

Lucia grew into a beautiful young girl, who, as she was about to be married (which she never did), openly confessed to having become a Christian. This was a very ‘dangerous’ thing to do in the early 300’s, since the Roman emperor, Diocletian, was concerned that the Christian ‘movement’ would pose a threat to his absolute rule, so he ordered the punishment, by death, to anyone caught taking part in a Christian assembly.

But that didn’t matter to Lucia, who was totally devoted to service God in any way she could. [ Legend has it that, in a secret vow, she prayed to God that if her mother was healed of her hemorraging, she would never marry and devote her life to serving the poor. Her mother did get healed, and agreed to give Lucia her inheritance before her passing ].

 So, to help the poor, Lucia pledged her entire dowry (which was significant) to provide food and drink to the Christians that were hiding in the Roman Catacombs. She did this by wearing candles stuck into a wreath that she wore on the top of her head, to help light her way in the dark and so that she would have both hands free to carry more food at a time.

Finally, she was captured, accused of witchcraft, and brought to trial as a Christian. The judge said he would spare her life if she just renounce her Christian faith. She refused, and was sentenced to be burned at the stake on December 13, 304 AD—at the age of twenty. But, the fire would not light, so the judge ordered that her neck be slit by a sword. “Lucia of Syracuse” then joined the great body of Christian martyrs. The thing was, there then were many accounts of miracles that occurred just after her death.

Because the ‘legend’ has it that Lucia’s eyes were also gouged out just before she was killed, in time, she became the “patron saint” of the blind and those with sight impairment. Sailors on the Mediterranean Sea many times begged for her help during storms to help them ‘see’ the land. This is also why gondoliers in Venice, to this day, sing, “Hark, how the sailor’s cry joyously echos nigh, Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!”

For many years, the Lucia ‘festival’ was primarily a family observance. Early in the morning, members of the family were awakened by the eldest daughter, who served coffee and special, freshly baked rolls. She wore a white gown, and on her head she had a wreath of greenery adorned with lighted candles. Today, there are festivities to ‘open’ the Christmas season in Sweden, and, in addition to churches, it is celebrated in homes, hospitals, schools, and entire communities.

In addition to Lucia herself, there have been other ‘characters’ that have been associated with the festival. One of the most popular is the “Tomte.” It’s a mythological creature from Scandinavian folklore previously associated with the winter solstice and the Christmas season. It is generally no taller than three feet, has a long white beard, and wears red or other colorful clothes. It is known as a gift bearer and is considered one of the Swedish versions of Santa Claus—although not entirely the same thing.

According to tradition, Tomtes secretly live in houses and act as a guardian for children, pets, and farm animals, and are stubbornly ‘loyal’ to its environs. It only ‘asks’ for a bowl of rice pudding on Christmas Eve! [ See “Tomten” (“The House Elf”) poem by Victor Rydberg below ].

[ During the Lucia presentation at Faith Covenant, young children, dressed up like a “Tomte” and dance around a Christmas tree (Starts at 17:27 on the summary video) ].

There are also the “Stjarngossars” (Star Boys). They are dressed in a white robe with a cone-shaped hat decorated with golden stars, and a gold star mounted on a stick. They participate in the singing a story about Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr, caring for his five horses.

In Sweden, they are known as “Epiphany singers”—young people walking house to house caroling, with a movable star on a rod, wearing crowns, and dressed in clothes to resemble the Three Magi.

[ During the Lucia presentation at Faith Covenant, the “Star Boys” can be seen singing with Lucia (Starts at 12:58 on the summary video) ].

More than anything else, Saint Lucia represents the Christian values of service to others and a symbol of spreading the ‘light’ of salvation found in Jesus’ love for all people.

In the Bible, Jesus described Himself a few times this way: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (In one instance He said this while performing a miracle of healing the sight of a person who had been blind since birth).

Another time, Jesus metaphorically explains that He came to this world, so that the blind may “see” [John 9:39].

Essentially, Jesus is saying that we are dead and blind to the ‘light’ (understanding about God) until we are imparted by God’s Holy Spirit (kind of like how a flashlight or lantern ‘illuminates’ the path in front of us in a dark forest). Psalm 119:105 reminds us of this: “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

In addition to the Holy Spirit being our ‘light’ to guide us thru this life, Jesus also said: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” [ Mathew 5:14-16 ].

When one becomes a ‘follower’ of Jesus, it is a ‘joyful’ experience, and Jesus encourages us to tell others how He transformed our lives—illuminating their ‘dark’ world with the ‘light’ of Christ, helping them to ‘see’ beyond their spiritual ‘blindness’. Because, as Jesus said many times, if a person persists in a ‘blind rejection’ of His message as the Savior of the world, that they will perish in hell, and be eternally separated from God!

But, not wanting anyone to go to hell, Jesus offers anyone that will change their mind, hope: “Unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins. Believe that I am—that I am from the Father. And that I and the Father are one. Open your eyes and see that I am the light of the world and receive me as your light. And you will not perish” [ John 8:24 ].

Now, you cannot ‘make’ yourself the light of the world, Jesus says you ‘are’ the light of the world—because of your relationship with Him. “The God who said, ‘Out of darkness the light shall shine!’ is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of Christ” [ 2 Corinthians 4:6 ]. It’s kind of like that we are the moon. It doesn’t give off any light of its own, it just ‘reflects’ the sun’s light.

This means that, first off, one must become a “believer” in Jesus to have this ‘light’. Then, I just depend on the Holy Spirit (Whom I receive when I trust Jesus) to lead me in all righteousness and be an ‘example’ of Christ-like character and share with others our faith—’spreading’ God ‘light’ in this dark world.

But, we don’t do this alone! Jesus also talked of the strength of ‘collective’ light. Each house in a city with its lights on cast a glow across the sky. As Christians come together, there is a glow for the Lord that we cannot create individually. We shine brightest when we shine together.

So, how can we ‘shine’ for God? Jesus says that we are to let our lights shine before men in such a way that they will see our good works and glorify God. That’s how we do it. We live for God.

We have to surrender our lives to Him completely. Christ says we are to “let our lights shine.” In other words, when you get right with God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will simply shine through you. You can’t help it; your ‘light’ will just pour forth.

So, what does be a ‘light’ mean, and what does ‘light’ do?

Well, in general terms, a light is used to signal and to guide. It is used to ‘penetrate’ the darkness and expose evil and error. It is also used to prevent ‘sin’ (i.e. security lights in dark areas) Light is required to produce ‘growth’ (i.e. plants). Most importantly, light does not exist for its ‘own glory’, but to ‘brighten’ up the world.

Here’s a few thoughts on letting your ‘light’ shine:

Our Clothing:
Yes, God commands His people to wear “modest apparel,” but you do not have to dress like a refugee from a concentration camp.

Our Language:
God condemns “coarse jesting,” but He does not ban all humor. Humor is not sinful. Jesus used it in His teachings.

Our Prayers:
God commands us to pray and give thanks for our daily bread, but He does not expect us to put our piety on display. Be ‘personal’ with your praying—most people appreciate the ‘care’ for them.

Our Money:
God commands us to be good stewards of what He has entrusted to us, but He does not command that we live like monks. If you have labored honestly in life, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of your labor. If you have been successful in your work you need to realize that “God has given riches and wealth” to you, and that your financial success is “the gift of God.” Be balanced—enjoy things you want, and invest into ‘things’ that God wants.

Our Music:
Jesus warns us to be careful “how we hear,” but he doesn’t command us to become tone deaf and throw away our radios. The volume or the beat of the music are mostly inconsequential—it’s the words of the songs are where we need to focus. What we meditate on is what we become—and the godly individual will delight “in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”

Our Calendar:
We all need to make a living, so work, as God declared, is good. Spending time with family and friends is also very good. But there should also be some time where we bless and serve others with our ‘gifts’.

Our Worship:
God commands order in the assembly, but He does not require that our worship services look like a funeral service. He enjoys ‘hearing’ our praises that tend to restore “the joy of our salvation.” This shows non-believers the true joy we have in our ‘hearts’.

There are more ‘things’ you can focus on, but just remember, people are watching you! Do you live so as to lead them to ask, “Why is your life so peaceful and full of joy?”—and if they ask, you can tell them that wondrous, amazing news that “Christ Jesus is the true Light which gives light to every man who comes into the world” [ John 1:9 ]. Christ came to give us life and make us the children of God.

Christians are the light of the world. As a Christian remember that “you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” [ Ephesians 5:8 ].

So, are you willing to ‘burn’ brightly for the Lord? An illustration might help here:

To convince the people of Philadelphia of the advantage of street lighting, Benjamin Franklin decided to show his neighbors be placing one in front of his house. He purchased an attractive lantern, polished the glass, and placed it on an extended pole in front of his house. Each evening, he would light the wick and hang out the lantern. Before long all of his neighbors noticed the light and even those far up the street noticed the warm glow around his house. The people passing by his house were delighted because it made walking in the dark so much easier. Soon, other placed lanterns in front of their homes and eventually the city recognized the need for having well lighted streets.

Do you have that attractive ‘fragrance’ about you that makes people want what you have?

Well, my prayer is that ‘service’ and ‘light’ will be a part of this Advent season for you, as we together anticipate the coming of THE ‘LIGHT’ into the world—as we will celebrate in a few days what happened many years ago that ‘wondrous’ first Christmas Day!

[ Excerpts from: Faith Covenant Church; Government of Sweden; Sweden Tourism; Wikipedia; Florence Ekstrand; David Padfield; Davon Huss; Adrian Rogers ]


Lucia, Child of Light: The History And Traditions of Sweden’s Lucia Celebration
By Florence Ekstrand

Lucia was born to a prosperous Itailan family in the year 284, and died a bloody death at the young age of 20 for failing to renounce her Christian faith. She was very beautiful, and had a great devotion to the poor. For this she became a legend. How the Swedish people came to set aside a day to honor her each year (Santa Lucia Day-December 13th), is eloquently described in this book. Includes tips on celebrating your own Lucia Day.

The annual candlelit Lucia procession on 13 December is perhaps one of the more exotic-looking Swedish customs, with girls and boys clad in white full-length gowns singing songs together. Among the youngest, anyone can be Lucia; as the children get older, the competition will harden:

In Sweden, Christmas is not Christmas without saffransbullar and pepparkakor, saffron buns and gingersnaps:



LUCIA, THE BEARER OF LIGHT”:–the-bearer-of-light-sys/




[P.S.: If you would like to investigate what the Bible says about how God’s promises to give us more ‘light’, visit the following link:

If you have a ‘neat’ story or some thoughts about an issue or current event that you would like me to try to respond to, I would be glad to give it a try…so, send them to me at:

Santa Lucia is the name of the patron saint of Naples. It is also the name of Napoli’s waterfront area which gets its name from the parish sanctuary of Santa Lucia a Mare there. [ For the history of the Borgo Santa Lucia, go to: ]

The Song:
“Santa Lucia” is a traditional Neapolitan song. It was transcribed by Teodoro Cottrau (1827-1879) and published by the Cottrau firm, as a “barcarolla”, at Naples in 1849. Cottrau translated it from Napolitano into Italian during the first stage of the Risorgimento, the first Neapolitan song to be given Italian lyrics. Its transcriber, who is very often credited as its composer, was the son of the French-born Italian composer and collector of songs Guillaume Louis Cottrau (1797–1847).

The Neapolitan lyrics of ‘Santa Lucia’ celebrate the picturesque waterfront district, Borgo Santa Lucia, in the Bay of Naples, in the invitation of a boatman to take a turn in his boat, to better enjoy the cool of the evening.

In Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, and Norway, “Santa Lucia” has been given various lyrics to accommodate it to the winter-light festival of Saint Lucy, at the darkest time of the year. The three most famous lyrics versions in Swedish are Luciasången, also known by its incipit, Sankta Lucia, ljusklara hägring (“Saint Lucy, bright illusion”); Natten går tunga fjät (“The night walks with heavy steps”); and the 1970s “kindergarten” version, Ute är mörkt och kallt (“Outside it’s dark and cold”). The more common Norwegian version is Svart senker natten seg (“Black the night descends”).

[ Info is from: ].


Sul mare luccica l’astro d’argento.
Placida e l’onda, prospero il vento.
Venite all’agile barchetta mia!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!

O dolce Napoli, o suol beato,
ove sorridere volle il creato!
Venite all’agile barchetta mia!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!

English translation:
The silver star shines on the sea,
the waves are gentle, the wind is favorable.
Come to my swift little boat!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!

O dear Naples, o blessed land,
where creation was pleased to smile!
Come to my swift little boat!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!

Full version:
The silver star shimmers on the sea,
The wave is peaceful, the wind is favorable.
The silver star shimmers on the sea,
The wave is peaceful, the wind is favorable.
Come to my sprightly little boat,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Come to my sprightly little boat,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

With this breeze so sweet,
Oh, how lovely it is to be on a boat!
With this breeze so sweet,
Oh, how lovely it is to be on a boat!
Come on passengers, come away!
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Come on passengers, come away!
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Amid the sails, supper is ready
On this night so serene.
Amid the sails, supper is ready
On this night so serene,
With no demands, with no desires,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
With no demands, with no desires,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

This sea so calm, this wind so dear,
Makes the sailor forget his troubles.
This sea so calm, this wind so dear,
Makes the sailor forget his troubles.
And he is shouting cheerfully,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
And he is shouting cheerfully,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Oh sweet Naples, oh blessed land,
Where Creation wished to smile!
Oh sweet Naples, oh blessed land,
Where Creation wished to smile!
You are the realm of harmony,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
You are the realm of harmony,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Now why delay? The night is beautiful,
A cool and light breeze is blowing.
Now why delay? The night is beautiful,
A cool and light breeze is blowing.
Come to my sprightly little boat,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Come to my sprightly little boat,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Link to Italian version:

SANTA LUCIA” (Traditional Version)
[ “Neapolitan Boat Song” ]

Now ‘neath the silver moon
Ocean is glowing,
O’er the calm billow
Soft winds are blowing;
Here balmy breezes blow,
Pure joys invite us,
And as we gently row,
All things delight us.

Hark, how the sailor’s cry
Joyously echoes nigh:
Santa Lucia,
Home of fair Poesy,
Realm of pure Harmony,
Santa Lucia!

When o’er thy waters
Light winds are playing,
Thy spell can soothe us,
All care allaying;
To thee, sweet Napoli,
What charms are given,
Where smiles creation,
Toil blest by heaven.

Now in the winter night
Good folk are waiting.
See now the maid of light,
Darkness abating.
Into our hearts she walks,
Telling her story,
Candles in shining crown
Lighting her glory.

Symbol of love sublime,
Moving o’er space and time,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia.
Into this winter night,
Come, maid of shining light,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia.

When on this earth she walked,
Bravely confessing,
All to the poor she gave,
All felt her blessing.
Ever her legend grew,
Spanning each ocean.
Light of the longest night,
Maid of devotion.

Symbol of love sublime,
Moving o’er space and time,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia.
Into this winter night,
Come, maid of shining light,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia.

(Swedish Version)

Sankta Lucia, ljusklara hägring,
sprid i vår vinternatt glans av din fägring.
||: Drömmar med vingesus under oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia. :||

Kom i din vita skrud, huld med din maning.
Skänk oss, du julens brud, julfröjders aning.
||: Drömmar med vingesus, under oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia. :|| 

English Translation:
Saint Lucia, bright clear mirage, 
spread in our winter splendor of your beauty. 
| |: Dreams with wings rustling, over us prophesy, 
light your white candles, Santa Lucia. : | | 

Get your white robe, gracious with your call. 
Give us, you Christmas Bride, an idea of Christmas. 
| |: Dreams with wings rustling over us prophesy, 
light your white candles, Santa Lucia. : | |

TOMTEN” (Tomte)
(Leprechaun-live ‘creature’ associated with Santa Lucia festival)

Deep in the grip of the midwinter cold
The stars glitter and sparkle.
All are asleep on this lonely farm,
Deep in the winter night.
The pale white moon is a wanderer,
snow gleams white on pine and fir,
snow gleams white on the roofs.
The tomte alone is awake.

Gray, he stands by the low barn door,
Gray by the drifted snow,
Gazing, as many winters he’s gazed,
Up at the moon’s chill glow,
Then at the forest where fir and pine
Circle the farm in a dusky line,
Mulling relentlessly
A riddle that has no key.

Rubs his hand through his beard and hair,
Shakes his head and his cap.
“No, that question is much too deep,
I cannot fathom that.”
Then making his mind up in a hurry,
He shrugs away the annoying worry;
Turns at his own command,
Turns to the task at hand.

Goes to the storehouse and toolshop doors,
Checking the locks of all,
While the cows dream on in the cold moon’s light,
Summer dreams in each stall.
And free of harness and whip and rein,
Even Old Pålle dreams again.
The manger he’s drowsing over
Brims with fragrant clover.

The tomte glances at sheep and lambs
Cuddled in quiet rest.
The chickens are next, where the rooster roosts
High above straw filled nests.
Burrowed in straw, hearty and hale,
Karo wakens and wags his tail
As if to say, “Old friend, “Partners we are to the end.”

At last the tomte tiptoes in
To see how the housefolk fare.
He knows full well the strong esteem
They feel for his faithful care.
He tiptoes into the children’s beds,
Silently peers at their tousled heads.
There is no mistaking his pleasure:
These are his greatest treasure.

Long generations has he watched
Father to son to son
Sleeping as babes. But where, he asks,
From where, from where have they come?
Families came, families went,
Blossomed and aged, a lifetime spent,
Then-Where? That riddle again
Unanswered in his brain!

Slowly he turns to the barnyard loft,
His fortress, his home and rest,
High in the mow, in the fragrant hay
Near to the swallow’s nest.
The nest is empty, but in the spring
When birds mid leaves and blossoms sing,
And come with her tiny mate.

Then will she talk of the journey tell.
Twittering to all who hear it,
But nary a hint for the question old
That stirs in the tomte’s spirit.
Now through cracks in the haymow wall
The moon lights tomte and hay and all,
Lights his beard through the chinks,
The tomte ponders and thinks.

Still is the forest and all the land,
Locked in this wintry year.
Only the distant waterfall
Whispers and sighs in his ear.
The tomte listens and, half in dream,
Thinks that he hears Time’s endless stream,
And wonders, where is it bound?
Where is its source to be found?

Deep in the grip of the midwinter cold,
The stars glitter and sparkle.
All are asleep on this lonely farm,
Late in this winter night.
The pale white moon is a wanderer,
snow gleams white on pine and fir,
snow gleams white on the roofs.
The tomte alone is awake.


Lucia Buns” (Saffron Bread)
[ “Lussekatter” ]

A saffron bun, Swedish lussebulle or lussekatt, is a rich, spiced yeast-leavened sweet bun that is flavoured with saffron and cinnamon or nutmeg and contains currants similar to a teacake. The main ingredients are plain flour, butter, yeast, caster sugar, currants and sultanas. Larger versions baked in a loaf tin are known as saffron cake.

(Swedish Spice Cookies)


All ye saints of light proclaim,
Jesus, the Light of the world;
Life and mercy in His name,
Jesus, the light of the world.

We’ll walk in the light, beautiful light,
Come where the dew-drops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.

Hear the Savior’s earnest call,
Jesus, the Light of the world;
Send the Gospel truth to all,
Jesus, the Light of the world.

Why not seek Him then today,
Jesus, the Light of the world;
Go with truth the narrow way,
Jesus, the Light of the world.

Come, confess Him as your king,
Jesus, the Light of the world;
Then the bells of Heav’n will ring,
Jesus, the Light of the world.

[ Gather Band ]


You called me in to Your glorious light
I will not fear ’cause I’m walking with You and talking with You
From Heaven You came to show me lifeYou are the light of the world
You are the light of my life
Hope of the earth, my JesusYou called me in to Your glorious light
I will not fear ’cause I’m walking with You and talking with You
From Heaven You came to show me life

You are the light of the world
You are the light of my life
Hope of the earth, my Jesus
You are the light of the world
You are the light of my life
Hope of the earth, my Jesus

I’m gonna be a light and let it shine
Be a light and let it shine
I’m gonna be a light and let it shine
Be a light and let it shine
I’m gonna be a light and let it shine
Be a light and let it shine
I’m gonna be a light and let it shine
Be a light and let it shine

You are the light of the world
You are the light of my life
Hope of the earth, my Jesus
You are the light of the world
You are the light of my life
Hope of the earth, my Jesus

I’m gonna be a light and let it shine
Be a light and let it shine…
Be a light and let it shine…
Be a light and let it shine…
Be a light and let it shine…
Be a light and let it shine…

[ By: Hillsong Kids ]


There is a candle in every soul
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
There is a Spirit who brings fire
Ignites a candle and makes His home

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world

Frustrated brother, see how he’s tried to
Light his own candle some other way
See now your sister, she’s been robbed and lied to
Still holds a candle without a flame

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world

We are a family whose hearts are blazing
So let’s raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest times

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world

[ Songwriter: Chris Rice ]

By Kathy Troccoli:


“The darkness of this world can only be cured by the LIGHT of the One Who created it.” [ Rachel Wojnarowski ]

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
[ Martin Luther King Jr. ]

“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”
[ William Shakespeare ]


Hope you enjoyed some of these insights—share them with your friends and colleagues—so we can have a larger ‘pool’ to receive from, and more to share with! Also, remember to include your name as the “source,” if some of this wisdom is of your doing—I would like to give credit where credit is due!

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” [ Matthew 5:14-16 ]



Disclaimer: All the above jokes & inspirations are obtained from various sources and copyright are used when known. Other than our name and headers, we do not own the copyright to any of the materials sent to this list. We just want to spread the ministry of God’s love and cheerfulness throughout the world.

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