Concept ‘Clarification’ [v208]

JUNE 2016

Concept ‘Clarification’

Concept development is a set of activities that are carried out in the early stages of a product design to collect and prioritize operational needs and challenges, develop alternative concepts to meet the needs, and select a preferred one as the basis for subsequent development and implementation. The success of the subsequent development of a solution can be critically dependent on the soundness of the foundation that is laid during the concept development stage.

One of the first developed models that companies still use today for the New Product Development (NPD) process is the Booz, Allen and Hamilton (BAH) Model, published in 1982. This model represents the foundation of all the other models that have been developed since. Significant work has been conducted in order to propose better models, but all of these models can be easily linked back to the BAH model. The seven steps of BAH model are: New product strategy; Idea generation; Screening and evaluation; Business analysis; Development; Testing; and Commercialization.

As a subset of the entire model, the generic “product design” development process—for most industries—looks like this:

– Idea Generation/Brainstorming
– Idea Screening/Feasibility Study (“Fuzzy Front End”)
– Idea Selection
– Concept Development/Targets
– Foundational Design/Prototype
– Testing/Evaluation
– Refinement
– Focus Groups
– Detailed Design/Implementation
– Production
– Launch


Well, if you look back at the past five “Life’s Deep Thoughts” posts, you will find that I have been going through sort of a “product development” process myself for a concept that associates the “Beatitudes” and the “fruit of the Spirit” from the Bible.

After writing separate posts about the “Beatitudes” and the “fruit of the Spirit”—and how these are probably the ‘quintessential’ teaching of Jesus for us, and how to focus on becoming more like Jesus—I was ‘prompted’ to “brainstorm” about the concept that these two disparate sections of the Bible just might have some type of association.

I then did some “concept development” the next month, writing about the correspondence between them when I ‘paired’ them up side-by-side (in the same order they appear in the Bible).

The next month I did some “prototyping” of how I might help someone remember the associations—discussing how the “reminder” can prompt us to rewire the brain and help us form new habits. I created a ‘placard’ that summarized the reminders that were associated with pairings.

Last month I did some “refinement” of the concept. I further discussed how most people depend on “willpower” to make a significant change in one’s life—but even though the human being has proven it can do some ‘amazing’ things by not giving up, being determined, and applying a lot of willpower, there is a ‘power’ available to us that takes ‘willpower’ to a WHOLE NEW ‘LEVEL’! That would be the ‘empowerment’ of the HOLY SPIRIT of God.

In the past month, I’ve been pretty busy with the concept—doing some “testing,” “evaluation,” and “focus groups.” Just as any company would do in this phase of the development process, putting the design through its paces physically (like taking a car on the race track, or putting a product into to the hands of some professionals), or presenting an abstract idea to experts in the particular field the idea is related to. So, that’s what I did with what I am calling the “FRUITS OF THE BEATITUDES.” I sent the idea to a bunch of pastors and church ‘elders’ (of different denominations) and to some very mature Christians to get their thoughts. (I later also sent it to ‘non experts—like new Christians and people of nominal or different faiths—to get their thoughts, too).

All this outside input is very valuable. The thing is, a Christian has access to an ‘evaluator’ that is even better than the most seasoned experts—that, again, would be the Holy Spirit.

I then personally prayed that the Holy Spirit would give me discernment and ‘CLARIFICATION’ about the concept.


So, you may ask, how would I recognize the Holy Spirit’s guidance? How would I discern between my own thoughts and His leading? After all, the Holy Spirit does not ‘speak’ with audible words. Rather, He guides Christians through many subtle ways—through the Bible; prayer; other believers; and in current and past circumstances.

The Holy Spirit primarily speaks to us through the Bible—that He inspired to be written. Often the answer that we need to hear has already been written, and the Holy Spirit simply brings it to mind by having us read a certain passage, chapter, or book (John 16:12–14). He will also bring specific Scriptures to mind at times when we need them most (John 14:26).

An accurate knowledge of the Bible can help us to discern whether or not our desires are coming from the Holy Spirit. We must test our inclinations against Scripture—the Holy Spirit will never prompt us to do anything contrary to the Bible. If it conflicts with the Bible, then it is not from the Holy Spirit, and should be ignored. Through consistent exposure of the Bible, we will gain greater confidence in hearing the voice of the Spirit.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work [ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ].

It is also necessary for us to be in continual prayer about our concern (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Not only does this keep our hearts and minds open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, but it also allows the Spirit to speak on our behalf: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will” [ Romans 8:26–27 ].

We must also be ‘listening’—the voice of the Holy Spirit is gentle and quiet, and sometimes very difficult for us to hear when we don’t pay close attention. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” [ Mark 6:31 ].

We are sometimes too busy to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. He is gentle and patiently waits for us to ‘hunger’ for His presence in our lives. Being quiet before the Lord is more than just not talking. It’s quieting your anxious thoughts and meditating on the Bible as you wait to hear from Him. We need to find a good place where we can sit before Him uninterrupted by other distractions.

Also, by choosing to humble ourselves in being quiet, prepared, aware, open, ready, and patient—we will hear His voice more clearly. The Holy Spirit is a gift of God’s grace to Christians, so open your ‘gift’ wisely and be blessed by His presence.

We can gain even more wisdom by drawing on the experience of other Christians—especially the ‘mature’ ones that have been hearing the Holy Spirit for many years. In addition to individuals, the Holy Spirit associates us into a community of other believers (primarily a church). He distributes His ‘gifts’ so that we can work together and benefit from one another’s strengths (1 Corinthians 12:7). In the same way, we can help one another hear the Holy Spirit because we each have different experiences of how God works in our lives. Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety [ Proverbs 11:14 ].

Circumstances are another experiential means of “testing the Spirit.” We may be presented with an open ‘door’ of opportunity, or it may be closed. Obstacles may test our convictions, or prompt us to consider whether we have correctly understood the Holy Spirit’s directions. They force us to think again, to check with Scripture, and to check with others who have spiritual maturity.

Back in the apostle Paul’s day, he was lead by the Holy Spirit by certain circumstances. Something would happen and present a closed ‘door’ to what he was planning to do. On his second missionary journey to share the gospel in Asia, he repeatedly found the way ‘blocked’ by the Holy Spirit by a variety of circumstances. Eventually the apostle was stuck in Troas with the sea before him and closed doors behind.

The Bible does not record how long he and Timothy lingered in Troas, but we can be sure that the apostle did not move until the Holy Spirit revealed the entrance to a new mission field.

Christians in a period of watchful waiting should view the situation as a chance to seek not only God’s purpose but also the Holy Spirit’s guidance. This is the time to ask the Holy Spirit why He has barred the way forward—perhaps the timing is wrong or there is a need to deal with unconfessed sin. Whatever the reason, we must be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading. We want to be ready for the door when it opens.

When an opportunity is blocked, God has a reason. He may be preparing you for something even ‘bigger’ than what you are planning. When one door has closed, a greater one is about to open. Be wise and watch for it. “The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps” [ Proverbs 16:9 ].

We can also hear the Holy Spirit through current and past experiences. Through experiences, we can realize how He has answered our prayers and led us in past situations. This will help us recognize his ‘voice’ when He speaks to us in the present. Experience comes through time, submission and meditation. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” [ 2 Chronicles 7:14 ].


So, hopefully you understand that, as a Christian, you don’t have to do something by your own ‘power’, or to walk blind. You can have the confidence that you will hear the Holy Spirit’s voice. The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 8:14, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Conversely, this Scripture implies that if we are God’s children, we WILL BE LED by His Holy Spirit.

We have further assurance of this promise in Psalms, “The steps of a good (righteous, born-again) person are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand” [ Psalms 37:23 and 24 ]. God will order our steps, and even when we don’t ‘get it’ the first time, if we are truly trying to do His will, He will be patient with us and give us a second chance.

The most difficult part of hearing the Holy Spirit is the fact that it takes time to learn to discern His voice—and it takes a humble heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13 says, “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

The writer of Proverbs describes the way that our thoughts and intentions line up with God’s will when we submit ourselves fully to Him. “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed” [ Proverbs 16:3 ].

My ‘life verse’ makes it even more plain. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” [ Proverbs 3:5-6 ].

So, YES IT IS POSSIBLE to hear the ‘voice’ of the Holy Spirit, and leads us in the right direction—when we learn to listen. Jesus emphasized this by telling His disciples, “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come” [ John 16:13 ].


All this to say that I’ve been very prayerful and actively ‘listening’ to the Holy Spirit about how the “Fruits Of The Beatitudes” should be structured. With the help of many godly ‘human’ counselors—as well as the Holy Spirit—instead of matching of the “Beatitudes” to the “fruit of the Spirit” side-by-side (as they appear in the Scriptures), these new pairings are more ‘literal’.

These associations connect the fruit of the Spirit that closely relates to the intent of each Beatitude:

– Pure In Heart >>> Love
– Poor In Spirit >>> Joy
– Mourning >>> Peace
– Persecuted >>> Patience
– Merciful >>> Kindness
– Righteousness >>> Goodness
– Peacemaker >>> Faithfulness
– Meekness >>> Gentleness
– Insulted >>> Self-Control


After all the brainstorming, conceptual development, refinement, testing, evaluation, and focus groups, I have “LAUNCHED” A WEB SITE that will help you focus on these ‘quintessential’ teachings of Jesus—so you can become more like Him, and become the kind of person that God WILL BLESS!

[ The web site presents a lot of the details that are ‘behind’ the development of the concept, so if you are interested in how I came up with the associations, click on the following link: ].


BUT, if you are ‘anxious’ to develop the character quality that Jesus is stating in the “Beatitudes” and develop the actions of the “fruit of the Spirit, then GET STARTED NOW…there’s just 3 SIMPLE STEPS >>>



It is a nicely formatted ‘poster’ that shows the pairings and the three “reminders” (which you can receive in your e-mail):
“Fruits Of The Beatitudes” Placard


2 – Get FREE DAILY ‘REMINDERS’ of the “Fruits Of The Beatitudes”

You will receive three pairings (a “Beatitude” and a “fruit of the Spirit”) each day, for nine days (just two simple phrases from the placard). The first pair with two ‘actions’ at 8 am, the second pair at 12:00 noon, and the last pair at 4 pm (Eastern Time, USA). The three summaries will be sent on the tenth day.


E-mail Subject Line:

E-mail ‘Body’ Text:
PURE IN HEART: Have integrity; Keep your promises
LOVE: Love your ‘neighbor’ as yourself

They start on the 1st of the month and end on the 10th of the month. Since habits usually take at least 21 days to ‘stick’ (and sometimes longer), the reminders will then ‘restart’ from the beginning on the 11th through the 20th—and then from the 21st to the 30th. (You will get a ‘special’ message on those months with 31 days). Also, I will not send you anything else (not related to the “F.O.T.B.”), I will not ‘share’ your e-mail address with anyone else, and you can discontinue at any time.

Click here to get the DAILY F.O.T.B. “REMINDERS”:


3 – PURCHASE “Reminder” BRACELETS (Optional)

It has been proven that if one actually ‘puts on’ an object, it helps them remember that certain ‘goal’ that want to achieve—greatly enhancing one’s success in making a habit ‘stick’. This also ‘encourages’ you to read the ‘pairing’ and emphasizes the reminder before you start your day—and ‘subconsciously’ reminds your during your day.

I have inexpensive printed SILICONE BRACELETS (primarily for the youth); leather and stainless steel ‘WATCH’ BANDS (primarily for the men); and CRYSTAL BRACELETS (Swarovski) with ‘clip on’ charms (primarily for the women):


I would VERY MUCH LIKE YOUR COMMENTS or experiences with this concept—so share them on the BLOG:


So, when one is involved in the development of a ‘product’ (or service) there are many uncertainties and challenges throughout the process which you will face. Using a process model like the “BAH” will definitely be helpful, but there is a ‘consultant’ that can ELIMINATE ALL THE BARRIERS—the Holy Spirit of God!


[ Excerpts from: Wikipedia; Crystal McDowell; Craig von Buseck ]


If you would like to ‘give’ your life to Jesus, you can do it right now—right where you are. There’s no magical words to say, you just need to believe in your ‘heart’ that God’s own Son, Jesus Christ, is God in the flesh, rose from the dead, and is alive today—and when He died on the cross, He took your place as your substitute sacrifice for your sins. If you sincerely believe this, then admit you are a sinner, confess your sins, and that you will trust Jesus alone for your salvation, committing your life to His service.

You could say something like the following (in your own words if you would like):

Dear Lord Jesus,
 I understand that I am a sinner, and I can’t save myself. I sincerely repent of my sins, and ask You for forgiveness and mercy. I believe that You died on the cross as my substitute, paying my sin debt in full so that I could receive Your forgiveness and have eternal life. I ask You to come into my life right now and become my personal Savior. From this day forward, I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and ask you to send the Holy Spirit into my life, to take control, and guide me be the kind of person you want me to be. Give me a ‘new beginning’, and help me to live for You. Amen.




“How to Listen to God
By: Dr. Charles F. Stanley

Often the purity and the freshness of your initial experience with God becomes clouded by the daily routine of life. The clamor of other voices obscures your hearing, leaving you confused and frustrated with your relationship with God.

How to Listen to God helps you distinguish God’s voice from all the others. Dr. Charles Stanley shares personal lessons in listening and discusses:

Why God wants to communicate with you
How God gets your attention
Four ways God speaks to you
Scriptural guidelines for recognizing God’s voice
The joys and fruits from listening to God
Ten hindrances to hearing God
Your relationship and attitude to God can be free from distortion. Learn to listen to the God who wants to speak to you.

His voice waits to be heard and, having heard it, we are launched into the greatest, most exciting adventure we could ever imagine.

Embraced by the Spirit: The Untold Blessings of Intimacy with God
By: Charles R. Swindoll

Embraced by the Spirit is a highly insightful book that comes alongside believers who are running on empty, who are hungry for more, and eager to experience all the blessings God has in store. Swindoll is convinced we overlook, even quench important dimensions of the Spirit. To be vital, joyful Christians, he believes we must find a more spontaneous, intimate, and dynamic relationship with God. Swindoll provides new insight as well as drawing on previously published material from his archives to create a fresh take on the Holy Spirit.

When the Spirit Speaks: Touched by God’s Word
By: Peter and Debbie Herbeck

A simple book…a collection of stories from people whose lives have been touched and changed by the Holy Spirit. —From the Introduction

A quiet word from God, heard in the depth of one’s heart, can lift burdens and liberate the soul. Everyday, ordinary people have had just such an experience of God. These stories of unexpected encounters with the Holy Spirit will encourage, refresh and strengthen you.

From the gift of a bottle of soy sauce to the healing of the fear of death to the restoration of a damaged relationship, in all of these ways and more the Spirit reveals God’s intimate knowledge of our needs. When the Spirit Speaks will lead the reader into greater trust of God’s saving power.

Listening as the Holy Spirit Speaks
By: Les L. Peoples

Enlightening, Conscience or Spirit, the Giver of Gifts, Eternity, Shown the Way

The Spirit Speaks : The Holy Spirit Speaks about Things You Would Not Believe
By: Cheryl Y. James

“Establishing a personal relationship with The Holy Spirit is vital for every Christian and believer in Christ. This is a requirement in order to effectively carry out the will and Word of God to the world at large. It was a pre-requisite for the disciples, before they were allowed to begin their mission work in sharing Christ with the world. The same applies to us. There are many who share and speak God’s Word without the lead of The Holy Spirit. The Question should be: is their mission work considered effective?

The Holy Spirit and power of God, the free gift, the authority, and provider of every need, is our most important and vital need. To receive and resonate power, we must be connected to the power source and supplier of power. Do you really know The Lord today? Ask, and it shall be given unto you, seek, and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you! Speak Holy Spirit…….

Hearing God’s Voice: How Hearing God will cause You to Live Victoriously
By: Kehinde Adesina

Do you desire to hear the voice of God clearly? Do you want God to give you wisdom for just about every area of your life and every decision you have to make? If these are the desires of your heart, then hearing God’s voice will become real in your life. The Heavenly Father is not far away; rather He is right here waiting for us to call out to Him. And when we do, we will hear His voice speaking directly to us. God is always speaking, and it is up to us, His chosen generation, to hear and obey His words. This book will remind you of who God is and who He wants to be in your life. You will learn how to be sensitive to God’s Spirit, what the Obstacles are to hearing God’s Voice, the Consequences of failing to hear God when He speaks and the importance of hearing His Voice.

Speak Lord, I’m Listening: How to Hear God’s Voice Above the Noise
By: Larry Kreider

Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice,” but many Christians do not know how to hear from God. In this practical, story-rich guidebook, international teacher Larry Kreider shows believers how to develop a listening relationship with the Lord. Speak Lord, I’m Listening explores the multiple ways Christians can hear the voice of God in today’s world. It offers real-life examples of how God teaches His followers to listen. Contains tips in each chapter for distinguishing His voice from the noise of Satan’s interference. Christians across the denominational spectrum will develop a closer and deeper relationship with God as they learn fifty unique ways to listen to Him. You will realize that God was speaking to you all along but, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, you didn’t know it was Him!

Hearing from God Each Morning: 365 Daily Devotions
By: Joyce Meyer

In the hustle and bustle of today’s busy world, sometimes it’s hard enough to hear yourself think, much less take a minute to stop and listen for the voice of God. But learning to recognize God’s voice and the many ways in which He speaks is vital for following His plan. This devotional; drawing from How to Hear From God, Knowing God Intimately, and The Power Of Simple Prayer shows the reader through a daily reminder, how God speaks through their own thoughts and feelings, their dreams, and the words of other people. Joyce Meyer reveals the ways in which God delivers His word and the benefits of asking God for the sensitivity to hear His voice. Joyce asks the question, “Are you listening?” and shares how to do just that…on a daily basis.


(The ATTITUDES of Jesus that produce the CHARACTER of Jesus)


[ Mark Besh ]


[ P.S.: If you would like to investigate further about what the Bible has to say about producing certain traits in our lives, visit the following link: ].



If you have a ‘neat’ story or some thoughts about an issue or current event that you would like me to try to respond to, I would be glad to give it a try…so, send them to me at:



In business and engineering, new product development (NPD) is the complete process of bringing a new product to market. New product development is described in the literature as the transformation of a market opportunity into a product available for sale[1] and it can be tangible (that is, something physical you can touch) or intangible (like a service, experience, or belief). A good understanding of customer needs and wants, the competitive environment and the nature of the market represent the top required factors for the success of a new product.[2] Cost, time and quality are the main variables that drive the customer needs. Aimed at these three variables, companies develop continuous practices and strategies to better satisfy the customer requirements and increase their market share by a regular development of new products. There are many uncertainties and challenges throughout the process which companies must face. The use of best practices and the elimination of barriers to communication are the main concerns for the management of NPD process. [ More… ]

[ Wikipedia ]

Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was introduced by engineer Bill Smith while working at Motorola in 1986.[1][2] Jack Welch made it central to his business strategy at General Electric in 1995.[3] Today, it is used in many industrial sectors.[4]

Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of the output of a process by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, mainly empirical, statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization, who are experts in these methods. Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has specific value targets, for example: reduce process cycle time, reduce pollution, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and increase profits.

The term Six Sigma originated from terminology associated with statistical modeling of manufacturing processes. The maturity of a manufacturing process can be described by a sigma rating indicating its yield or the percentage of defect-free products it creates. A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of all opportunities to produce some feature of a part are statistically expected to be free of defects (3.4 defective features per million opportunities). Motorola set a goal of “six sigma” for all of its manufacturing operations, and this goal became a by-word for the management and engineering practices used to achieve it. [ More… ]

[ Wikipedia ]

What am I going to do with the rest of my life? Where should I go to school? Should I take this job, or is there something better on the horizon? Who should I marry?

Life is a never-ending series of choices. Can we know whether we are making the right decisions? Should we consult our horoscope? Maybe we should call the psychic hot-line? Do we go with what the experts are saying or rely on our gut-feeling?

Should we look to the stars — or should we seek the Maker of the stars?

– Scripture
– Speaking To Our Heart
– The Prophetic
– Godly Counsel
– Confirmation
– Peace of God
– Circumstances/Timing

[ More… ]

[ Craig von Buseck ]

Is it possible to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit? Jesus told His disciples, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13).

The Holy Spirit is available to those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. He speaks to our hearts and leads us in the right direction when we learn to listen. The Holy Spirit has been described as wind (John 3:8), a dove (Mark 1:10), and a gift (Acts 2:38). The Spirit of God can be grieved and quenched by disobedient believers. However, it is possible to hear the voice of the Spirit when believers humble themselves to:

– Be Quiet
– Be Prepared
– Be Aware
– Be Open
– Be Patient

Are You Listening?

[ More… ]

[ Crystal McDowell ]

Parody of “I Got You (I Feel Good)” by James Brown

I feel God—I do that a lot now
I feel God—I do that a lot now
So what? So what?
How ‘bout you?

I feel Christ—His Spirit’s inside
I feel Christ—His Spirit’s inside
For life! For life!
How ‘bout you?
Man, I told you He’s my Lord
You know that I can’t do no more
And when I told you He’s my Lord
The Lord put proof in my heart
And I feel Christ—His Spirit’s inside
I feel Christ—His Spirit’s inside
For life! For life!
How ‘bout you?

Man, I told you He’s my Lord
You know that I can’t do no more
And when I told you He’s my Lord
The Lord put proof in my heart
And I feel Christ—His Spirit’s inside
I feel Christ—His Spirit’s inside
For life! For life!
How ‘bout you?

I feel God—I do that a lot now
I feel God—I do that a lot
So what? So what?
How ‘bout you?
So what? So what?
How ‘bout you?
So what? So what?
How ‘bout you?

[ ApologetiX – “Transformed Soul” album ]



“Sometimes I feel so helpless and inadequate, and wonder if I have done enough to make the Gospel clear. But I also know that only the Holy Spirit can open others’ eyes to the truth.”
[ Billy Graham ]

“Listening in the spiritual life is much more than a psychological strategy to help others discover themselves. In the spiritual life the listener is not the ego, which would like to speak but is trained to restrain itself, but the Spirit of God within us. When we are baptised in the Spirit – that is, when we have received the Spirit of Jesus as the breath of God breathing within us – that Spirit creates in us a sacred space where the other can be received and listened to. The Spirit of Jesus prays in us and listens in us to all who come to us with their sufferings and pains.

When we dare to fully trust in the power of God’s Spirit listening in us, we will see true healing occur.”
[ Henri J.M. Nouwen ]

“The Holy Spirit does not speak to a soul that is distracted and garrulous. He speaks by His quiet inspirations to a soul that is recollected, to a soul that knows how to keep silence.”
[ Maria Faustina Kowalska ]

“Prayer is standing in the presence of God with the mind in the heart; that is, at that point of our being where there are no divisions or distinctions and where we are totally one. There God’s Spirit dwells and there the great encounter takes place. There heart speaks to heart, because there we stand before the face of the Lord, all-seeing, with us.”
[ Henri J.M. Nouwen ]


I hope you enjoyed some of these insights—share them with your friends and colleagues—so we can have a larger ‘pool’ to receive from, and more to share with! Also, remember to include your name as the “source,” if some of this wisdom is of your doing—I would like to give credit where credit is due!

“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come” [ John 16:13 ].


Disclaimer: All the above jokes & inspirations are obtained from various sources and copyright are used when known. Other than our name and headers, we do not own the copyright to any of the materials sent to this list. We just want to spread the ministry of God’s love and cheerfulness throughout the world.

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